FuelSystem.vspec: VariationPoint: #FuelTank - CAR #include CarFuelTank.vspec - TRUCK #include TruckFuelTank.vspec --------------------------------------- CarFuelTank.vspec: TankCapacity: datatype: float type: attribute unit: l description: Capacity of the fuel tank in liters. AbsoluteLevel: datatype: float type: sensor unit: l description: Current available fuel in the fuel tank expressed in liters. RelativeLevel: datatype: uint8 type: sensor unit: percent min: 0 max: 100 description: Level in fuel tank as percent of capacity. 0 = empty. 100 = full. --------------------------------------------------- TruckFuelTank.vspec: FuelTanks: type: branch description: Contains the different fuel tanks. FuelTanks.MainFuelTank: type: branch description: The main fuel tank.