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Comment: Today's minutes

(star) This contains just some minutes.  Main project page here.

July 03, 2018


  • Christoph Lipka
  • Guru R
  • Sang bum Suh
  • Sriram 
  • Nikola 
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe


  • *technical summit*, 10-11 October, Bangalore, India
  • Milestones, deliverables, and workplan.
  • API standardization – VIRTIO intro!
  • Plan for GENIVI Tech Summit in Bangalore
    • 10-11 October, Bangalore, India
  • HV track:  Main setup. 
    • 1) Present selected challenges and info from input material from HV workshop at AMM 
    • 2) Present results so far from workstreams - Use-case/Requirement→Architecture, and API standards
    • 3) Planned future work in workstreams.
    • 4) Collaborative session / workshop (new participants)
  • Gunnar: On 1), there were a lot of really good and thoughtful challenges discussed at the workshop.  We should inform our Tech Summit audience (many new people) about the best parts.
  • How many participants are expected?
  • PR: This is the first of the Tech Summit format, previously AMMs.  Working target is around 300 people.
  • Where can I find out more?
  • PR: It was announced in the most recent Member's Newsletter.  You can expect a Wiki page to appear soon.

Text below taken from the newsletter:

  GENIVI Announces Schedule for Fall Technical Summit in India

Many will remember that in 2018, GENIVI moved from a two member meeting per 
year model to a single, large member meeting in the spring and 1-2 more 
regional technical summits in the fall.  The details for one of those 
summits are nearing completion and GENIVI wants to get this important event 
into your calendars immediately.

On 10-11 October, GENIVI will hold a technical summit in Bangalore, India. 
The summit will expand on two active projects within the vehicle domain 
interaction strategy, notably Graphics Sharing and Hypervisors.  The agenda 
will be finalized during coming weeks; however, GENIVI has in mind three 
primary goals:

     * Provide an overview of the GENIVI Alliance, its projects, and recent 
deliverables, to an audience that may have not been able to attend recent 
member meetings
     To inform and engage a technical audience in the work of our domain 
interaction projects starting with Distributed Graphics and Hypervisors
     To equip developers with hands-on experience using APIs, reference 
code and supporting documentation so that they can produce software that 
delivers solutions needed for domain interaction challenges.

The summit will be held at the Sheraton Grand Hotel at Brigade Gateway and 
will begin at 9:00 am on 10 October and end at 4:00 pm on 11 October.  A 
networking reception will be held at the end of the first day. 
Registration for the event will open on 1 August.

Please consider attending this important technical event and should your 
organization be interested in sponsoring the event, please contact Karin 
Hanson, GENIVI Event Manager for more information on opportunities available

  • AI:(All):  Work to secure participation in the tech summit (discuss within your companies).


  • Matti: presents the wiki page he created. Some progress at the ALS Summit in Japan where Ralf made a presentation. (As originally discussed in GENIVI workshop, and thereafter), the idea is to have a platform runtime for the virtio guests that are OS independent, this will enable customers to move the guests from platform to  platform (ie a vehicle ecu to a cloud environment)
  • ..discussion on AGL way of positioning their work on HV
  • Sang bum: imho AGL project is trying to create to an equivalent of a Android platform, (because it was the goal of Tizen also)
  • Gunnar: Perhaps.  A Linux distribution, I would call it.  
  • Sang bum: GENIVI can rather provide a framework and architectural vision discussion on standardization work, where AGL can be one possible Linux system.
  • Gunnar: AGL is one possible Linux system.  As such it can be run in what we will describe.
  • Gunnar:  (I don't understand the relationship between AGL project and proprietary hypervisors and proprietary operating systems.  At least now GENIVI is covering the scope of interaction between whatever the industry wants to run, including possibly non-Linux operating systems, and commercial hypervisors.  It seems an appropriate scope of work for GENIVI.  The defined virtual platform should allow for any such combination (that the industry needs).


Process improvement

  • having a dedicated HV project mailing list ?

Planned absences

26-7/13/08 christoph
24/7-31/7 nikola not available, same for 7/8 TBC
end of September - sang bum
15/7-21/7 Guru
absence a few weeks, probably some time in July-Aug Gunnar
9/7-13/7 & 1/8-15/8 Philippe
no upcoming holiday before mid-October Matti

June 26, 2018


  • Christoph
  • Sang bum
  • Sriram
  • Nikola
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe


  • Birds Eye View / Surround View could be possibly only implemented in the Android Partition and may not be available as part of early RVC
  • Following are options for supporting such a use case through out the lifetime of a IVI session ( from startup to shutdown)
    • Everything in Vehicle domain ( Basic as well as advanced view ) => No handover / arbitration required with any other domain
    • Basic implementation in Vehicle domain + Advanced implementation in Linux/Android domain => Handover / arbitration of camera stream is required
    • Everything in Linux/Android domain ( Basic as well as advanced ) =>
    • Dedicated partition ( potentially a third domain besides Vehicle and Android/Linux domain) that does everything
  • What are the implications for Hypervisor? 
    • Constraint as of today in Android : Cannot do early RVC within 2 seconds.. however that is on the roadmap
    • Linux does not have this constraint as it is completely Open Architecture and free from Compability aspects 
  • Solutions for early camera systems
    • Snapshot / Hibernation speeds up boot and production solutions with < 2 seconds camera is possible
    • Example from a camera product( high end camera )
    • No safety aspects in consideration in the above example; non-automotive
  • Load time of hypervisor ~ 100 ms

June 19, 2018


  • VIRTIO intro
  • Use Case → Architecture → Problem Statement → Results


  • The need for a shared vocabulary again
  • Nikola: API standards like VIRTIO should apply to Type1/Type2 equally
  • Is libvirt implementation a useful addition to the plain specification? - is it really widely used? 
  • Discussing project scope & results
    • ...
  • Plan: Discuss use case per meeting
  • Discussing rear-view camera case once more
    • E.g. long-booting kernel require another solution for camera
    • Common solution:  Bootloader → early-boot program runs camera → later on there is some type of hand-over
    • Gunnar: As discussed last week, a small core (on SoC) usually handle the wake-up scenario.  That in itself is not requiring a HV.  But what runs next is what we should discuss.
    • Nikola: A Type 2 HV can run processes (e.g. camera) separate from a large kernel.  It can continue running that in fact, so no hand-over required.
      • Also possible with Type-1 (which is assumed to be small), which runs a small partition for camera
    • Safety requirements.
    • Android have now published some of their early camera proposals → link?

June 12, 2018


  • getting everybody updated
  • review of critical use cases.


  • AOB
  • Technical summit  - Fall 2018 (week starting on October 8, location: Bangalore, India)
    • Philippe: informs the group that the topics selected for discussion in the summit are related to graphics sharing and hypervisors
    • Sriram: coins the idea of inviting xviser, an HV open source project whose maintainer is based in Bangalore, can reach out to him for a possible presentation, link:
    • Franz: what are the results we need to talk about ?
    • Gunnar: [not captured]
    • Kai: what would be the prerequisites to deliver a demo there ?
    • /TODO/ Philippe gather and provide info about the session schedule and space for demos at the Technical Summit
  • Adjourned: 11:05am CET
  • next week
    • review of Opensynergy inputs on virtual device drivers

June 5, 2018


  • getting everybody updated
  • review of critical use cases.


  • getting everybody updated: we have currently 3 threads active
    • device driver virtualization (prepared by Matti)
    • AGL paper review (prepared by Nikola)
    • critical use cases (prepared by Sriram)
  • device driver virtualization
    • Matti cannot attend today's call, got the clearance to provide his inputs, will upload them in the wiki today, topic for next week
  • critical use cases
    • Sriram presents the critical use cases wiki page and his views on how APIs can be identified allocated in an instrument cluster context
    • Sriram: this is WIP, will add block diagrams
    • Sriram: details the assumptions and the use cases
    • Gunnar: we need to check how these use cases fit with the domain interacti
  • more on use case / scenario #1 - Rear view Camera at Startup
    • Sriram: the rear view camera can be Ethernet connected, or LVDS connected, rather than analog cameras (converted to digital)
    • you still need to compose the camera output with the park assistant
    • it is a data stream available on a certain port
    • Ethernet  based cameras would be a good use case to start with
  • discussion
    • Sang-bum: AGL paper talks about resource allocation on top of hypervisors (linux VM, Android VM)
    • Albert: we need to make a distinction between various partitions (safe, secure, others), it is a very complex landscape, IMHO that cannot be solved with one HV, first of all we have to focus on the safety critical part (Autosar based) based on type 1 HV and look at type 2 HV for other applications (e.g. linux containers, etc.)
    • Gunnar: we are not at this step of describing a solution using type 1 and/or type 2
    • Sang bum: we need to make a decision on our scope type 1 only and/or upper layers with sw virtualization
    • /TODO/ Albert provide a problem statement for next week (for instance on the rear view camera)
    • Kai: IMHO in order to be concrete with safety, we need to address ASIL levels which is a far-reaching goal, we should first focus on requirements like boot time and data throughput and latency bounds which current HV technologies have problem to comply with
    • Kai: most OEMS are a bit hesitating because they are not convinced HV will meet performance requirements
    • Sang bum: what about VMs on top of an HV ?
    • Kai: first need is to run legacy code and to have different sw islands to run them
    • Sang bum: IMHO para-virtualization is included in the scope of solutions
    • Sang bum: state of the art is that silicon supports virtualization, we do not need para-virtualization
    • Sang bum: in GENIVI we could runLMbench on linux on top of HVs and make performance measurements
    • discussion on performance benchmarking (for audio for instance)
    • Gunnar: this benchmarking is an industry effort, would start this by having this group agree on the method to do the measures
    • Albert: not sure, we did this benchmarking already
    • Sriram: I will add KPI to the use cases I have provided, we need to treat each problem statement, we have the right group to do the job
    • Sang bum: Android ? running on the fly of Android applications  is another use case, using this approach OEMs could avoid Google certification
    • Gunnar: asks every participant to provide his views in the wiki
    • /TODO/ All provide inputs on the various problem statements in the wiki page
  • next week
    • review of Opensynergy inputs on virtual device drivers

May 29, 2018



  • more feedback from other participants who did not attend today's call
  • Opensynergy inputs on virtual device drivers (if internal go was given)

May 22, 2018


  • Kai Lampka (Elektrobit)
  • Gayathri PP (Tata Elxsi)
  • Matti Möll (OpenSynergy)
  • Nikola Velinov (GHS)
  • Sriram Gopalan (KPIT)
  • Philippe (GENIVI)
  • Gunnar (GENIVI)


  • Nikola study and summarize AGL whitepaper, in particular looking for basis for defining "the virtual platform", and of course requirements, use-cases, etc.  Use Wiki page to summarize.
  • Sriram - Write down cases / concrete architecture examples / specific challenge (such as, audio startup&latency in a particular architecture)

May 15, 2018

No posted minutes

May 8, 2018


Discussion on – see the title Device Standardization on main page: Hypervisor Project


Matti: I would like to start the standardization topic by writing down a proposal.l

April 19, 2018
(Full-day All Member Meeting Workshop)

Please see the Hypervisor Workshop Schedule at Munich AMM page for schedule, speakers, participants and meeting minutes.



10, 2018

Further preparations of AMM agenda

April 3, 2018


  • Ajmal  (Tata Elxsi)
  • Artem Mygaiev (EPAM)
  • Gayathri PP (Tata Elxsi)
  • Ralph Sasse (Opensynergy)
  • Guru (Bosch)
  • Christian (BMW)
  • Nikola (Green Hills Software)
  • Franz (Sysgo)
  • Gunnar Andersson (GENIVI)
  • Philippe Robin (GENIVI)


  • Notice / presentation of new participants:  Nikola (Green Hills Software).  And previous participants now with opportunity to present themselves:  Ajmal and Gayathri PP (TataElxsi) 
  • Continuation of the assignment of topics preparation with the participants, the topics and assignments for the workshop are listed under Hypervisor Project.

March 27, 2018


  • Ajmal  (Tata Elxsi)
  • Alex Agizim (EPAM)
  • Artem Mygaiev (EPAM)
  • Gayathri PP (Tata Elxsi)
  • Horst Saier (Mentor)
  • Matti Möll (OpenSynergy)
  • Raj
  • Sean Park (LGE)
  • jithin (Tata Elxsi) ?
  • Subramanian (Alpine)
  • Stephen Lawrence (Renesas)
  • Gunnar Andersson (GENIVI)
  • Philippe Robin (GENIVI)


  • Gunnar tried to get contact with TataElxsi participants but still no audio coming through (microphone not working)
  • Continuation of the assignment of topics preparation with the participants, the topics and assignments for the workshop are listed under Hypervisor Project.

March 20, 2018


Philippe Robin (GENIVI)
Sang-bum Suh (Perseus)
Matti Möll (Opensynergy)
jithin (TataElxsi)
Gunnar Andersson (GENIVI)
Christian Schulenberg (BMW)
Subramanian (Alpine)
Gayathri PP (Tata Elxsi)
Stephen Lawrence (Renesas)
Ajmal  (Tata Elxsi)


  • Gunnar tried to get contact with TataElxsi participants but still no audio coming through (microphone not working).
  • Gunnar reviewed the assignment of topics preparation with the participants, the topics and first assignments for the workshop are listed under Hypervisor Project.



12, 2018

Philippe Robin (GENIVI)
Gunnar Andersson (GENIVI)
Sang-bum Suh (Perseus)
Christian Schulenberg (BMW)
Horst Saier (Mentor)
Subramanian (Alpine)
Guru (Bosch)


Sang bum: introduced the workshop to LGe, Hyundai and Access in the recently hold Korea REG F2F, would like to collect their opinion so that we can share at the workshop
trying to contact xen so that they give a presentation at the workshop on their automotive projects, intends to contact redhat with is leading virtio
Sang bum: contact with car oem and tiers 1, my personal opinion is they do not know yet what it is the exact case to usefully apply HVs to a vehicle, in the process of trying to convince car OEMs to deliver market scenarios, coins the idea of sending a questionnaire to car oems
Sang bum will share an initial questionnaire with us at the next meeting (20 March)
Horst: my interest lies rather in graphics sharing
Gunnar:graphics will be one of the topics of the workshop
Horst: how to share graphic buffers, is a solution available in the open ? it is currently very silicon vendor dependent
Gunnar: Horst Saier can you a short intro in the workshop about it ?
Gunnar: @sang bum: are you familiar with gpu sharing ?
Sang bum: yes, I am very familiar, the problem is that silicon vendors except Intel do not publish the code of the drivers for gpu sharing
short discussion on audio virtualization
Sang-bum: would like to discuss device driver architecture at the workshop
Sang-bum: will propose a list of topics for Wed 14 March EOB
Christian: we are very interested in the market survey and what is available from vendors

March 6, 2018


  • Guru (Bosch)
  • Albert (Continental)
  • Christoph (ADIT)
  • Christian (BMW)
  • Gunnar (GENIVI)
  • ... maybe someone else - not sure


We simply discussed and filled in the topics under Hypervisor Project.  Discussion much driven by Albert and Christoph.

February 27, 2018


  • Albert / Continental
  • C. Gouma / Sysgo
  • Fabien H / Valeo
  • Gayathri PP
  • George
  • Karthikeyan R
  • Marco R / Mentor
  • Matti Möll / Opensynergy
  • Philippe / GENIVI
  • sbsuh
  • Stephen L / Renesas
  • Swaminathan G
  • Gunnar / GENIVI
