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Multiple-zone audio management - System Level Audio

Next Meeting -


TBD 2021 (summer vacations pause) - 11:30am



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  • Access code: 297 637 101
  • Meeting password: 92839687


  • Discuss  design of audio→external system, WebRTC based demo and "desktop audio development environment"

Thursday 15 July - 11:30am CEST


 Gunnar Andersson Unknown User (wassim.filali) Suhasini Raghuram


Piotr Krawczyk Philippe Robin Stephen Lawrence  Unknown User (niskandar)

  • RPC interface.  What is in there?  Is it volume, settings, ...?
  • Gunnar: Shared work to define this. Let's set up a Wiki page to list all the required methods and get/settable properties.
    • Gunnar: I have also mentioned the possibility to use the CVII:VSC IDL to describe the interface, but this is a secondary goal and not where we need to start.
    • Wassim shows a lot of interest in this, the development and use of a standard IDL, and has experience working on topics of IDL, format-conversions, documentation, etc.
  • How to transfer PCM data between "Host" and VM?  Is it the socket approach as discussed before?

Thursday 8 July - 11:30am CEST


 Piotr Krawczyk Gunnar Andersson Stephen Lawrence Philippe Robin


Unknown User (niskandar) ( + 1 more week )

  • Discussed content of AMM demo See PoC Milestones and Work Breakdown (AASIG, AHAL, audio-control)
  • Piotr indicates the Android side can be done in time.   On host side we expect to have something, scope to be determined.
  • Piotr to send description of project/plan to aasig mailing list and ask Wassim for input on the host-side of the plan.

Thursday 1 July - 11:30am CEST


 Suhasini RaghuramPiotr Krawczyk Gunnar Andersson


Unknown User (niskandar) (+ 2 more weeks)


Thursday 24 June - 11:30am CEST

  • Very short meeting due to apologies and absences
  • First draft diagram by Piotr coming via email.  To be shown and discussed.

Thursday 17 June - 11:30am CEST


Unknown User (wassim.filali) Suhasini Raghuram Philippe Robin Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (niskandar)


Discussion about the work

  • The main summary is that we need more people to implement

Discussion about PoC Milestones and Work Breakdown (AASIG, AHAL, audio-control)

  • Thanks to Wassim for making this page somewhat up to date
  • The talk is more oriented towards the big picture
    • The big picture: Shifting from Android as device centric based operating system (like with the smartphone) to car based operated system
    • Then other topics would be in that direction
      • for example extracting the audio, effects, offloading, control, Bluetooth source, etc.
    • we shifted from what's needed for the features that we want to implement to what is needed to implement that direction
  • Where would be have development and programmers?
  • We worry less and less about what Android is doing when we go to the direction of the border of the OS

Concrete steps for next week. 2 major tasks:

  • Making the documentation and diagrams of what we intend to do (check the WBS)
  • Track related features in new android versions to check that there are no surprises or something that would block us
    • Please check first with your NDA not to break it

Goal of the development

  • Should be more concrete than the big picture such as
    • configuration of audio zones
    • environment for building the framework inside the system
    • environment for building the framework outside the system
  • Piotr: I would start with high level design for these tasks first
    • like controlling audio zones, volumes, context
    • design of trout based development (from an architecture point of view of course this is not important)
    • but does trout support audio?
      • it's a nice basis because the framework will not change, so the development can be taken to other HW easily. for example in an emulator, the framework was changed
      • cross VM is an advantage (it's used in Trout)
      • closer to what we want to develop in future
      • closer to real use case
      • This is where the trend is going
      • get a portability of Android with trout (but not other OS)
    • we need to check what is the real platform that we would work with in the future
      • we need to check the good reasons to select it
  • Wassim: I would focus more on policy and logic management specially for our GENIVI group
    • Focusing also on versions of Android in the background and what would they offer

Thursday 10 June - 11:30am CEST


Unknown User (wassim.filali) Suhasini Raghuram Gunnar Andersson   Philippe Robin

apologies: Unknown User (niskandar)


Discussion on the workbreakdown structure, PoC Milestones and Work Breakdown (AASIG, AHAL, audio-control) updated online

Thursday 27 May 2021 - 11:30am CEST


Unknown User (wassim.filali) Gunnar Andersson   Philippe Robin

apologies: Unknown User (niskandar)


Discussion on the project organization and workplan and on how to foster engineers' engagement in day2day work, outcome of the discussion will be reported in the next call


Thursday 20 May 2021 - 11:30am CEST (AudioHAL CW20)


Gunnar Andersson Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (niskandar) Stephen Lawrence Philippe Robin


Small discussion about the AMM

  • Interest in virtualization, trout, virtio

Discussion about virtualization, virtio, networking virtualization, TSN area in the hypervisor group

Discussion about the implementation

  • Have we moved away from topics that are interesting for Analog Devices? A2B connected technologies
  • Maybe we can get back to these topics when we are designing hardware POCs for the virtualization
  • There some interests of developing Linux drivers for A2B not only Android
  • Also standardized way of connecting A2B
  • Idea of diagnostic protocol as a carrier for end user functionalities

no call on Thursday 13 May (due to a bank holiday)

May 4-7 Virtual AMM - AUDIO HAL sessions

Thursday 29 April  2021 - 11:30am CEST


Philippe Robin Gunnar Andersson Piotr Krawczyk Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (wassim.filali)

apologies Unknown User (niskandar) Stephen Lawrence


preparation of AMM last session - discussion on the topics for next 6 months

  • virtualization => how can we minimize changes to Android (virtio, trout)
  • simulation => how can we simulate HW acceleration in a seemless environment together an Emulated Android
  • are we chasing after Android 12 or are we ahead of Android for the external source management in an automotive environment ?

Thursday 22 April  2021 - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL CW2116)


Philippe Robin Gunnar Andersson Piotr Krawczyk Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (wassim.filali) Unknown User (niskandar) Stephen Lawrence


Synchronizing from last weeks' status

  • Wassim: We presented some suggetsions and discussed how they can help, what are your impressions?
  • Piotr: Audio Weaver was specially a quite interesting topic and it seems widely used.
  • Wassim: you can use Audio Weaver for free with development kit
  • Wassim: you can use it on PC but it's based on Matlab
  • Wassim: the goal is the smooth transition between the demo/emulation, and the product. Concept is requirement as product model.
    • In the future a researcher would just for example provide an effect model and this would be a requirement to the suppliers
    • Specially that we are using Android. We can have a ready Android system, and a ready effect model. What is left is to connect them.
  • Wassim: this is the picture posted here Car Audio System Emulator. I'll take some time to create ppt Genivi slides

more discussion about the demo but with WebRTC and Trout

  • Piotr: It's a nice this audio solution (refering to the Car Audio System Emulator). To have the effects controlled with a model outside of Android.
  • Piotr: In the end, we could have the WebRTC interface showing Audio coming out of Android and Effect controlled by the Audio Effect HAL and allows the user to apply additional effects on top of the effects.
  • Wassim: yes and we could also have them decoupled: PC simulation where the decoupling happen but browser is GUI.
  • Piotr: one question is about the LibPulse Audio
  • Wassim: libpulse audio is simply a tool. What is more important is to show:
    • if we have in the car many zones/speakers/etc.
    • the user would see it on his browser the streams the channels etc.
    • the user would choose what to listen to for example
    • the architecture of the Car Audio System Emulator is independent of the PC but can be patched and used to control
  • Pitor: further question: should the ECNR control interface be exposed? and to what level are they exposed?
    • Wassim: as long as Android allows to do it, should be enough.
    • Wassim: as long as something can be controlled from hardware, it should be controllable by software
    • Wassim: imagine that every app has its own ECNR and multiple applications would need to run at the same time → this is why it's more interesting to have a system ECNR
    • Pitor: common solutions don't utilize DSP firmware by default
  • Piotr: if we talk about Trout , it's not an emulator, it's just an Android instance and most of the HAL will be virtualized. We are not connected to the pulse audio here for example. to keep with the same picture, we would do something different
    • Wassim: completely okay, we don't have to use the pulseaudio server
    • Piotr: we can think about not using ALSA, because of the virtualization.
    • Piotr: this virtualization would be separate from browser and ALSA.
    • Piotr: android emulator - virtual android
    • Pitor link for trout and virtualization
  • Wassim: we didn't solve the control path yet
    • Wassim: between the android and browser how would you see that? Json?
    • Piotr: audio control already implemented in trout, let's check a solution in that direction. Since Trout already has solutions for several audio control
    • Wassim: we need to look how easy it is to deploy the grpc on the browser
  • Wassim: 3 demonstrations so far: raw audio with float sample packets, Opus Codec, WebRTC not yet fully running but it's client 2 client (looking like an overkill)
    • Piotr: I would say for demonstration purpose, whatever is currently working would be accepted,

Jira ticket AASIG-124

  • We need to edit the diagram and the names and rework it and that should be the demo concept.
  • Audio weaver: candidate for virtual effect platform to start a professional demo. Later we can work with python audio effect but this needs more work but is open standard.

Genivi virtual meeting 04-07 May 2021

  • Need to gather some topics for next meeting (Audio HAL CW 2117 - 29.04.2021)
  • Webex is preffered as a meeting software.
  • Last time some people could not join (because the meeting was hosted with Zoom)

Thursday 15 April  2021 - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL CW2115)


Philippe Robin Gunnar Andersson Piotr Krawczyk Stephen Lawrence Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (niskandar)


Overview of the last weeks

  • Piotr: status from last week regarding the demo (part of the AASIG-93 but with a twist)
  • Gunnar: So where are we now exactly?
    • Piotr: Next week we would have something to show and have a better overview of what we have and what is missing.
  • Gunnar: we need to check with Wassim what was his vision in order not to have an overlap and re-use different parts → Todo
  • Gunnar: Main idea was to create a development environment where we can try different audio solutions but the heart of this would still be Android → todo capture this in Jira
  • Suhasini: 3 questions about the virtual meeting 04-07 May 2021
    • What are the other slots used for (for example vehicle data related)?
    • What will the Audio HAL do in the slot exactly?
    • What updates are we planning on giving in the introduction
  • Gunnar/Philippe: the slots are being now finalized we'll update you asap. For now:
    • One slot is on Wednesday (05.05.2021) 5 minutes introduction
    • Time slot 15min about the External Audio Demonstration
    • Time slot workshop 1 Q&A Audio design discussion 25min
    • Workshop 2 (Wassim moderating) on Friday (07.05.2021) 15:25
    • Introduction shall be about what we have done, what we are doing, and if you like to join. Prerecorded video. At some point you will be contacted by Tom (Audio/Video/Networking) between 27 and 28 April 2021
  • Fosdem update: we could bring it up in the introduction on Wednesday
  • Stephen: DSP concept from last week. Asked internally
    • There is HIFI support but it's proprietary
    • Audio Weaver is supported in Renesas

Thursday 8 April  2021 - 11:30am CET


Stephen Lawrence    Gunnar Andersson   Unknown User (wassim.filali)  Philippe Robin Suhasini Raghuram 


Unknown User (niskandar)

  • Wassim has investigated webrtc with some simple implemementations
  • Wassim: This could be transformed into a "proper" project. Maybe hosted on github/GENIVI?
  • – Gunnar Andersson to review if this fits into GENIVI repos.
  • Documentation here:
  • Wassim describes two designs, one on WebRTC, and another which is more decoupled and simply uses fixed parameters for the encoding.  In an environment where the bandwidth is assumed to be more controlled and less variable, then the dynamic features of WebRTC are not needed.
  • Both ideas are implemented and can be compared.  All examples use the 00_backend (loopback) as server except for example 07 which uses 00_signaling server.  Wassim to update readmes.
  • Interesting tool
    • Development tool with target framework to execute the scenarios (on-board firmware)
    • Audio experts make a flow using GUI tool, by connecting and configuring processing blocks.
    • Not open-source.  Likely business model is target license-fee for production use
    • Some DSPs, are supported. 
    • For ST Electronics hardware, the license is included. 
      An inexpensive ST Microelectronics dev. board can be purchased and used directly: STM32f407 user guide
      (but there is also the option to run it on PC only)
    • ... discussion about which other DSP hardware platforms might be supported.  This is not clear on the web site (need to contact the company?).
      • Wassim says he knows it supports production grade DSPs, but apparently these are not public information(?), so we cannot describe it further.
      • Stephen: I found that Cadence is listed,  that's all
    • You can generate the config/script and send it to the target systems.
    • The target systems have an audioweaver DSP code.
    • Documentation is available.
    • Suhasini: Can the tool run the scenarios on the PC (a simulator/emulator environment)?
    • Wassim: Yes, all "blocks" can be executed on the PC with a "x86 target"
  • It might be interesting to support our "development environment" (described above and in minutes 2 weeks ago) integrated with this?
  • Wassim: (bottom line) Whether it is exactly this one or another, this type of development environment would be ideal.

Thursday 1 April  2021 - 11:30am CET


Gunnar Andersson   Unknown User (wassim.filali)  Philippe Robin Suhasini Raghuram


Unknown User (niskandar)

  • review of the planning of presentations at the upcoming AMM
  • TODO Wassim and Suhasini will prepare a (5 to 10' mn) report on Audio HAL project status
  • TODO Wassim will contact Piotr and check with him how to deliver a demo on External Audio management at the upcoming AMM
  • Wassim: Android 12 is now being published


Thursday 25 March 2021 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW2112)


Piotr Krawczyk Gunnar Andersson Stephen Lawrence  Unknown User (wassim.filali)


Unknown User (niskandar) Philippe Robin

  • Piotr discussing that the HAL implementation might just as well target Trout since it is progressing quickly
    • Google's virtual platform for Android "Trout", is likely to implement VIRTIO-SND
    • Trout is based on CrosVM (developed as part of Chromium).  CrosVM is in turn based on KVM when running on Linux.
  • Trout is great and will make HALs portable without/less rewrite (Piotr)
  • ...but the complexity of hardware compatibility and porting then lands on Hypervisor and Virtual Platform implementations instead (Gunnar)
  • (Note Automotive Virtual Platform Specification already requires VIRTIO-SND in the working-copy, to be released in new version soon)
  • VIRTIO-SND proposal is merged to VIRTIO master branch but no VIRTIO v1.2 document exists yet.  Seems very likely to be included since it is merged.
  • VIRTIO-SND kernel driver exists but implementations on virtual platforms (QEMU) still lacking.  Part way done on Trout it seems...   
    • It is being developed but we can't rely that it will be done for AMM demo.
  • Plan is therefore to use a simplified VSOCK transfer instead, exporting the audio. (A step in the right direction since VIRTIO-SND implementations are likely to use VSOCK) 
  • The plan remains to start building a framework for external audio and as a first implementation set up a WebRTC server running on the "host" that can consume the data from the VSOCK connection. 
  • The usage of WebRTC also fulfils a desire from Wassim to build a flexible simulation/processing/tinkering framework that can be executed on developer machines by way of a Web browser providing the user interface.  (i.e. not only production, but development tools support).
  • Why WebRTC?? Summarized:
    • Easy demo - just "send a URL to someone, they open it in web a browser".  It is also convenient way to create a user interface
    • Bigger context:  Create an abstraction of target sound environment, which may develop into a flexible (desktop) development environment for exploring/developing audio related functions.
      • (Gunnar added offline): The fact that "real" Android is still part of this abstract development system makes it relevant for developing and testing real audio functions.  I imagine you could even do Hardware in the loop setups...
    • But also: WebRTC might be a possible actual "production" protocol for audio connection to a remote server. (Example use case that needs this:  off-board speech processing)
  • Pulseaudio?  Might be an easy solution to implement some of the control channel parts for the demo.
  • NEXT : Need to start breaking down the design into more details, included software components
    • 1) Find existing implementations of component parts (e.g. WebRTC – Unknown User (wassim.filali)mentioned there are implementations available, let's point to them)
    • 2) What parts still do not exist - need to be developed
    • And of course: Confirm the overall demonstration use case and plan to guide the breakdown.
  • Progress on external-system design, WebRTC based demo, ...
  • Check what can be prepared and demonstrated for the next Virtual All Members meeting

  Thursday 18March 18 March 2021 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW2110CW2111)


Gunnar Andersson Philippe Robin Stephen Lawrence Suhasini Raghuram


Unknown User (niskandar) Unknown User (wassim.filali)

  • Wassim sent a link before the meeting.  A very useful documentation page describing the principles for Audio Focus in the latest AOSP is this page:
  • Quick updates for Suhasini who is 'glad to be back'.   Continued focus on external-audio track is good.
  • We reviewed last week quickly and decided to do offline reading of the documentation and come back next week for more discussion.

Thursday 25 March 2021 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW2110)


Chris Simmonds (part)  Gunnar Andersson Philippe Robin Piotr Krawczyk Stephen Lawrence Unknown User (wassim.filali) 


Unknown User (niskandar)



Gunnar: Shortly about Go issues sorted out. Both Lava and Go.CD updated to latest versions. Go now behind NGINX proxy (it used to handle its own SSL/TLS but this is more standard). Some breakage to sort out -- large artifact transfers were being truncated, etc. NGINX settings sort this out.


Thursday 04 March 2021 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW2109)


Gunnar Andersson Philippe Robin Piotr Krawczyk Stephen Lawrence Unknown User (wassim.filali) Unknown User (niskandar)


Introduction from Philippe


Thursday 25 February 2021 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW2108)


Thursday 18 February 2021 - 11:30am CET


Unknown User (wassim.filali)  Stephen Lawrence Philippe Robin

apologies: Gunnar Andersson, Nadim Iskandar, Suhasini Raghuram, Piotr Krawczyk


Discussion on AVB/TSN and hypervisors and virtio between Wassim and Stephen; will continue next week

Thursday 11 February 2021 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW2106)


Unknown User (wassim.filali) Gunnar Andersson Unknown User (niskandar) Stephen Lawrence Philippe Robin Suhasini Raghuram Piotr Krawczyk


Update regarding the platform


  • Main Question. What is more interesting, how do we go futher?
    • Networked Audio (Breakdown reworkAVB Workshop and Discussion)
      • Piotr: maybe if we can study topics outside of Android to offer solutions that are not on the plate of Android. This could be even added to Android.
    • Android control (Android and System Level Audio)
      • How can we deal with this? how much custom code do we need?
      • Wassim: I think here there are more hanging fruits
    • Both approaches shouldn't block each others.


Thursday 04 February 2021 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW2105)


Unknown User (wassim.filali) Gunnar Andersson Unknown User (niskandar) Stephen Lawrence Philippe Robin @Chris Simmons(2net)


Discussion about



Thursday 28 January 2021 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW2104)


Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (wassim.filali) Gunnar Andersson Unknown User (niskandar) Stephen Lawrence Philippe Robin


Discussion about the AVB and next steps or topics to do (but we cannot reach the conclusion without Piotr)

  • let's refer back to Breakdown rework AVB Workshop and Discussion.
  • Networked audio devices: detailed good enough the AVB (Topics and priorities)
    • AVB is not a solved problem but there are no more comments
    • If we say Android needs to talk to ALSA devices, and AVB is a network between them, then the networking problem is solved
    • If the AVB is sent to another ECU, then we also need the control → point number 2
    • The focus should be on how cross ECU should work
    • The third points: Audio Effects should have two parts, hardware audio effects and virtual effects
  • Not sure if we are taking notes only or should we write this in the epics.
  • Gunnar: is it a solved problem in the industry? Is there a real solution that can be used right now in production?
    • Stephen: from a hardware point of view, AVB had a lot of improvement
    • Software side, in early day it was considered too complex but people are demystifying it
  • What track should we look at from our side?
    • Wassim: interest: point number 2 is a low hanging fruit. Point number 1 is a bit more complext and needs a hardware etc. Audio Effect would be the next priority
  • Gunnar: Audio project is more about defining the functions and API for transfering and controlling audio between the sources and the sink.
    • the point number 2 is more like a remote control (from a smartphone for examle). But this topic was in GENIVI many years ago as part of multimedia. But we should pick up existing work to make it happen again if we go in this direction.
    • media and media control should be separated from pure audio design
    • Wassim: we have media control and volume control. volume is managed differently in Android. so we could revisit the Media control but the interfaces are already present in Android. The question here is more : i have an external amplifier and i want to control the volume without loosing the sync with Android: this is an open point. → so point number 2 is more like an Audio Control subject. We can look at Android and System Level Audio
    • Gunnar: but so we could work on an interface to have in the infotainment system that would have control over the master volume and other media controls
    • Wassim: the image in Android and System Level Audio is a bit outdated. After some research, Android does provide an interface for the media control but not for the volume
    • Gunnar: MQQT could be used as a carrier to expose some information to the mobile phone for a remote control of the media for example
    • Wassim: yes but when we receive a signal, do we bypass Android or we would feed it in the Android service
    • Gunnar: so we would need to investigate what Android is exactly providing in order to check if we need an alternative
    • Wassim: yes the first step should be a deliverable review document detailing what Android can and cannot do regarding this control API.
    • Agreed (from all)
  • Gunnar: maybe we can also take more opinions
  • Google partner would give a benefit of the pre-release notes in order to check what are the upcoming changes in the APIs
  • Gunnar: then we have a direction to go → learn what the system can do.
  • Wassim: First question that comes to mind: the car audio manager could have pre-defined policies. If we want we can add plugins to it. The question is: does the car audio manager allows C++ custom plugins or pre-defined XML files?
  • Stephen: There should be something like this because of all the cases of early audio in Android systems
  • TODO: check the Jira if the discussion was captured in tickets of Jira to work on them
  • Created a Jira ticket for this. @All: please have a look and create sub tasks to provide feedback about the topic in parallel to Wassim


Thursday 21 January 2021 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW2103)


Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (wassim.filali) Stephen Lawrence Piotr Krawczyk Gunnar Andersson


Unknown User (niskandar)


Review of the backlog for audio HAL

  • epic: audio HAL implementation - BT (
  • Jira
    • Jira
      • we look at the diagram attached
      • Piotr: native mechanism to connect to a BT device is shown on the diagram
      • Potr: a second option is to connect the BT device to the platform directly and use the BT infrastructure and pass the audio data to Android
      • there is a need to update the diagram
      • discussion on the options
      • discussion on accessing the hw
        • accessing the dsp through 2 different VMs ?
        • either you own the dsp on one machine only and you do not have a virtualization problem
        • or you run the dsp as a service like a networked device
      • Piotr mentions the work done by Opensynergy and Qualcomm with Google on virtualizing Android Automotive
      • TODO Wassim and Piotr will capture the discussion on a tech note
      • Piotr: added offline (in a email) the questions he raised during the call
        • BT headset handling should be realized by Android stack or host OS - virtualized/containerized environment, I guess we agreed here that such case should be handled by Android and its BT stack
        • how to properly utilize DSP for BT headset, especially in virtualized environment, DSP as a service?
        • Google is introducing GKI (Generic Kernel Image) concept - how this could affect DSP and ECNR usage?
        • ECNR for BT headset - how this should be handled, should it be?
      • Jira ticket commented

Thursday 14 January 2021 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL CW2102)


Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (wassim.filali) Stephen Lawrence Piotr Krawczyk Gunnar Andersson Unknown User (niskandar)


Philippe: talking about the FOSDEM presentation, if some time is left we could mention the backlog tasks.


Thursday 17 December 2020 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL CW50)


Gunnar Andersson Philippe Robin Suhasini Raghuram Stephen Lawrence Piotr Krawczyk

apologies: Wassim Filali, Unknown User (niskandar)


How to get help on the Kingfisher board


Thursday 10 December 2020 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL CW50)


Gunnar Andersson Philippe Robin Unknown User (wassim.filali) Suhasini Raghuram Stephen Lawrence Unknown User (niskandar)


Virtual open source conference. GENIVI was recommended to give a talk (Fosdem: biggest open source conference). If we submit anything to the Embedded Mobile and Automotive dev room, we need to have strong code examples.


Thursday 03 December 2020 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL CW49)


Gunnar Andersson Philippe Robin Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (wassim.filali)  Suhasini Raghuram Stephen Lawrence Mohan Karthik Unknown User (niskandar)


Continuing the session about Network Audio Synchronization and answering questions


Thursday 26 November 2020 - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL CW48)


Gunnar Andersson Philippe Robin Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (wassim.filali)  Johan Suhasini Raghuram Stephen Lawrence Mohan Karthik Chris Simmonds Unknown User (niskandar)


Wassim giving a session about Network Audio Synchronization (many additional information came from Mohan Karthik)


Thursday - 12 November - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL CW46)


Gunnar Andersson Philippe Robin Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (wassim.filali)  Unknown User (niskandar)


Going through the list of prioritized topics:


Brain storming session (recorded in PoC Milestones and Work Breakdown (AASIG, AHAL, audio-control) - in "Brainstorming about breakdown rework")


  • The webex meeting is now a reccurent meeting and this means that the link can be used several time.

Thursday - 5 November - 11:30am CET


Gunnar Andersson Philippe Robin Stephen Lawrence  Suhasini Raghuram, Unknown User (wassim.filali),  Chris Simmonds


Review of the list of prioritarized topics


Thursday - 1 October - 11:30am CEST


Gunnar Andersson Philippe Robin Stephen Lawrence  Suhasini Raghuram Henric Carlsson

apologies: Unknown User (wassim.filali) Unknown User (niskandar)


Review the work breakdown structure and update it to get a shared knowledge of the project status before preparing the agenda of the AHAL working session at the tech summit


Thursday - 24 September - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL_CW39)


Gunnar Andersson Philippe Robin Stephen Lawrence Unknown User (wassim.filali) Suhasini Raghuram Henric Carlsson Unknown User (niskandar)


Updates from last meeting:


  •  @All: Try to connect your daily work to GENIVI tasks
  •  @All: Contact Google or check in your company if there are already documentation about the latest Android
  •  @All: work on the repeatable platform setup in each of your companies (section: Additional build and run info in PoC Milestones and Work Breakdown (AASIG, AHAL, audio-control))

Thursday 17 September - 11:30am CEST


Gunnar Andersson Stephen Lawrence Henric Carlsson Piotr Krawczyk  Unknown User (wassim.filali)


Discussion on demo implementation status

Thursday 10 September - 11:30am CEST


Gunnar Andersson Stephen Lawrence Henric Carlsson Piotr Krawczyk  Unknown User (wassim.filali) Philippe Robin


Discussion on configuration & demo building & integration of the emulator project, followed by Jira review

Thursday 3 September - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL_CW33)


Gunnar Andersson Stephen Lawrence Henric Carlsson Piotr Krawczyk


Discussion on feature content for MS3 demo (MS3 = virtual tech summit scheduled on October 26-30) Gunnar Andersson can you add the notes you took during the call ? thanks


Thursday 13 August - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL_CW33)


Gunnar Andersson Stephen Lawrence Henric Carlsson Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (niskandar)


Going through the previous minutes of the meeting.


Thursday 06 August - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL_CW32)


Suhasini Raghuram Gunnar Andersson Stephen Lawrence Unknown User (niskandar)


Going through the previous minutes of the meeting.


Thursday 23 July - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL_CW30)


Philippe Robin Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (wassim.filali) Unknown User (niskandar) Stephen Lawrence Piotr Krawczyk


Going through the previous todo list:


Thursday 16 July - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL_CW29)


Philippe Robin Gunnar Andersson Unknown User (bartoszbialek) Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (wassim.filali) Unknown User (niskandar) Stephen Lawrence


Alternative board for Suhasini, any upadte on that matter?


Thursday 25 June - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL_CW26)


Philippe Robin Gunnar Andersson Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (bartoszbialek) Henric Carlsson Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (wassim.filali) Unknown User (niskandar)


Should the minutes be more like a transcript?


Thursday 18 June - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL_CW25)


Unknown User (niskandar) Gunnar Andersson Unknown User (zafirulhassan) Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (bartoszbialek) Unknown User (zafirulhassan)


Looking at the history, the best course of action here is to go through the Jira tickets and assign them to start working on them.


  • Nadim: where would be put the outcomes of some of the Jira tickets?
    • Gunnar: we would put the outcomes in the confluence ordered by logical order. We build the confluence pages as we are finishing the Jira tickets.
  • Piotr took the ticket
    . The deliverable is to have a picture that shows an overview of the needed SW involved in the Raw Streams extraction. It would be added here PoC Milestones and Work Breakdown (AASIG, AHAL, audio-control)
  • Audio Hal discussion
    : checking why do we need this point? Piotr will check if the AA Audio HAL is ready for raw stream extractions
  • Bartosz took this ticket
    : checking the multizone
  • Jira
    would also be assigned to Piotr but it would take some time. It's about writing some code inside the HAL. This will be try to done with Bartosz and Piotr.


  • it doesn't make sense to continue tackling the other stories because we are not today complete.
  • Bartosz will take this task
    , so that we can have a ready overview picture for a better understanding. Please also add it to the top of the page PoC Milestones and Work Breakdown (AASIG, AHAL, audio-control)
  • Jira
    : why is this a story on its own? there are mixed points between this one


Thursday 04 June - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL_CW23)


Unknown User (wassim.filali) Philippe Robin Gunnar Andersson Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (bartoszbialek) Henric Carlsson Stephen Lawrence Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (niskandar)


Let's start by going through the points that we have gathered last time in PoC Milestones and Work Breakdown.


Wednesday 20 May - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL_CW22)


Unknown User (wassim.filali) Unknown User (niskandar) Philippe Robin Gunnar Andersson Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (bartoszbialek) @Henric Unknown User (zafirulhassan)


Introduction to members and new member Zafirul


Wednesday 20 May - 11:30am CEST (AUDIO_HAL_CW21)


Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (wassim.filali) Unknown User (niskandar) Philippe Robin Gunnar Andersson Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (bartoszbialek) @Henric


Debriefing of the virtual summit


Thursday 7 May - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW19)


Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (wassim.filali) Unknown User (niskandar) Philippe Robin Andrii Chepurnyi Harald Bartholomae Ruslan Shymkevych Gunnar Andersson Piotr Krawczyk @Henric


Going through the presentation of Wassim


Thursday 30 April - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW18)


Philippe RobinSuhasini Raghuram Unknown User (wassim.filali) @Henric Ruslan Shymkevych

apologies: Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (bartoszbialek)


Review of Ruslan's email of 23 April - archive


Thursday 23 April - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW17)


Philippe Robin Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (bartoszbialek) Suhasini Raghuram Unknown User (niskandar) Unknown User (wassim.filali) @Henric


Updates of the tasks done from last week: Wassim, Piotr, Nadim


Thursday 16 April - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW16)


Philippe Robin Gunnar Andersson Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (bartoszbialek) Suhasini Raghuram Ruslan Murtazin Unknown User (niskandar) Unknown User (wassim.filali) Andrii Chepurnyi @Henric


  •  Discuss the gathered topics, who can work on which topics and which strategy
  •  Status update on the "access raw streams"

Changes done in this page Android and System Level Audio:


Thursday 09 April - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW15)


Philippe Robin Gunnar Andersson Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (bartoszbialek)Andrii Chepurnyi@Henric Suhasini Raghuram Stephen Lawrence


  • from last week's minutes
    • Discuss the gathered topics, who can work on which topics and which strategy
  • Status update on the "access raw streams"
  • AOB
    • abstract of the GENIVI virtual tech summit AASIG Audio HAL workshop

list of gathered topics on multi-zone audio management


Thursday 02 April - 11:30am CET (AUDIO_HAL_CW14)


Philippe Robin Gunnar Andersson Piotr Krawczyk Unknown User (bartoszbialek) Unknown User (wassim.filali) Andrii Chepurnyi Unknown User (niskandar) @Henric Suhasini Raghuram


  •  Slides from Wassim about the two models inside and outside of AA
  •  discussion of the cases/features that we are trying to solve
  •  checking the Audio Manager to decide whether or not it needs an update

Slides of Wassim

  • 2 strategies or options:
    • android provides sources and sinks
    • Android controls the complete systems
  • We will not discuss the need to have such options
    • Basically some functions cannot be integrated to AA
    • Audio sources coming from android or from external (android not aware of them)
  • Each strategy has limitations and can be criticized
  • Idea is to get each model and apply to it questions/cases
  • Questions like safety sources, raw streams, etc.
