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In addition to security requirements, a common way to improve system regarding security is to maintain a list of threats.
They can be assimilate to use cases and bring solution to mitigate/decrease the risks associated.

A list of definitions for acronyms is provided at the end of the page (categories).

Threats in the scope of GENIVI


Ref.ThreatRisk LevelImpactSecurity RequirementThreat ResponseCategory
Expert Group ResponsibleComment
An attacker attempts to replace components of the boot system, kernel,
drivers or other system software with their own malicious software.HighIf an attacker is able to
replace any of the components in the boot process or critical system
components, it may be assumed all user private data, including DRM content is
at risk.This threat must be mitigated by implementing a trusted boot mechanism where
the root of trust must be in hardware.The threat will be mitigated through trusted boot and file
system monitoring.BM,
SysInfra•  Unclear how to verify the authenticity of
the user land components at load time (SysInfra EG?).
•  SWM is responsible for allowing
only authenticated components to be installed via supported software update
mechanisms. (Auto EG) 
Replacement of a component of the boot system, kernel,
driver or other system software with prior versions of approved software that may contain errors or vulnerabilities. (aka
rollback attack)HighIf
an attacker is able to replace any of the components in the boot process or
critical system components with vulnerable software, it may be assumed that
all user private data, including DRM content is at risk.This threat must be mitigated by implementing a trusted boot mechanism where
the root of trust must be in hardware that can detect rolling back to prior
versions of the system software.



Only an authorized update agent is allowed to modify the files.
successful install of newer version, the older version of FW and kernel are
invalidated and no longer available. Also, FW is stored on NAND protected
partition which is not accessible to OS. Kernel modifications will require
root privileges. BM, SWM 
An attacker attempts to modify the firmware to defeat a trusted boot.HighIf an attacker is able to
replace any of the components in the boot process or critical system
components with vulnerable software, it may be assumed that all user private
data, including DRM content is at risk.Any part of the trusted boot
process must be verified when
update, modified or replaced.Firmware is
integrity checked during the boot process.BM, HW 
SysInfra•  This is about the boot process and is not
related to SWM. 
Physical duplication and replacement of flash to bypass
the security platform.MediumIf
the components of the DRM subsystem can be duplicated and replaced without
detection then the attacker would be able to access the content indefinitely
if the content is metering on a per play use.Since
this is a physically invasive attack, this will only affect one system.  However, since this attack has shown to be
effective in similar form factor devices.DRM
rights objects are reflash attack protected through the usage of monotonic

Rest of the components are not refllash attack protected.
M&G•  DRM should be defined by M&G
•  LBS needs a mechanism to manage
access to the map data 
Attacker places system in debug/diagnostic/recovery mode that bypasses boot
authenticationHighIf the system
can be placed in debug mode then the system is more subject to attack.Debug and
development diagnostic modes must be disabled post production.All debug features will be
disabled in final products.



The recovery feature will be suitably protected.
Attacker replaces SW with approved version for different (but compatible)
device model or for a different geo/OEM/ISP/etc.HighIf an attacker is able to
replace any of the SW components with vulnerable software, it may put user
private data, including DRM content is at risk.This threat must be mitigated by implementing a
trusted boot mechanism where the root of trust must be in hardware that can
detect the SW version is supportable on this HW platform.

This attack may also target OEM usage and business models.
Each device
firmware can be signed by unique key thereby stopping cross-device (from same
OEM) usage. The keys will be different among different OEMs and hence
cross-OEM FW usage will not be possible. BM, SWM 
Denial of service attack on the protected content by an attacker deleting the
rights object(s), or deletion of the encrypted premium content.MediumPrevent use of the DRM content.Only
authorized entities may access the right objects or DRM storage files.The system allows only
authorized entities access to critical components like ROs.  LXC, MAC 
Rights Object (RO) / license tampering when in storage on
file system: Time stamp modification in the license file / RO set by DRM
license issuer for purchased contentHighA successful
attack will allow unlimited viewing/access to the protected content.The rights
object must be integrity
protected and may only be adjusted (e.g. metering counters decremented)
within a hardware boundary.The ROs are
protected from reflash attack. They are also protected by Linux file system
permissions to make sure only DRM agent accesses them. LXC, MAC 
SysInfra•  Might include navigation map access e.g.

•  Should not be restricted to
content DRM. Software license management could also be in scope. 
RO/license tampering: Tampering rights object e.g. to modify the permissions
and constraints when in transit from the license server.HighA successful attack will allow
unlimited or non-authorized entities to view/access to the protected content.The rights object must be integrity protected in
transit and in storage.Rights objects as well as DRM
communications are protected by the DRM license acquisition protocol (e.g. WM
DRM, OMA DRM) implemented by the OEM. 3RD, NET 
Key Theft: Stealing Content Encryption Key (CEK) after it is extracted; this
is a critical key for decrypting the encrypted contentHighTheft of the key would allow
access to the protected content.The key must only be unencrypted form when they are being used in the
cryptographic engine and must be protected hardware and software attacks.DRM keying material are only
plaintext and used within a HW security engine. CRP, HW 
Security•  Threat should be generalized as 'stealing
the global encryption keys'. 
Theft of CEK when it is passed from DRM agent to
decryption engine in the media framework pipeline for decryption.HighTheft of the key
would allow access to the protected content.The key must only be unencrypted form when
they are being used in the cryptographic engine and must be protected
hardware and software attacks.DRM keying
material are only plaintext and used within a HW security engine. CRP, M&G 
M&G•  Threat should be generalized as 'stealing
the global encryption keys'. 
Replay attacks on content by reloading rights objects.HighReplay attacks on the RO, by
replacing the RO data, will potentially allow an attacker access some content
for unlimited usages.Only authorized and trusted
agents must be allowed to
manage/access the rights object database.The RO database is accessible to
only authorized entities. LXC, MAC 
SysInfra•  Threat could be more general to any kind of
digital content on the platform (e.g. navigation maps). 
Content theft/piracy: Content is stolen / copied from the non-volatile
(flash) storage.HighIf unencrypted content is
stored, then the DRM subsystem is considered invalid.Protected content is encrypted when in non-volatile
storage.DRM content is encrypted while
stored in non-volatile storage, and only decrypted in secure HW engine. CRP 
Security•  Check back with user management team if
this threat is relevant in the automotive context (e.g. managing phone books
from different users). 
Content theft/piracy: Re-producing and pirating
clear/decrypted content by reading it from its memory location (Memory
snooping)HighIf the content
is transmitted internally in an unprotected form and an attacker may be able
to access/copy the DRM content then the DRM.The only memory
containing clear content is protected from reading by apps using protected
memory.DRM content is
protected from user since the content is only in a plaintext or decrypted
format in the HW security  engine and
the hardware protected memory. LXC, M&G 
M&G•  Mostly related media playback use
Content theft/piracy: Stealing encoded content on user accessible buses using
logic analyzer or other hardware method.MediumAn attacker with expert
knowledge and advanced tools would be able to copy the protected content.The system must take precautions to hide sensitive busses that might be used
to transmit unprotected content from probing.The buses will be hidden in the
platform motherboard packaging.HW 
Net•  Need a new threat to address data exchange
over INC. 
Bypass security by external battery removal: rights count or time metering
aspects for DRM content may not be correctly updated or checked if power
source is removed before the content is consumed.MediumAn attacker might be able to get
access to content outside the licensing rights.The system must ensure the user cannot gain invalid access to premium content
by removal of the battery, and therefore prevent the attacker from bypassing
metering aspects of the DRM system.Time based metering attacks will
be mitigated by inherent architecture of the DRM protocols.  3RD, HW, NET 
SysInfra•  GPS is frequently used to monitor the time
of the day. 
Modification of the CPU memory management to expose the
protected memory region or redirect content to non-protected areas.HighAn attacker that
is able to affect the memory management including removing security of
restricted memory areas they would gain access to plaintext premium content.The setting and
management of layout and access of the protected memory region is controlled by only trusted and
authorized agents.During the boot
the BIOS/firmware will set the protected memory regions which will enable the
system to protect the premium content. BFW, LK, LXC 
M&G•  Added the Linux Kernel that is also
involved into the memory configuration. 
A rogue or malicious application, with access the premium
content and attempts to exploit DRM methods to steal premium content.  Since most premium content architectures
provide a ‘preview’ feature, malicious viewers would be able to ‘preview’ the
entire movie.HighA
rogue or malicious application could take advantage of DRM methods (e.g.
preview capability) to expose protected content.Any
application which is able to utilize the DRM subsystem must be a trusted component.During the boot
process the operating system will validate the system components including
the DRM viewers.



The preview capability will be limited only to few frames and accessible to
authorized components. BM, M&G 
M&G•  Added M&G EG as playback of
DRM-protected media is in their scope. 
Attacker copies content from external audio/video connection.HighA successful attack would
compromise the premium content.Premium content should not be available of external
interfacesWhen not using HDMI, the content
quality will be downgraded.HW 
Attacker denies playing content by consuming playback
resource (e.g. video overlay, audio channels, etc.).MediumA success attack
would prevent a valid end-user from utilizing system resources.Platform should
provide reasonable resource management to mitigate denial of service attacksFor IVI plans to
provide some resource
management to mitigate against denial of service attacks in the form of
cgroups LXC, RM, AM, LM 
SysInfra•  Added Audio Manager and Layer Management as
they are involved into resource allocation. 
Attacker corrupts content as it is downloaded.HighThis would prevent the end user
from being able to view/access content.The communication channel must be protected from corruption
during download.Integrity protection of the
content in an integral part of the planned DRM architectures, so it is
expected that this will detect any over-the-air corruption. NET, M&G   
Attacker plays/transfers/etc. content until license is
successful attack would prevent the user from accessing premium content and
would be considered a denial of serviceAny
application which is able to utilize the DRM subsystem must be a trusted component.During the
Trusted boot process the operating system will validate
the system components including the DRM viewers.



Only authorized component will be able to access the rights object
database. This will be implemented using Linux file system permissions and
Mandatory Access Controls (MAC).
Attacker tampers with messages/content sent by Device Manageability (DM)
serverHighThis could affect system
functionality and expose user private data.Messages exchanged between the
manageability client and server must be integrity and replay protected and, where user private data
is involved, must be
confidentiality protected.Integrity protection of the
content in an integral part of the planned device manageability architecture,
so it is expected that this will detect any over-the-air corruption of
messages or data. NET  •  Need to better adapt the threat to the
automotive environment (e.g. Device Manageability is not a common term in
•  AI(all): Brainstorm how these
threats (related to DM) map to automotive diagnostics, etc.
•  All threats in T3* are postponed
until a match with automotive features/technologies is defined. 
A man-in-the-middle attacker hijacks DM server session; enables attacker to
control device completely potentially overwriting software/firmwareHighAn attacker that hijacks a DM
session could attempt to overwrite client firmware and software.The software and firmware that
is being updated from the DM server must be integrity protect to ensure the code is from an
authenticated and authorized party.Confidentiality and
authentication protection is part of the planned device manageability session
architectures, so it is expected that this will detect any attempts to load
malicious software/firmware.NET  •  Need to better adapt the threat to the
automotive environment (e.g. Device Manageability is not a common term in
Unauthorized DM client plug-in installed by the attacker
affecting SP interaction with the deviceHighIf an attacker
is able to augment any the DM client with a vulnerable/malicious plug-in, it
may be assumed all user private data, including DRM content is at risk.This threat must be mitigated by using the
same protection mechanisms to protect plug-ins that are used to protect the
rest of the DM software.The trusted boot
and file system monitoring mechanism will make sure there is no compromise to
the DM client and plug ins. Certain plug-ins will be optionally linked
statically to avoid any possible usage of unauthorized plug-in. BM, LXC, MAC   
By taking over DM client, attacker launches DOS (or DDOS) attacks on SP
network.HighIf an attacker is able to
replace any DM client with vulnerable / malicious software, it would be able
to launch an attack on the server.This DM server should be resistant to denial of
service attacks by authorized and unauthorized entities.DM server will not accept any
connections from unauthorized clients. LXC, MAC, OOS  •  The threat can be mitigated with LXC and
MAC, but the suggested threat response is OOS 
Untrusted application accesses DM client through IPC channels opened by the
client application/daemon.HighIf an attacker is able to affect
operation of the DM client from malicious software, it may be assumed DM
access may be blocked.The system must allow only authorized applications to access the DM client
through open IPC channels.DM client will not allow
unauthorized access over its IPC channels. IPC, LXC, MAC   
Attacker kills the DM client; affecting SP access to the
deviceHighAn attacker
would create a denial of service of the ability of the DM server to support
the client.The system should have some watchdog
mechanism to determine when a critical system component is modified, deleted
or halted.System watchdog
will make sure all critical services remain running.NSM   
Attacker attempts to spoof the device to a DM server.HighAn attacker could gain user data
and services that are intended for the actual user.The DM server and the client should perform a bi-directional
authentication.  The planned device manageability
architecture provides the ability to perform strong, bi-lateral
authentication.  It will be recommended
to the service providers to enable this feature. NET?, OOS?   
Attacker places system into “unmanaged” state to re-provision or control
management.HighIf an attacker was able to place
the device into an unmanaged or un-provisioned state, this would either
present a denial of service to the end user, or would allow the attacker
re-provision the platform.The device must prevent an unauthorized entity from placing that device into
an un-provisioned state. The provisioned information is
either stored in the HW Security Engine or in Linux protected files in the
file system. BFW, HW, PST 
Attacker replaces HW SIM/token to access unavailable
features/capabilities.HighIf SIM is used
for security of the rest of the platform, this can seriously compromise the
systemSIM should not
be used as a general purpose security mechanism. If done, then strong
protection mechanism should be put in place to make sure only authorized SIM
modules are used. SIM will NOT be
used for general purpose security mechanism. Its usage will be limited to
only 3G network accesses. 3G network will provide access control to allow
only authorized SIMs HW, OOS 
Using ptrace on a trusted/operating system component an
attacker can replace the text segment of a running process and then set the
registers such that it is executed. Thus, the attacker can directly inject
malicious code into an otherwise correctly working program.HighIf an attacker
is able to utilize ptrace on a trusted/operating system component the
security of the operating system may be bypassed.For final
product ptrace must be
disabled or under access control.Ptrace will be
disabled in the final product or under access control LK, MAC 
SysInfra•  Need an additional threat similar to this
related to DLT message injection. 
Affect protected memory at boot to expose the area to malicious softwareHighAn attacker that
is able to affect the memory management settings at boot, including removing
security of restricted memory areas, they would gain access to plaintext
premium content.The setting and
management of layout and access of the protected memory region must be controlled by only trusted
and authorized agents. The trusted boot process ensures that malicious or
unauthorized SW cannot be booted.During the boot
process the BIOS/firmware
will set the protected memory regions which will enable the system to protect
the premium content. BFW, LK 
Denial of service by deletion of some or all of the components of the
operating systemHighIf an attacker is able to delete
any of the components in the boot process, or critical system components, it
may be assumed all operation of the client is at risk.The system must be able to
detect if all components/services required for correct operation are
available.The file system monitor will
detect the compromise. The user can recover from the compromise using the OS
recovery mechanism. FSM, SWM   
Elevation of privilege of applications by exploiting
vulnerabilities in system components.HighIf
an attacker is able to exploit vulnerabilities in any of the critical system
components, could lead to the exposure of user private data, including DRM.This threat must be mitigated by minimizing
the capabilities of processes to the actual and minimal set of capabilities
required for the task, implementing access control for privileged operations
and running untrusted applications in sandboxes.

The system must also be capable of being securely updated or patched by an
authenticated and authorized entity.Number
of high privileged processes are minimized through MAC and process isolation.
Sandboxing and effective usage of access control will help minimize the
damage caused by compromised applications. Device will also have secure
software update mechanism. LXC, MAC, SWM   
By manipulating the attacker can insert their
nefarious library into the search path before the original library. After
this modification, applications that are launched and wish to link to a
shared library (libc for example), will be directed to the nefarious libc
instead.HighIf an attacker is able to
manipulate / it may be assumed all user private data,
including DRM content is at risk.This threat must be mitigated by protecting system directories from update by
un-authorized entities.File system monitor will watch
the critical files and directories on the platform. Sandboxing will also
minimize the damage caused by compromised applications.. LXC, MAC, FSM 
Leveraging a kernel or other critical component
vulnerability (e.g. buffer overflow) to elevate privilege.HighIf
an attacker is able to replace any of the system critical components by
exploiting vulnerable software, it may be assumed all user private data,
including DRM content is at risk.Dynamic analysis would help
detect and mitigate any active vulnerability exploit.

Intrusion detection system to detect updates to the critical system
vectors are limited through effective usage of application sandboxing. The
trusted boot and file system monitoring will make sure compromises are
detected on the file system. BFW, LXC, MAC, FSM 
Malicious application attempts to exploit an app vulnerability to gain
elevated privilege.HighThe malicious
SW could access data, potentially user private, or perform actions that it is
not authorized for. This threat must be mitigated by minimizing processing running as root,
implementing access control for privileged operations and running untrusted
applications in sandboxes.



The system must
also be capable of being securely updated or patched by an authenticated and
authorized entity.Number of high
privileged processes are minimized through Capabilities usage. Sandboxing and
effective usage of access control will help minimize the damage caused by
compromised applications. Device will also have secure software update
mechanism. LXC, MAC, SWM 
An attacker exhausts system resources (memory, disk, etc.) to trigger OS
vulnerability or error.MediumIf an attacker
is able to overload critical system components, it may be assumed all
operation of the client is at risk.The system must be able to detect a DoS
operation to prevent incorrect operation.No plans to
control resource usage by a process. LXC, RM 
Net•  GENIVI Resource Management might provided
for a different threat response. 
An attacker attaches a malicious device (e.g. 1394) to compromise the kernel
via DMA.HighAn attacker which is able to
utilize a DMA device to compromise the kernel could bypass system security.The system must control what devices have DMA access, and those abstracted
and controlled.The kernel may not load
untrusted (unsigned / unauthenticated) drivers. The trusted boot will make
sure that all drivers are trust worthy. The security update mechanism will
provide a way to fix bugs found in drivers and kernel. BFW, SWM 
SysInfra•  Assume that the cases where software can be
injected an executed before the kernel is loaded is covered by BFW.
•  The response 'the kernel will not
be able to load new drivers' is not acceptable in GENIVI context. Some sort
of driver signature verification must be put in place instead. 
An attacker triggers an OS vulnerability/error via HW
modifications (e.g. jumpers).MediumIf
OS vulnerability may be induced by a HW setting, an attacker may be able to
reduce or affect the security of the platform.We
must ensure that user (or attacker) accessible HW interfaces may not be
modified to reduce security of the platform.HW
modifications are out of scope for this document. Through trusted boot and
security update mechanisms the device will guarantee to run the trusted
kernel and software components. HW, OOS 
The user or malicious software attempts to set/reset the RTC used by DRM
agent.HighIf an attacker is able to affect
the operation of the RTC, the attacker could be able to access the content
indefinitely if the content is metered per-play.Only authorized and trusted
agents must be allowed to
manage the real time clock.RTC will not be accessible to
any SW component for SET operation. DRM agent will use the RTC to implement
its time management functions. LXC, NET, MAC 
Net•  Connman, NTP involved
•  ome head units use GPS or other
modules in the vehicle as a source of real time.
•  As a threat response, only allow
the RTC to be changed by trusted components. In this way, event when the
system time is synchronized to e.g. spoofed source, the RTC remains
Denial of service against the flash memory by a malicious
application which attempts to exceed the erase/write lifecycle of the flash.MediumThis could
dramatically reduce the lifetime of the device or require a hardware update
to the system.



Attacks on a flash area that may hold system components may introduce other
is recommended that the system should be able to detect and/or prevent abusive or unsafe accesses
(erase/write operations) to the flash device.Wear-leveling
shall be used to prevent burnout.  PST, LXC 
SysInfra•  There might be cases where the flash memory
is written to bypassing the persistence component (e.g. if the flash memory
is accessible via a writable file system). 
Denial of service against the CPU by a malicious application which attempts
to consume CPU cycles.MediumThis could dramatically reduce
availability of the system.It is recommended that the
system must be able to
prevent/throttle abusive operations by applications.Resource management to mitigate
DOS attacks is out of scope LXC, RM 
The RTC is set by an authorized agent, although the
authorized agent is using an untrusted time source.HighIf
an attacker is able to affect the source of the RTC, the attacker could be
able to access the content indefinitely if the content is metering on a per
play use.Only authorized
and trusted agents must be
allowed to manage/access the real time clock.



The architecture must
also identify best practices on what are valid time sources for the RTC.RTC
will not be accessible to any SW component for SET operation. The SCU
firmware manages the RTC time setting if needed. NET 
SysInfra•  Connman runs NTP and should be resposible
for authenticating the time source.
•  The same should apply to the
components using the time from GPS or other ECUs to set RTC. 
Unauthorized re-Flash of device through external debug port (e.g. JTAG): If
the JTAG ports are kept open and unprotected in field, attackers can use it
to alter device properties, update software on flash, modify the behavior etcHighIf an attacker is able to access
unprotected JTAG interfaces, they may be able to use it to alter device
properties, update software on flash, modify system behavior, extract keying
material and compromise the entire system security.JTAG ports must be disabled or protected.The IVI platform has secure JTAG
interface which requires asymmetric key based authentication. HW   
An attacker depletes the battery by overuse of
power-hungry resources (e.g. video brightness, wireless power levels, etc,).MediumIf
an attacker is able to misuse, power intensive system components, the
attacker may be able to affect user interaction The
system must be able to
control access to power intensive system to authenticated / authorized users.Resource
management to mitigate DOS attacks is out of scope. All system resources that
need to be protected, will implement some form of access control.
Un-authorized applications will not be allowed to manage these resources LXC, RM, MAC 
SysInfra•  Thread Model document says "Resource
management to mitigate DOS attacks is out of scope", which is not
An attacker manipulates HW to DoS or annoy user (e.g. change screen
brightness, play audio noise, etc.).  MediumA successful
attacker would be able to prevent valid operation of device based on
modification of system settings. The system must be able to control access to
system configuration settingsResource
management to mitigate DOS attacks is out of scope. All system resources that
need to be protected, will implement some form of access control.
Un-authorized applications will not be allowed to manage these resources LXC, RM, MAC  •  Thread Model document says "Resource
management to mitigate DOS attacks is out of scope", which is not
Malicious application attempts to programmatically disrupt system services,
(e.g WiMAX stack, 3G services, DRM stack, device manageability services)HighIf an attacker is able to
disrupt any of the system services, the system security may be significantly
compromised.Access to trusted and critical
system services must protected
and only available to trusted applications and services.Number of high privileged
processes are minimized through Capabilities usage. Sandboxing and effective
usage of access control will help minimize the damage caused by compromised
applications. Device will also have secure software update mechanism. LXC, MAC, SWM 
With the use of the LD_PRELOAD environment variable, the
attacker can link a nefarious library into an otherwise unmodified binary and
subvert it when it is executed.HighAn
attacker could use the init() function to execute nefarious code immediately
as well as overriding predefined symbols to insert nefarious actions during
the execution of the subverted program. E.g. redefine the read() function to copy the data returned to another location.This
threat must be mitigated by
ensuring only certain environment variables are allowed in the application
system monitor will watch the critical files and directories on the platform.
Sandboxing will also minimize the damage caused by compromised applications. BFW, LXC, MAC, FSM 
Malware (trojans, viruses, phishing applications, etc.) is allowed to
execute.HighOnce malware
runs, it may not be possible to completely prevent it from stealing user
data, utilizing user services or acting as a bot targeting other systems or
devices.This threat must be mitigated by making sure the platform can support
anti-virus/anti-malware applications.

It is also strongly recommended that platforms should have anti-virus/anti-malware
applications installed and configured before shipment to the end user.Through Application sandboxing the damage
caused by the malware will be limited to only the compromised applications.
OEM may also choose to install a mobile optimized anti-virus software to
further control the damage. LXC, MAC, RM 
Malware spoofs dialog boxes or other components of the UI.MediumMalware which is able to display
arbitrary dialog boxes could trick the user into installing further
applications, requesting and stealing additional user data, etc.This threat must be mitigated by making sure the platform can support
anti-virus/anti-malware applications which would be able to prevent and/or
detect this malware.No plans to implement trusted path like mechanism to
provide trusted i/o. Many of the social engineering like attacks are
currently out of scope. LXC, MAC, OOS 
Security•  LXC and MAC can mitigate the threat, but
the suggested threat response is OOS
•  Popup manager API must be
accessible only to the authorized applications. 
Denial of service attack on the network stackHighIf an attacker
is able disrupt any of the system services, the system security may be
significantly compromised.The network
stack must be resilient to
DoS attacks by having basic firewalling capabilitiesThe system will
mitigate this threat as outlined in the Network Firewall and access control
SysInfra•  Ryan to clarify how to incorporate the
Network Firewall configuration. 
Denial of service attack on the platform keying material
by the deletion or overwrite of the key storage file.HighIf an attacker
could delete or modify the cryptographic keying material this could
compromise or prevent the use and manageability of the deviceOnly authorized entities may access the cryptographic keying
storage files. The key storage file must be protected from applications running on the main CPU.All keys are
protected within the HW security engine environment. The DRM and other keys
are never exposed to the applications running on CPU. CRP, LXC, MAC, PST 
Security•  Since a broad range of hardware designs
must be supported, extend the threat response to say that if the keys are not
managed by the HW security engine, there will be additional risks to address. 
Replacement of, or direct access to, flash to extract or
modify cryptographic keys.HighIf attacker is
able to extract plaintext keying material from flash it may be assumed all
user private data, including DRM content, is at risk.All
cryptographic keys must be
stored securely to preserve integrity and confidentiality.OTP provides
secure storage for all keys configured during provisioning. The DRM RO keys
are stored in HW security engine key ring which is encrypted by device root
key (RKEK) and stored in NAND. HW, PST 
SysInfra•  Since a broad range of hardware designs
must be supported, extend the threat response to say that if the keys are not
managed by the HW security engine, there will be additional risks to address. 
Simple or differential timing/power/RF analysis attacks on the crypto engine
to recover the keying material.MediumIf an attacker is able to mount
a simple/differential timing/power/RF analysis attack, they might be able to
extract keying material for the cryptographic subsystem.The device should be resistant to simple and differential timing/power/RF
attacks.Security HW engine does not
mitigate this threat. HW  •  The threat response needs to be reworded to
say that the hardware can only partially mitigate this threat. 
Use of weak crypto by some applications.MediumWeak cryptography could expose
application data to cryptanalysis.Ensure that guidelines are
giving to OEMs/ISV for distribution to application developers.The HW security engine supports
industry standard strength cryptographic algorithms and mechanisms. CRP  •  Need also to provide guidelines about
recommended algorithms and key lengths. 
Attacker deletes or replaces another applications
cryptographic keys or data.HighA malicious
application, which is able to access or manage cryptographic keys or data
that it does not own, could prevent correct operation of the device.There must be a mechanism to restrict
access to only authenticated and authorized applications.See T8a
response. The DOS like attack where malicious application deleting the keys
stored in key ring is possible. CRP, LXC, MAC, PST  •  Since a broad range of hardware designs
must be supported, extend the threat response to say that if the keys are not
managed by the HW security engine, there will be additional risks to address. 
Attacker exhausts RNG entropy (DoS).MediumA malicious application exhausts
the entropy from the RNG and there prevents valid other application
components receiving strong random numbers.There must be a mechanism to ensure the RNG only provides strong random
numbers.HW security engine may not be
mitigating this threat fully. HW, CRP   
Platform secrets, RNG seeds, configuration information or
keying material are altered or disclosed at production or provisioning time.HighThis insider
attack is launched by the production employee, or launched from the
compromised provisioning equipment, the attacker would be able control or
copy critical security information being placed onto the platformTo prevent these
insider threats approved secure provisioning techniques must be followed.OEMs are
strongly advised to maintain secure manufacturing sites where key and other
provisioning will take place. OOS 
CEConn•  The threat response should also apply to
the service sites (garages, etc.) 
Malicious firmware or trusted software is embedded at time
of production or point-of-sale, servicing where device management or
provisioning occurs.HighThis
insider attack is launched by the production employee or launched from the
compromised provisioning equipment. The attacker would be able to compromise
the complete system.To prevent these insider threats
approved secure provisioning techniques must be followed.



This threat must be
mitigated by implementing a trusted boot mechanism where the root of trust
must be in hardware that can detect the malicious replacement of firmware.OEMs
are strongly advised to maintain secure manufacturing sites where key and
other provisioning will take place. OOS, HW, BFW 
CEConn•  The threat response should also apply to
the service sites (garages, etc.) 
Additional (unpaid/unauthorized) non-malicious SW is installed (that adds
features, etc.).HighThis insider attack is launched
by the production employee or launched from the compromised provisioning
equipment. The attacker would be able to compromise the complete system.To prevent these insider threats
approved secure provisioning techniques must be followed.OEMs are strongly advised to
maintain secure manufacturing sites where key and other provisioning will
take place.OOS 
SysInfra•  The threat response should also apply to
the service sites (garages, etc.) 
Device HW could be cloned. MediumLoss of business for Tier-1 and
OEMs, as well as an impact on consumer confidence.Standard OEM Policies regarding
HW cloning must be adhered
to.Device unique key will help
mitigate the risk. HW, BFW 
An attacker attempts to read/discover context or location
data stored on the device, generated by the device, or in transport to a
third party from the device.HighA successful
attack would present a significant end-user privacy breach from the device.The
confidentiality of context or location aware data must be protected by access control and/or cryptography.  If should be configurable which services
and applications have access to the location information to preserve end-user
privacy and security.Sandboxed
applications are aware of resources that are directly exposed. The access
control techniques will also make sure that only certain apps can access
critical system resources. LXC, MAC, CRP, PST, NET, CEC 
DLT•  The exact context of this threat is
unclear. Does it only apply at run time or also to standalone and
disassembled head units? (The threats T12a-T12b suggest that this is the
•  CEC is affected in the case of
e.g. off-board navigation via a nomadic device. 
An attacker modifies context or location data stored on the device, generated
by the device, or in transport to a third party from the device.HighA successful attack could
present a disruption in service on the platform.  This disruption could cause security issues
to the end- user.  For example if an
attacker were able to modify location data, emergency services (e.g. 911)
would not be able to correctly find the end-user.  The integrity of context or
location aware data must be
protected by access control and/or cryptography.Sandboxed applications are aware
of resources that are directly exposed. The access control techniques will
also make sure that only certain apps can access critical system resources. LXC, MAC, CRP, PST, NET, CEC   
Malicious application attempts to gain access to user
private data (e.g. email addresses, calendar information)HighOn an open
platform a malicious application may attempt to access and exploit user data.This threat should be mitigated by providing
effective sandboxing for applications, providing mechanisms to applications
to protect privacy sensitive data.Application
sandboxing will allow apps to hide information and other data. Email client
running a sandbox will not be visible to other apps. Also, it is encouraged
that applications use strong access control on any external interfaces. LXC, MAC, CRP, PST, NET, CEC   
Screen scraping by malicious application.High An
application, which is able to scrape or capture information from the screen,
may be able to gain access to user authentication data.This
threat must be mitigated by
making sure the platform can support anti-virus/anti-malware applications
which would be able to prevent and/or detect this malware.Mobile
anti-virus software will mitigate this threat in a reactive fashion. LXC, MAC, M&G, SEC  •  The access to the frame buffers managed by
the Graphics Backend Server must be restricted (M&G).
•  Antivirus software is not directly
addressed in GENIVI. The features currently included with FSM might be
covered by a more generic anti-virus software (SEC). 
An attacker is able to send unsolicited messages over Bluetooth to
Bluetooth-enabled device.  
(Bluejacking)MediumBluejacking is usually harmless,
but because bluejacked people generally don't know what has happened, they
may think that their device is malfunctioning. Usually, a bluejacker will
only send a text message, but with modern devices it's possible to send images
or sounds as well.



With the increase in the availability of Bluetooth enabled devices, these
devices have become vulnerable to virus attacks and even complete take over
of devices through a trojan horse.The device should also have the ability to
configure its’ visibility to other clients, that is the device into
undiscoverable mode. OEMs are encouraged to deploy devices with
Bluetooth disabled by defaultCEC   
A potential attacker can attack the Bluetooth interface to make phone calls,
send messages read and write contacts and calendar events, eavesdrop on phone
conversations, and connect to the Internet. (Bluebugging)HighA potential
attacker can attack the Bluetooth interface to make phone calls, send
messages, read and write contacts and calendar events, eavesdrop on phone
conversations, and connect to the Internet. The device should also have the ability to configure its’ visibility to other
clients, that is the device into undiscoverable mode.



The device must implement strong access control for sensitive functions
like SMS, read/write privacy data etc.Sandboxed applications are aware
of resources that are directly exposed. The access control techniques will
also make sure that only certain apps can access critical system

The Bluetooth devices are not connected without user prompt.
Loss of Personal data when the attacker has physical control of the device.HighIf private,
sensitive user data is unprotected in non-volatile storage, an attacker with
physical access may be capable of retrieving this data The device must be capable of encrypting sensitive user data in non-volatile
storage. Note: the platform cryptographic services must be available for use
by applications.



The device must be capable of allowing the service provider to remotely
disable/lock it.The device
supports a range of cryptographic services that will be available to
application developers to utilize to protect their data. PST, CRP   
Insertion of malicious HW and returnMediumAn attacker
launching a successful HW attack could present a DoS attack or bypass device
security.Best design
practices to prevent unauthorized hardware addition or modification/removal
of valid HW.We need to
ensure and help educate OEMs/ISVs that user (or attacker) accessible HW
interfaces may not be modified to reduce security of the platform. OOS   
An attacker is able to modify and/or delete security critical application
or operating system audit logs.HighIf an attacker
is able to modify and/or delete security critical audit logs, security
information that a device administrator uses to correctly manage the device
may be compromised, and hence the correct operation or security of the
devices is at risk.The device must integrity protect operating system audit logs and provide the
cryptographic capabilities for integrity to applications to protect their
logs and data.



The device must also protect access to the management of these logs.
Linux based
protection only. Apps should make sure the logs stored in syslogd have no
secret information. DLT, LXC, MAC, PST  •  The threat response does not seem to match
the threat description (avoiding to put private data into logs does not help
to prevent the logs from being deleted or modified).
•  Assuming that this threat is about
accessing the log file directly (bypassing the auditing application.) 
A malicious entity (internal or external to the device) attacks the
auditing/logging system or components. HighAttacker which is able to
successfully attack the logging/auditing components of the system
•  Prevent system components or
applications for logging
•  Maliciously add or erase log
•  Maliciously delete log
•  Change timestamp data
•  Read sensitive log data.The system must provide robust authentication
and authorization over the auditing and logging subsystem.Linux based
protection only. Apps should make sure the logs stored in syslogd have no
secret information. DLT, LXC, MAC  •  Assuming that this threat is about
accessing the log file contents via the auditing application. 


Threats out of GENIVI scope


 ThreatRisk LevelImpactSecurity RequirementThreat ResponseCategoryEGComment
T2iContent theft/piracy: Stealing encoded content on user accessible buses using logic analyzer or other hardware method.MediumAn attacker with expert knowledge and advanced tools would be able to copy the protected content.The system must take precautions to hide sensitive busses that might be used to transmit unprotected content from probing.The buses will be hidden in the platform motherboard packaging.HWOOSNeed a new threat to address data exchange over INC.
T2m Attacker copies content from external audio/video connection.HighA successful attack would compromise the premium content.Premium content should not be available of external interfacesWhen not using HDMI, the content quality will be downgraded.HWOOS 
T4jAn attacker triggers an OS vulnerability/error via HW modifications (e.g. jumpers).MediumIf OS vulnerability may be induced by a HW setting, an attacker may be able to reduce or affect the security of the platform.We must ensure that user (or attacker) accessible HW interfaces may not be modified to reduce security of the platform.HW modifications are out of scope for this document. Through trusted boot and security update mechanisms the device will guarantee to run the trusted kernel and software components.HW, OOSOOS 
T5eUnauthorized re-Flash of device through external debug port (e.g. JTAG): If the JTAG ports are kept open and unprotected in field, attackers can use it to alter device properties, update software on flash, modify the behavior etcHighIf an attacker is able to access unprotected JTAG interfaces, they may be able to use it to alter device properties, update software on flash, modify system behavior, extract keying material and compromise the entire system security.JTAG ports must be disabled or protected.The IVI platform has secure JTAG interface which requires asymmetric key based authentication.HWOOS 
T8cSimple or differential timing/power/RF analysis attacks on the crypto engine to recover the keying material.MediumIf an attacker is able to mount a simple/differential timing/power/RF analysis attack, they might be able to extract keying material for the cryptographic subsystem.The device should be resistant to simple and differential timing/power/RF attacks.Security HW engine does not mitigate this threat.HWOOSThe threat response needs to be reworded to say that the hardware can only partially mitigate this threat.
T9aPlatform secrets, RNG seeds, configuration information or keying material are altered or disclosed at production or provisioning time.HighThis insider attack is launched by the production employee, or launched from the compromised provisioning equipment, the attacker would be able control or copy critical security information being placed onto the platformTo prevent these insider threats approved secure provisioning techniques must be followed.OEMs are strongly advised to maintain secure manufacturing sites where key and other provisioning will take place.OOSOOSThe threat response should also apply to the service sites (garages, etc.)
T9b Malicious firmware or trusted software is embedded at time of production or point-of-sale, servicing where device management or provisioning occurs.HighThis insider attack is launched by the production employee or launched from the compromised provisioning equipment. The attacker would be able to compromise the complete system.To prevent these insider threats approved secure provisioning techniques must be followed. This threat must be mitigated by implementing a trusted boot mechanism where the root of trust must be in hardware that can detect the malicious replacement of firmware.OEMs are strongly advised to maintain secure manufacturing sites where key and other provisioning will take place.OOS, HW, BFWOOSThe threat response should also apply to the service sites (garages, etc.)
T9c Additional (unpaid/unauthorized) non-malicious SW is installed (that adds features, etc.).HighThis insider attack is launched by the production employee or launched from the compromised provisioning equipment. The attacker would be able to compromise the complete system.To prevent these insider threats approved secure provisioning techniques must be followed.OEMs are strongly advised to maintain secure manufacturing sites where key and other provisioning will take place.OOSOOSThe threat response should also apply to the service sites (garages, etc.)
T12b Insertion of malicious HW and returnMediumAn attacker launching a successful HW attack could present a DoS attack or bypass device security.Best design practices to prevent unauthorized hardware addition or modification/removal of valid HW.We need to ensure and help educate OEMs/ISVs that user (or attacker) accessible HW interfaces may not be modified to reduce security of the platform.OOSOOS 

Acronyms for classification

3RD : third parties
AM : audio management
BFW : BIOS/Firmware
BM : Boot management
CEC : Connectivity
CRP : Crypto
DLT : Diag, Log & Trace
FSM : File system monitoring
HW : Hardware (like secure boot)
IPC : inter-process communication
LBS : Location-based services
LK : Linux kernel
LXC : linux container
M&G : media and graphics
MAC : Mandatory Access Control
NET : network
NSM : Node state management
OOS : out of scope (for GENIVI)
PST : persistence
RM : resource management
SEC : Security
SWM : Software management