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(star) This contains just some minutes.  Main project page here.

September 4, 2018


  • Bernhard Rill (ARM)
  • Artem (EPAM)
  • Dmitry (Opensynergy)
  • Kai (Elektrobit)
  • Nikola (GHS)
  • Sang Bum (Perseus)
  • Guru (Bosch)
  • Gunnar (GENIVI)
  • Philippe (GENIVI)



  • Bangalore tech summit preparation


  • tech summit
    • discussion on deep-dive topics for discussion in the HV working session: gpu sharing is an important topic to discuss
    • HV working session will be scheduled on Day 2 afternoon (11 October) to allow European participants to join by telco
    • Bernhard has sent an email introducing a white paper released by Arm which gives and insight into the architectural updates in Armv8.4 in the Trustzone:

August 28, 2018



  • Introductions
    • Gunnar tried to get contact with Ajmal, Gayathri, Karthikeyan, George, and some others but no answer.
      • Apparently there were microphone troubles all around
  • Purpose/idea and organization history of Hypervisor initiative
    • Seoul AMM activities October 2017
    • Discussion & Preparing
    • "Do it right" - i.e. start only when/if significant interest
    • New developments – new lead (Sang-Bum)
    • Workshop at AMM  lots of interest - time to start planning agenda
  • Started the topic list under Hypervisor Project - minutes
  • Requirements need - OEMs usually don't give HV related requirements - they are more functional.
  • Could we create some kind of (shared) Baseline requirements for HV vendors?
  • (Sysgo): I do not believe in any kind of open source solution...
    • ... to solve Level 2 [or higher] autonomous driving... 
    • ... the code base is too big
  • Gunnar: ... making a note that code base size is independent of code license
  • (someone): We need to know which devices are important (for OEMs) 
  • (someone): We expect safety requirements to be provided
  • Albert:
    • Need to listen to the voice of customers
    • case studies
    • safety issues
    • 26262  - many are not familiar
    • difference in needs between IVI (not safety critical) vs cluster (is safety critical)
  • accelerate towards (some kind of) safety approval
  • HV solutions have been deployed (to solve this) not only in automotive - in aviation at least 5 years ago

an white paper released by Arm which gives and insight into the architectural updates in Armv8.4 in the Trustzone: