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Minute takers according to this page 

August 6, 2019


  • Matti
  • Gunnar


  • Dmitry
  • Bernhard
  • Kai
  • Adam
  • Philippe


  • Matti
  • Gunnar


  • whitepaper projectization
  • Discuss F2F agenda


  • Whitepaper projectization in Jira
    • Philippe: points to the proosed document outline available at the bottom ofvof [HV] Next Generation Multi-OS System Design Whitepaper

    • sections are assigned as follows
      • section 1: introduction - Kai has already produced a 2-page intro and will add it to the wiki
      • section 2: What does the HW need to fulfill to support unmodified execution of complete SW stacks,
        • what are the problems ? what is in the pipe ? might reuse elements of Adam's talk at the AMM, assigned to Berhnard
      • section 3: isolation & partitioning : Berhnard can provide high levels definition a,d an "academic view", which will have to cross-checked with reality later, Adam & Kai can provide a text on isolation & timing
      • section 4:  Inter-core communication - assigned to Dmitry and Matti
      • section 5:  summary - assigned to Kai then Gunnar
    • upcoming F2F is scheduled on 23-24 September, it would be good to have a version 1 of the paper at the beginning of September in 4-5 week time
    • Philippe: will create Jira tickets to track and initiate to those tickets with a 4-5 week sprint timeline
  • Virtual platform: projectization in Jira - sssignment assignment of sections to contributors, doc ownership
    • F2F agenda preparation
    • to be completed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


      • Matt has populated Jira with a set of tickets corresponf to the sections of the specs
      • discussion on the assignement of those tickets shifted to next week's call
    • OEM feedback on HV work
      • Philippe shared Renault software expert feedback on HV work in GENIVI
        • background information: slidedeck on HV work prepared by Gunnar
        • Multi-OS System design whitepaper: "I guess everybody has already produced similar reports internally, but the landscape moves fast, and generating something @Genivi is certainly a good idea. I remain convinced that there is no serious use case for hypervisors proper until AD (Autonomous Driving), but study of alternative paths for multicore Socs, especially asymmetric ones, is certainly useful."
        • Automotive virtual platform standardization "This one looks much more ambitious, expensive to achieve and also very useful if it works, assuming convincing use cases show up"
        • the interesting point is that we should be able to ask Renault to review the docs in the future
    • F2F agenda preparation
      • Kai: IMHO 60-70% time should be assigned to virtio => to be checked with Matti (Philippe will send a note to Matti)
        • 1 hour each in each section
        • how ambitious can the project be ?
      • 30-40 % time should be devoted to the white paper, go chapter by chapter
      • Philippe: will create a draft agenda in the wiki
      • Philippe: logistics details need to be added to the project front page
      • /TODO/ Dmitry add logistics details to the wilki (meeting location, direction to opensynergy, hotel recommendation and deal if any)
    • Next week agenda
      • review and assignment of backlog and sprint tickets
      • F2F agenda finalization
    • JIRA walkthrough
    • Actions from last week
    • Discuss F2F agenda

    July 30, 2019



    • Matti
    • Bernhard
    • Bruno
    • Dmitry
    • Gunnar
    • Philippe
    • Kai (last 5 minutes)


    • JIRA project work
    • Matti convert the virtual platform "table" to tickets
    • Kai still interested to write but ran out of time.  New attempt for next week.
    • Break down the work by writing some JIRA tickets (Kai).
    • Next week: also Discuss F2F agenda


    July 23, 2019


    • Matti (vacation)


    • Dmitry
    • Bernhard
    • Vasco
    • Philippe
    • Gunnar


    • Link to whitepaper planning (scroll down to see proposed document outline) [HV] Next Generation Multi-OS System Design Whitepaper
    • Vasco offered to start writing a chapter, or much more detailed outline of the chapter.  I.e. what's the actual content.
    • Proposal to switch meeting time came up again


    July 16th, 2019

