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  • getting everybody updated
  • review of critical use cases.


  • Kai
  • Sang bum
  • Berhnard (arm)
  • Kevin
  • Nikola
  • Sriram
  • Matti
  • Franz
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe...


  • Christoph Lipka (ADIT), Albert (Conti)


  • question on cpu usage following a discussion with a car OEM
    • Sang bum: reports on a discussion on cpu consumption he had with an OEM
    • Gunnar: depends on types of ECU : ic or infotainment
    • Matti: most of systems are very much loaded because as soon as a system has spare capacity OEMs swap to a smaller chip because it costs less
  • device driver virtualization
  • use cases discussion
    • Sang bum: starts with a question about the use of Android os environment
    • Gunnar: Android has been used for several years w/o support asked from google and w/o certification in mind, now some oems are engaging more closely with Google and look for approval
    • Matti: agrees with Gunnar, Google is heavily pushing their techno into automotive and they will likely agree with the utilization of hypervisors
    • Sang bum: asked whether there is a need to dynamically load an OS (i.e. load android when you want to run an android application)
    • Sriram: this is an interesting requirement
    • Franz: multiplying OSes make things more complex when executing the project (3/4 parties need to manage the project which makes it difficult)
    • Matti: this cannot happen with Apple iOS because Apple has never offered iOS on an hw not designed by them
    • Matti: all other OSes could be loaded on demand, Windows might become something people would like to have, a rear set entertainment is not really automotive, it is rather a tablet, this is why Windows could come back in the landscape
    • [not captured for a couple of minutes]
  • back on use cases
    • link:
    • Nikola: comments on the challenges column of the table, some challenges are relevant to architecture rather HV technologies, would it be worth identifying them better ?
    • Sriram: yes, this would help
    • Sriram: shows diagram on architecture at the bottom of the page
    • Sang bum: how can SoCrun both linux and rtos w/o virtualization ?
    • Sriram: this is because modern silicon offered the ability to specialize cores  [capture is TBC], almost all infotainement systems were following this architecture up to now, but this is changing
    • Sriram will share more diagrams
  • AOB
  • Technical summit  - Fall 2018 (week starting on October 8, location: Bangalore, India)
    • Philippe: informs the group that the topics selected for discussion in the summit are related to graphics sharing and hypervisors
    • Sriram: coins the idea of inviting xviser, an HV open source project whose maintainer is based in Bangalore, can reach out to him for a possible presentation, link:
    • Franz: what are the results we need to talk about ?
    • Gunnar: [not captured]
    • Kai: what would be the prerequisites to deliver a demo there ?
    • /TODO/ Philippe gather and provide info about the session schedule and space for demos at the Technical Summit
  • Adjourned: 11:05am CET
  • next week
    • review of Opensynergy inputs on virtual device drivers

June 5


  • getting everybody updated
  • review of critical use cases.
