Workshop agenda for: GENIVI 20th All Member Meeting a Digital Experience

Here's the status report slide deck draft: GENIVI-AASIG-VHAL-status-1.1.pptx

Here's the workshop content draft slide deck GENIVI-AASIG-VHAL-workshop-draft.pptx

Status report & Workshop timeplan

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM CETAASIG - Vehicle HAL
Status reportStefan3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

Vehicle data model alignment - a short introGunnar3:20 PM - 3:30 PM
3:30 PM - 3:45 PM CETNetworking break
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM CET
Agenda and introStefan3:45 PM - 3:50 PM

External Data Server Framework

PoC implementation

Stefan3:50 PM - 4:00 PM

Android-side (Head Unit) Components Status

Framework Layer: Authentication service

HAL Layer : VHAL

Application Layer: App

Stefan4:00 PM - 4:10 PM

Non-Android In-Vehicle Components Status

VSS feeder

VSS database

Stefan, Alex4:10 PM - 4:20 PM

Demonstration, either video or liveStefan4:20 PM - 4:30 PM

Conclusions, future plans & repo structureStefan4:30 PM - 4:40 PM


CVII workshop insightsTake-aways from CVII workshop and VHAL impactGunnar4:45 PM - 4:55 PM




new features like customizable permissions for OEMs to enable better granularity, etc.

Stefan5:00 PM - 5:10 PM

5:15 PM - 5:30 PM CETNetworking break
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CETFirst session recapFollow-up on questions on topics from the first blockKevin5:30 PM - 5:35 PM

GraphQL Concept

Open question to the participants: since there is no graphql libraries, it is the correct path to go ? do we revise the data access architecture ?

Stefan, Alex5:15 PM - 5:25 PM



Lava Test Farm satus

Stephen5:30 PM - 5:40 PM


Alternate architectures for vehicle data access
Internal Data ServerStefan, Alex, Gunnar5:45 PM - 5:55 PM


Vehicle Data Access via Customized HAL - Google VHAL + OEM Extensions insideStefan, Alex, Gunnar6:00 PM - 6:10 PM


Vehicle Data Access – via Some/IP Service - SomeIP stack inside the FrameworkStefan, Alex, Gunnar6:15 PM - 6:25 PM


Data ModelsAlignment of Android and non-Android data modelsGunnar6:30 PM - 6:40 PM


OutlookDiscussion and closing topics to plan next activitiesAll6:45 PM -  7:00 PM 

Friday 30 October (one track)

Times are in CET (= UTC + 1) (note, that is now "winter time", not daylight savings time)

Friday 30 October (one track) Afternoon Session



Android Automotive SIG #1 - Vehicle Data APIs / Vehicle HAL

Presenter: Stefan Wysocki (Tieto)

Abstract: Pre-recorded Status Report

15:30-15:45Break15Sponsors' Videos
15:45-17:15Working Session90Android Automotive SIG #1 - Vehicle Data APIs / Vehicle HAL

Moderator: Alexander Domin (BMW)

Abstract: During Q2, 2020, the Vehicle Data APIs / Vehicle HAL team has undertaken the design and implementation of    the External Data Server (EDS) proof-of-concept  demonstrator that investigates how to extend Android access to vehicle data. The rationale for this work is that the number of vehicle properties currently defined in standard Android is very limited as compared to the thousands of vehicle-related signals OEMs are considering for their connected vehicles. Although the project could propose to expand the standard vehicle property list in Android, the integration of Android into a complex electrical and connected vehicle architecture suggests a bigger picture to consider.  Standard data access methods should be applied in the entire vehicle and in cloud-connected services.  This EDS proof-of-concept intends to validate the concept of a data server accessing the vehicle dataset as described by VSS (Vehicle Signal Specification standard), which is used also in W3C Automotive Group, and enabling authenticated Android apps to access the vehicle data through a web socket protocol. The actual values of the vehicle signals will be queried/updated thanks to a VSS feeder that will connect to the rest of the vehicle using, for example, Some/IP.

The AASIG VEHICLE HAL project team will present a status report of the proof-of-concept implementation and explain the design choices made. The following next steps will be then comprehensively debated:

  • Assessment of proof-of-concept demo implementation TRL (Technical Readiness Level)
  • Ensure project participants have opened, or are planning, a discussion to achieve synchronization of activities with Google's Android team
  • Revisit the architecture of other proof-of-concepts identified
17:15-17:30Break15Sponsors' Videos
17:30-19:00Working Session90Android Automotive SIG #1 - Vehicle Data APIs / Vehicle HAL

Moderator: Alexander Domin (BMW)

Abstract: continuation of the working session

Recommendations :

(Philippe +Stefan + Alex - draft)

Slide templates

Please fetch a template here.  For the virtual tech summit 16:9 version is likely the best. 
GENIVI Standard Presentation Documents (you may need to log in to the Wiki to view this page).


Reference work

Timed Agenda

Session 1 (90 min)

Session 2 (90 min)

Ideas for detailed agenda: