LINKS:  [Tech stack meeting minutes]

Launch active development projects on key components:

1. "Second" VISS v2 implementation (in addition to GoLang implementation)

2. Demonstration of VSC-based development with Seats Service as example

3. Proposal:  Make the "efficient binary encoding" of VSS payloads (as a reusable implementation)

The Technology Stack development is one of three main tracks of  the Common Vehicle Interface Initiative

Goal of this activity:

   Find/Develop/Define attractive technology solutions that can be used with the industry-common model for data+services.

The term Technology Stack is used to describe all software that is related to the transfer and use of data and services that adhere to the common model(s). 


Converters and Code Generators

Note:  The purpose of the technology stack is to lead us (the automotive industry) towards a limited selected set of solid core technologies. 
A table like this might look like a anything-to-anything conversion, but it should be clear that the goal is not to create that – only to make sure there are solutions for technologies that are strongly desired, or unavoidable legacy.


(VSS definition in alternative format)
(VSS/message definition in alternative format)
(Schema, Apollo format)


(code generation, vSomeIP stack)
(enables backends vSOMEIP and others)
(code generation)
Android Vehicle-Properties
(mapping via code generation)
Franca IDL (standard)
VSS → x (tick) vspec2vsso(tick) vspec2json(tick) vspec2protobuf(tick) Ongoing support in KUKSA.VAL

1) (tick) vspec2graphql

2) BMW alternative implementation pending.

(green star) WIP TietoEvery

Ongoing discussions.

VSS formatted data to/from AUTOSAR systems?

1) Via Common API capicxx-someip → see next cell

2) Directly (without CommonAPI) TODO?

(question) BMW considering releasing vss-2-commonapi generation tools?Evaluate interest(green star) Ongoing
Mapping/plan exists. 

(warning) Proposal, needs update.  vspec2franca


N/A:  gRPC is the corresponding protocol.

Evaluate interest(green star) Useful candidate for the "W3C RPC protocol" to carry VSC services.

1) Std Franca ↔ARA:COM via FARACON (needs maintenance)

2) Possibly new implementation for VSC language?

(green star) TODO, obvious mapping.

Via Std Franca IDL →  Common API tools.

Those tools take standard Franca as input (tick)

Evaluate interestN/A

(green star) Definitely planned TODO.

"VSC language" will be very Franca compatible, (or will be Franca itself).  Therefore, expect interop with Std Franca IDL.

Communication protocols / bindings

Completion of technology definition / implementation

(event streaming platform, make it VSS-aware and show impl.)

(is an analytics engine, but implementing the data ingestion part and showing analytics on data that came from VSS format)

(dataflow platform, make it VSS-aware and show impl)


(tick)  Full GoLang  implementation

Other implementations? >>

A request for C++ implementation came up (compiler support in some embedded system)

(green star) TODO
initial thoughts defined
and/or possible to reuse from IoTEA?

See working page

(star) Evaluate interest
(star)Evaluate interest
(star)Evaluate interest
Pending analysis of VSC/interface language

Frameworks and Databases and Processing

(Ideally these initiatives are after analysis combined into a single consistent architecture?)

Completion of technology definition / implementation
IoT-event-analytics / VehicleEdgeKUKSA.VAL (part of IoTea)AOSCCS Reference Architecture and PoCOther?


(tick) (green star) Analysis starting(green star)  In large parts done, but details remaining and constantly evolving

Historical / preparation information.

Initial Brainstorm, implementation ideas

Which technologies come immediately to mind?

VSC to code generation

A lot of communication related technologies were investigated in the Generic Protocol Evaluation project during 2019.
A set of reference links are here : List of relevant technologies


Current tool chain   

(RED is not existing or not yet clearly defined).  (The rest exists already)


Going via Franca  is complicated...   →  VSS/VSC to AUTOSAR directly makes sense 

Direct approach for AUTOSAR

Vehicle Edge & IoT Event Analytics