As was discussed during the early May all member meeting, GENIVI and the Open Insurance Network (OPIN) have agreed to collaborate on a combined data standard that incorporates both vehicle and insurance data.  This collaboration kicked-off on 26 May with a discussion of three areas of work: technical analysis, business analysis and data privacy and compliance. 

During the technical analysis, the joint teams will compare their respective standard data models (including VSS), identify overlaps, and produce an aligned view representing both vehicle and insurance-related data.  The teams will also document impacts of an aligned data model to current and future interface definitions.  During the business analysis, the team will focus on producing end-to-end use case scenarios that combine vehicle and insurance data to validate the combined data model.  These scenarios will have both real-time and event-related orientations that will impact insurance modeling, pricing and underwriting.  And last but not least, the teams will explore issues of data privacy, security and compliance with regional and national regulations on data ownership and management.

The collaboration is settling into a regular, every other week cadence of meetings and welcomes active participation from others interested in the intersection of vehicle and motor insurance.  For more information about this activity, please contact Steve Crumb.