It was over a year ago that the first version of the Automotive Virtual Platform Specification (AVPS) was released, and during the pandemic year the AVPS has made slow but steady progress since then. 

The contributors to this specification are now proud to present version 2.0. This version carries significant updates in many critical chapters including Graphics, IOMMU, cryptography features, and introduces some new device areas as well. The AVPS v2.0 is around 50 pages long and keeps its original style of including both a Discussion section and a formal Requirements section for each topic:

The discussion sections make up the bulk of the text so that the requirements can be succinct. Because of the complexity of the subject matter and the fast moving state-of-the-art, the discussion sections provides an overview of the current situation and important context for the requirements. This is not so common for requirement specifications, but seems very useful in this case. That introduction to each topic clarifies the rationale for the requirements and can also be a starting point for any discussions among buyers/users and providers/sellers of virtualization technology.  The requirement section is the normative part and the document includes a specific chapter about what it means to follow / be compliant with, the specification. Regarding the content, the overwhelming industry standard for kernel-to-hypervisor APIs (virtual device APIs) is VIRTIO. For that reason the AVPS requires the use of VIRTIO in many areas, by referring to specific parts of the VIRTIO specification rather than repeating or rewriting those requirements.

AVPS serves a purpose in addition to the existing VIRTIO specification document as follows:

The team is proud of the achievement of getting version 2.0 out the door, and it is time to again spread the word of its existence and welcome further additional community input!   The AVPS document has an open-source (Creative Commons) license which is a guarantee for your time investment.

The automotive industry industry now has a strong starting point for a shared virtualization standard, and additional input can increase its scope and quality even further.   Join the work to improve this important area of automotive technology!

      – Gunnar Andersson - Technical Lead, GENIVI Alliance