This page intends to contain the agenda for next meeting and notes from previous meeting. At the bottom is a template for the agenda. General agenda points like discussion on PRs and issues may be skipped if discussion on prioritized topics takes too long time.

Proposed Agenda for Meeting 2022-12-06

If you have a topic you want to prioritize please add it here. We do however have the ambition to regularly discuss recent issues and pull requests, so no need to explicitly mentions a PR unless it needs to be prioritized:

Meeting 2022-11-29

Agenda Template

  1. Compliance statement - TBD
  2. Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  3. Prioritized topics
  4. Open Pull Requests VSS
  5. Open Pull Requests VSS-Tools
  6. Issues VSS
  7. Issues VSS-Tools
  8. Prioritized topics for next meeting