General inputs

Steve input:

Phase Planning

Phase 1 Create Early PoC

High level content:

Concept drawing in DrawIO:

Best Practices

List of best practices that may become a best practices document for the Playground

Project Management

In 25th Oct 2023 meeting (see minutes for details) following decisions were made:

Oustanding questions:

  1. How to handle Epics (dev themes) which is not a feature of Github Projects? e.g. use undated Milestones.
  2. How to handle tasks in a ticket that are not directly development such as operational tasks? Could use enhancement label then have problem of filtering those from feature enhancements.

Use cases to be explored

Christian Muehlbauer Input (Proposal):

User Story:

"As a user of the Playground, for example, I would like to be able to quickly implement the following use case - representative for a Use Case “touching all touchpoints” of a data-centric automotive ecosystem - in a fast proof of concept implementation using Lego pieces from the Playground."

Validation Use Case:

(Based on:

Ideally, the Playground Repo provides a selection of components for each „X“ for the corresponding target platform (SDK, or docker, etc):

Steve input (brainstorm list):

VISS Protocol Servers

Notes on known OSS VISS Servers:

VSS Data Store / Embedded DBs

WAII VISS server currently supports the following DBs as data store backends:

Notes on OSS DB candidates to be added (this does not represent their complete feature lists):