Notice: This site is being updated as of November 1st, 2020. We look forward to updating you on all of the exciting initiatives we have, so please check back soon! – Joby

As vehicles become increasingly connected and software-powered, GENIVI recognizes an emerging need for a comprehensive, end-to-end security model. The GENIVI Security Team looks at automotive cybersecurity holistically and delivers guidelines, research, and education that help build, deliver and manage more secure vehicles in the future.

Security Team Charter

The Charter of the GENIVI Security Team is to:

  1. Assemble emerging automotive cybersecurity challenges/solutions/standards and inform stakeholders through published guidelines, briefs, webinars and event presentations
  2. Equip stakeholders to understand and use methods and models for identifying and mitigating cybersecurity attacks on a vehicle
  3. Deliver education that equips software developers and architects with an understanding of typical approaches for attacking a vehicle and with methods of mitigating those attacks with sound software development methods and testing
  4. Advise GENIVI software development activities to deliver more secure solutions for the connected vehicle.


Getting Involved

Security Team Chair: Joby Jester

Markting: michael nunnery

Team Meetings occur every other Thursday at 10:00am US Eastern Time  

Next Meeting: October 29th, 2020, 1600 CEST, 1000 EDT, 0700 PDT.

To join Zoom Meeting (

One-Page Slide To Promote Security Team:

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