Zoom conferencing for presenters / remote participants.

Connect to this conference, ((warning) be there early, not too late please).

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Password is:  hvws

Thursday, October 11
TIMESLOT: 2:00 PM to approx. 4:30 PM (flexible up to 5:00 PM)   
Hypervisor Project Working Session (2.5 hours, incl. breaks)

(= 10:30 AM - 13:00 CEST)

Topic BlockTiming

GPU Sharing Block

OpenSynergy. Based on GPU Sharing results in HV project ((star) remote)

Special GPU support discussion (supported by Stephen)

Memory buffer sharing (ADIT preparing) (green star) on-site

14:00 local time = 10:30 AM Europe CEST

Length: 60 min, hard stop

Security Block

  • TrustZone, Optee
  • Comprehensive presentation by ARM, base on White Paper
    • Use-cases for EL2 in the TrustZone
    = ARM architects presenting intro based on White Paper sent to mailing list
  • HSMs?
    • Artem: We are working on something in Xen
    • (not discussed in this workshop)

Starting 14.45 if needed/possible, see below.

15:00 local time = 11:30 AM Europe CEST

60-75 minutes

ARM presentation expected ~45 minutes?

((star) remote presentation)



(green star) COFFEE BREAK 15.30-15.45 (green star) (green star)SHARED COFFEE BREAK 15.30-15.45 (green star) (error) ← Note that ARM presentation will overlap if it's 45 minutes long, so we may need to take a break in the middle.

Process/VM Scheduling

(not covered in detail)

  • Quick recap scheduling challenge Big/Little (Munich), but it might be covered in project overview instead...
  • Anup - introduce "CPU stealing" - API between HV&VM for accounting and adjusting to this.
  • Possibly Xen development / research (Artem)

~ 30 min

Backup topics

Collected questions for the ARM / Security session.

  • ARM architects presenting intro based on White Paper sent to mailing list
  • Artem's questions previously sent via email – please document them!

  • No labels