In addition to published specifications and code, and reference architecture information, COVESA presents a family of technology and security-related tech-briefs and whitepapers.

Some of these are from GENIVI times, as evident by the logo and text.
Many documents have also been published on the COVESA home page

Common Vehicle Interface Initiative
and Cloud and Connected Services Category

Technology Briefs

(green star) Curve Logging algorithm

(green star) Vehicle Data Models - Overview and Gap Analysis

Vehicle Domain Interaction Category

Graphic Sharing & Distributed HMI

White papers

(green star) Graphics Sharing Whitepaper

Technology Briefs

(green star) 
Sharing a physical display across multiple operating systems

Published with support from Renesas

(green star) Digital Cockpit HMI Distribution Using Shared State, Independent Rendering

Published with support from Harman

(green star) Interactive Cockpit HMI using Surface Sharing

Published with support from ADIT

(green star) Distributed Graphics Control Through API Remoting

Published with support from BMW

Generic Communication Protocols Evaluation

(green star) Whitepaper and Project report:  Generic Protocols

(green star) Tech Brief: Franca / ARA::COM Interoperability

Published with support from itemis and itk

Security Category

(green star) Certificate Pinning Technology Brief

Audience: Busy professionals, software engineers, as well as managers that need a quick awareness boost about risks and mitigations around encrypted communication channels.

Published with support from Irdeto.

(green star) Man-in-the-middle Whitepaper

Audience: Security professionals, system architects and implementers that need a deeper understanding of pitfalls and risks in implementing SSL/TLS, categories of attacks, and the type of mitigation that is effective against each.

Published with support from Irdeto.