This page is an aggregation of links to various Vehicle Signal Specifications resources.  It is intended to provide a quick reference access to everything VSS.  If you do not find what you are looking for or see things that are missing, please let us know.


The VSS page on this wiki is a good starting point that leads/points to all of the other locations.   

Calendar and Collaboration Channels (mailing lists and Slack)

Go to COVESA Communication Channels and Calendars


GitHub is where almost all of the VSS project work is maintained.  The main page contains links to   

Presentations and Decks

How and where VSS is used?

There are various implementations where VSS is used as data model for vehicle data.  Beside several closed-source implementations, here are the ones that are shared publicly:

OEM Adoption

Joint Projects with W3C

Covesa has joint projects to develop and standardize certain technology through the W3C process.