GENIVI and W3C have planned a joint work session on 18 February (1600-2000 CET / 10:00am-2:00pm US EST) as one of several next steps taken to activate the Common Vehicle Interface Initiative (CVII).  For several months now, GENIVI and W3C have been building awareness of the joint initiative with OEMs and the automotive industry broadly and the time has come to trigger additional productive collaboration around standard vehicle data models, vehicle/cloud interfaces and standard vehicle service definition and invocation.

Building on weekly meetings within the W3C Automotive Working Group as well as the GENIVI Cloud and Connected Services project, the upcoming working session will explore three key areas:

  • Overview of Existing Projects
    • Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) and Vehicle Signal Specification Ontology (VSSo)
    • GENIVI Cloud and Connected Services Project
    • Vehicle Service Catalog and protocols for remote invocation
    • CVII Technology Stack Definition
    • Android Automotive SIG - Vehicle Hardware Abstraction Layer (VHAL)
  • Further discussion on CVII Technology Stack
  • CVII Future Activities & Alignment to Other Bodies.

Participants will receive a status update on previous and current work encompassed in CVII and will also learn of practical ways of engaging in a number of active threads of the initiative.

The logistics for the working session can be found on the CVII pages of the GENIVI Wiki.  The detailed agenda of the working session will be posted to CVII wiki page in coming days.

GENIVI and W3C invite you to join this important initiative as it builds momentum toward a unified, industry-standard approach for vehicle data, vehicle services and vehicle-cloud interfaces. 

UPDATE:  Click here for the detailed agenda

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