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Bring together public safety, automotive, commercial transportation, and government to make our roadways safer for everyone:

  • Define comprehensive stakeholder-based safety-related scenarios and value propositions
  • Collaborate with COVESA members and others safety-related organizations to develop safety expertise and community within COVESA
  • Develop integrated safety system prototypes and references implementations
  • Publish white papers on key findings, best practices, and implementation recommendations


Accelerate delivery of connected technologies to benefit everyone that shares, protects, and maintains our roadways.  Examples:

  • Protect and give aid to vulnerable vehicles and occupants stranded along roadway
  • Reduce response time and secondary collision risk for motorists involved in a crash
  • Provide 911 Public Safety organizations with critical information so that they dispatch the right personnel and equipment to the scene
  • Mitigate liability and lost productivity for commercial vehicles involved in roadway crashes


Following the agreement at the July 11, 2024 meeting, the regular BoF sessions were temporarily paused to focus on launching the 9-1-1 Dispatcher Visibility Demonstration Project.  Since then, COVESA has maintained a strong and active presence in the subsequent sessions supporting that initiative (see summaries below).  Now that this project is underway, the group is resuming its monthly meeting cadence and looking ahead to identify new project opportunities that can further enhance roadway safety.  Upcoming meetings have been scheduled, and members are encouraged to participate.

  • Thursday, April 17, 2025 at 11:00 ET
  • May 14-15, 2025 All Members Meeting in Berlin, Germany

Join the Cause

Please register here to join the mailing list and be invited to future sessions.

Workshop Summaries

CES2025:  Connect2ar Panel Discussion: Connected Vehicle Safety: Reducing Roadway Risk & Saving Lives:  January 7, 2025  

Description: Fatal collisions involving vehicles, pedestrians, and first responders are at an all-time high, but breakthrough advances in vehicle technology are beginning to turn the tide. From in-dash alerting of roadway hazards and disabled vehicles, to outbound delivery of vehicle data for improved emergency response, new vehicle capabilities and functions are showing just how transformative connectivity will be for improving road safety. In this interactive and insightful panel discussion, learn from experts at the cutting edge of new solutions for vehicle data and roadway safety to learn how connected vehicles are paving the way for a safer future in automotive and transportation.  Watch Video to learn more.

A Safety System: Connecting 911 & Vehicle Crash Data, November 13-14, 2024

Workshop hosted by NHTSA National 911 Program. 

Attendees included:  Brian Bautsch (Honda), Nancy Bell (Rivian), Chris Bubacz (DU-COMM), Daniel Caberra (Bosch), David Brummel (Chairman, DU-COMM), Kari Kinnard, (DRA, NHTSA Region 5), Dr Theresa Chin, MD, (American Colleague of Surgeons, Committee on Trauma), Steve Coker (SiriusXM), Steve Devine (Association of Public Safety Communication Officials), Susumu Ejima (Subaru), April Heinze (National Emergency Number Association), Joe House (National Association of State EMS Officials), Darryl Keeton (Sensegrate), Deb King (Total Response), Todd Komanetsky (RapidDeploy), Jim Lanier (OnStar),Amy Marion (RapidSOS), Jessica Robb, (Executive Director, DU-COMM), Brian Tegtmeyer (NHTSA National 911 Program), Tim VanGoethem (COVESA, ESS), Gam Wijetunge (NHTSA Office of EMS), Dr. Justin Williams (Northwest Medicine), Larry Williams (LiDAR Saving Lives), Ty Wooten (International Academies of Emergency Dispatch)

  • Key COVESA Mentions & Involvement
    • COVESA (Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance) received a positive mention during the fireside chat for its role in driving collaborative efforts in crash data initiatives.
    • Participants were invited to join COVESA’s 911 Emergency Dispatch project, which will deploy new technology in a sponsor city using USDOT’s Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) funding. The aim is to enhance dispatcher visibility through better data integration.
    • Tim VanGoethem (ESS and COVESA) is actively involved in leading efforts related to data sharing, infrastructure sensors, and vehicle integration with emergency response.
  • VSS (Vehicle Signal Specification) Integration
    • The Vehicle Emergency Data Set (VEDS) standard was discussed as a potential component to integrate into VSS definitions, promoting wider adoption across the vehicle data chain.
    • Goal: Leverage VEDS and VSS together to define a baseline “data sharing standard” to ensure uniformity and drive innovation through incentive programs (e.g., IIHS, NCAP).
  • Additional Highlights
    • Incident Severity Prediction (ISP): OEMs use different models to assess crash severity. There is interest in aligning these through a centralized or standard framework—possibly managed by COVESA or a neutral organization.
    • Need for a common data model with role-based access to ensure stakeholders get appropriate data while addressing privacy concerns.
    • A major pain point: fragmented data flows from vehicles to TSPs, PSAPs, and CAD systems—this is seen as an area where COVESA could help standardize protocols.
    • Data-to-911 integration barriers include tariffs, privacy, and lack of direct access for OEMs to dispatch centers—again, a space where COVESA's convening power could create progress.
  • Call to Action
    • There's a strong push to document and define what each emergency responder role needs, trace where that data originates, and coordinate its delivery across systems.
    • COVESA was identified as a key forum to organize this cross-sector conversation and technical alignment.

COVESA All Member’s Meeting:  September 25, 2024

911’s Role in Connected Safe System Approach Panel Discussion

  • Moderator: Brian Tegtmeyer (NHTSA)
  • Presenters: Brian Allen (Chief Revenue Officer, ReviverMX), Steve Coker (Senior Vice President - SiriusXM Connect), April Heinz (Chief of Operations Director, National Emergency Number Association), Jim Lanier (Global Public Safety Engagement Manager – OnStar), Tim VanGoethem (Chief Product Officer - Emergency Safety Solutions), and Ty Wooten, EMP (Director of Government Affairs - International Academies of Emergency Dispatch)

This panel used NHTSA's Safe Systems approach as a framework to discuss how the entire value chain (automakers, technology companies, Telematics Service Providers, 911 Computer Aided Dispatch, and NHTSA) must collaborate to better coordinate emergency response and post-crash actions.

Center for Automotive Research (CAR) Roundtable: Next-Generation 9-1-1 Automotive OEMs; Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Moderator: Ravi Puvvala (General Manager, SBUCenter for Automotive Research)

Speakers: Harriet Rennie Brown (Executive Director National Association of State 911 Administrators), Joni Harvey (State 911 Administrator, Michigan State Police), Jim Lanier (Global Public Safety Engagement Manager, OnStar/GM), Brian Tegtmeyer, (National 911 Program Coordinator, NHTSA), Tim VanGoethem (Chief Product Officer, Emergency Safety Solutions), Lawrence Williams (Founder & CEO, ROADMEDIC), and Frank Weith (NAR Engineering Director., Connected & Mobility Services, Volkswagen of America)

The panel discussed the following questions:

  • What role does 911 play in the components of a safe systems approach?
  • What do you think is the single most important piece of information that 911 centers currently do not have access to that could positively impact post-crash care?
  • Can you describe the ideal future of data delivery about roadway events to a 911 center? If you had a perfect world with no technical limitations, what information would 911 receive and when?
  • Can you talk about the importance of streamlining data coming into 911 telecommunicators? We know that there are a lot of data points coming at 911 center staff.  What should technology companies know as they strive to get more data into 911 centers?
  • What do you think OEMs and technology leaders could do to help 911 advance post-crash care response?
  • What can we do to better protect the scene until help arrives?
  • What information can we provide to those involved in a crash to give them comfort and confidence that help is on the way?

Virtual Workshop:  July 11, 2024 at 6:30am PT / 9:30am ET / 15:30 CET.

This session focused on the planned pivot from exploring stakeholder needs and value propositions to developing integrated safety system prototypes and reference implementations for improving post-crash care.  The following projects were approved for deeper definition:

  • Protecting the scene of a crash, and 
  • 9-1-1 Dispatcher Visibility

As such, separate meetings will be scheduled to create the project proposals that will be presented to COVESA Leadership on July 29, 2024.  Once approved, separate meetings will be set up to drive the projects forward.  Please contact Tim VanGoethem <tvangoethem@ess-help.com> and Larry Williams <lwilliams@roadmedic.com> if you're interested in participating in one or both of these projects.

COVESA BoF v2024_07_11.pdf

Connected Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Roundtable

In-Person and Virtual Workshop:  June 4, 2024 at 11:30am PT / 14:30 ET /  20:30 CET.

The Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance (COVESA) teamed up with Center for Automotive Research and LiDAR Saving Lives Public-Safety Coalition for a roundtable discussion on Next Generation PSAP during the Autotech Detroit conference held in Novi, MI.  This roundtable dove into the enabling digital processing and secure routing of crash data from vehicle sensors (lidar, radar, camera) triggered by airbag deployment to contact 9-1-1 PSAP Dispatch Centers in under five seconds. 


    • Ravi Puvvala, Center for Automotive Research
    • Tim VanGoethem, Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance (COVESA) and Chief Product Officer, Emergency Safety Solutions 


    • Scott Craig, President, SBC Advisors
    • Jon Boeing, Founder, Connect.ai
    • Steve Coker, Senior Vice President, SiriusXM Connected Vehicle Services
    • Martin Lundh, Product Management & Strategy, WirelessCar
    • Dave Sehnert, ENP, Head of Public Safety Partnerships, RapidSOS
    • Brian Tegtmeyer, ENP, National 911 Program Coordinator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

A full recording of this 2-hour workshop can be accessed on the Center for Automotive Research website here.

Virtual Workshop:  April 17, 2024 at 6:30am PT / 9:30am ET / 15:30 CET.

This workshop took place at the COVESA All Members Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden and focussed on ADAS Collision Avoidance/Aftercare.  Special thanks to the following for their great presenations and insights!

  • Magnus Anfersson, CEO of Terranet AB: enabling a more intelligent emergency response using visual contextual information from Lidar, radar, and camera sensors.
  • Guillaume Ouellette, Product Manager at WirelessCar:  Third-Party Service Provider (TPS) eCall services delivering intelligent crash data to PSAPs in global format.
  • Roger Lanctot, Director Global Automotive Practice, TechInsights:  Collecting, sending, processing, & distributing intelligent crash data to help save lives

Virtual Workshop:  March 7, 2024 at 8am PT / 11am ET / 17:00 CET.

In this workshop we discussed the how many people are affected by crashes with vulnerable roadway users.  Special thanks to Andrew Coetzee from Emergency Safety Solutions for sharing his perspective and thoughts on how we can improve safety for everyone (material available below).

Virtual Workshop:  February 8, 2024 at 8am PT / 11am ET / 17:00 CET.

In this workshop we discussed the needs and value created for the following:

    • the unexpected challenges individuals face during a vehicle submersion including how panic and uncertainty meet the hard reality of needing to act fast in such situations.
    • will share insights into public safety needs and provide real-world data examples.

Special thanks to Sabrina Percher, COO and Founder of AWOS Technologies, and Scott Pate, Co-Founder of LiDAR Saving Lives Public Safety Coalition & Consultancy, for their insightful and thought provoking presentations (material available below).

COVESA Connected SaFETY BOF v2024_02_08.pdf

Kickoff Session:  December 06, 2023 at 7am PT / 10am ET / 16:00 CET.

This kick-off meeting introduced the goals and expected results for the Connected Safety Birds of a Feather Working Group.  The agenda for the meeting was:

  • Introductions
  • BoF Overview
    • Goal & Strategies
    • Expected Results
    • Approach
  • Q&A / Discussion
  • Next Steps

The attached materials were used to frame the discussion.

Connected Safety BoaF Kick-off v2023_12_01.pdf

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