This page intends to contain the agenda for next meeting and notes from previous meeting.
General Agenda
- Welcome and Compliance statement
Welcome to the COVESA Common Vehicle Interfaces Meeting!
Before we begin, we would like to make clear that COVESA is committed to compliance with the antitrust laws in all of its activities, and that it expects all participants to similarly comply with the antitrust laws. We will not engage in--and members must refrain from--any discussion of, or understandings regarding competitively sensitive topics. If you have any doubts regarding whether a matter is appropriate for discussion, please consult with your antitrust counsel.
Open and Royalty-Free
Further, COVESA aspires to be an open and royalty-free organization. The discussions and contributions made during this session are governed by the COVESA Intellectual Property policy. If you are unfamiliar with that policy, please review it in detail prior to making any contribution that reads upon a patent.
Agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
- Prioritized Topics:
- Capabilities - create a list of common vehicle capabilities/function to be expose via api
- IFEX (Interface Exchange) - a general interface description and transformation technology
- uServices - definition of common vehicle services usimg protobuf as the interface definition language
- Vehicle Signal Specification over Data Distributiion Service
- Vehical Information Service Specification (VISS) - a service for accessing vehicle information, signals from sensors on control units within a vehicle's network. It exposes this information using COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS).
- Vehicle API - will expose vehicle data as defined and described by COVESA's Vehicle Signal Specification to a variety of agreed upon touch-points in and out of the vehicle
- Hierarchical Information Model (HIM)
- Interface Blueprint
Agenda 2025-01-28
- Meeting Cadence
- Will move to every other week
- AMM Proposals
- Worked on quality related topics/issues
- Testing setup instruction on other platforms e.g. Mac
- Short dev meeting last week
- AI: Paul Boyes to put meeting notes up
- Will discuss IFEX with Eclipse SDV
- Keep Eclipse SDV informed
- VISSr updated to v3.0
- Testing and updating documentation
- Eclipse SDV
- Project SCORE - microprocessor harmonized middleware -
- Attend if you can
- V0.5 reference implementation at end f 2025
- Add COVESA VSS and VISS. Eclipse Kuksa is intended to be linked as well
- Capabilities
- EU Data Act Meeting - Meeting tomorrow - See Community Calendar
- Data Echange Platform
Agenda 2025-01-21
- Informal discussion of best web conference/meeting software to use.
- Many like Teams. COVESA is not a Teams subscriber
- Zoom being able to have open meetings is important
- Set and Map types
- Discussed blog/project call to participate. Not quite ready.
- AI: Update meeting with new Zoom link
- Capabilities
- EU Data Act Meeting - Meeting tomorrow - See Community Calendar
- Sector specific extension mentioned (annex). Automotive Sector Extension.
- Moved to Tuesdays.
- Data Marketplace
Agenda 2025-01-14
- Capabilities
- Work continues getting to the point of opening up
- EU Data Act
- Important to data marketplace
- Data Marketplace
- 3.0 release on track
- First RC soon
- Semantic reasoning being added
- Update VISS version
- update iotdb
- May 12 - 14
- Possibility of workshop
- Call for tech sessions soon
- China
Agenda 2024-12-17
- IFEX license update - TST agree license change ok
- vsomeip - Continental - Asked when vsomeip meeting is
- ACEA - FMS - Scheduled Feb 6
- Liaison agreement under discussion
- Meetings cancelled on Dec 23 and 30.
- Next meeting Jan 14
Agenda 2024-12-10
- EU Data Act Project
- IFEX Dev Meeting
- Reviewed current codebase
- How to organize
- Make it easier to understand
- Cleanup
- How and where to contribute
- AI: Setup next meeting - after New Year, Wednesday 4pm CET
- AI: Get feedback on license change
- Capabilities
- 6 european truck manufacturers looking for in vehicle api. Ready to elaborate
- Request to setup a Liaison Agreement regarding FMS in vehicle api
- Type of membership needed?
- How to proceed
- Reuse fleet management
- AI: create charter - (Look at Commercial Vehicle EG charter) Achim, Paul
Agenda 2024-12-03
- IFEX Dev Meeting is tomorrow December4 at 7am PT / 4pm CET
- IFEX Web viewer repo
- Waiting for update from DEG chairs
- IFEX Licensing
- Preferred to get community interest
- MPL 2.0 not clear on generated code - in other words generated code could be protected under license.
- Apache appears to be the desired license of some
- AI: Paul to make a request to the community for feedback
- IFEX Update
- EU Data act proposal
- Automotive API
- Ulf was asked to join next Thursday's meeting to discuss VISS 3
- AUTOSAR release event on Dec 5.
- Data Exchange Platform
- Presented in Commercial Vehicle meeting. Got some feedback.
- Action Item: Please provide feedback
- Swen discussed with MS for prototype. There are potentially funds available.
- MS working with Eclipse SDV
- Playground - CDSP
- Knowledge layer work continuing
- Capabilities - Seat
- VISS - v3.0
- On time plan/path to be feature complete at end of year
- IFEX/ ARXML translater
- Setting up repo like Automotive API
Agenda 2024-11-26
- IFEX Dev - meeting date/time - December 4 at 7am PT / 4pm CET
- Still on track to release version 3 by May AMM
- Achim/Bosch to define and clarify performance measurements and requirements
- Commercial Vehicles
- FMS in vehicle API requirements
- Action Item: Paul Boyes to reachout to Steve Crumb regarding adding Standardization to Board Agenda in Dec.
- Logo previews coming - continuing the design
- IFEX web viewer
- Propose to publish a binary in npm package format with different maintainers - IFEX Viewer
- Web browser viewer - shows different layers
- Action Item Paul Boyes to send request for review of IFEX Viewer repository
- What is he license?
- The quickest way is likely MIT
- Action Item: Request comment/decision IFEX license change when ready. IFEX license change may be proposed
- VSS Viewer in the past aside or in addtion to
- In VISS v2 there was a simple viewer
- Capabilities overview
- SDV Alliance - Status?
Agenda 2024-11-19
- IFEX Dev - meeting date/time
- Data Exchange Platform
- Architecture
- When do we need to map to an architecture?
- What will it look like
- 2 types of apis were discussed: data and service
- Commercial Vehicles
- rFMS refers j1939 - how does the ip align?
- Achim to send email to Tim from SAE to ask.
Agenda 2024-11-12
- There is a path forward with AUTOSAR.
- Capabilities
- Update
- Question as to whether an API is being designed at this point
- Answer - No...Aligning OEMs are aligning on Seating Capability
Agenda 2024-11-05
- Liaison agreement - Achim to sent email
- To work with Commercial Vehicle Expert Group
- IFEX dev meeting request to interested parties and GM, Volvo, and others
- Meeting in AUTOSAR evaluating working model. Gunnar to provide status next week.
- Capabilities Project
Agenda 2024-10-29
Agenda 2024-10-22
- ARXML to IFEX - Mikael Nicklas Hoeret and Pinglei
- Should we start a IFEX development group meeting
- Yes - Paul to send out message to interested parties.
- Capabilities project with OEMs moving forward
Agenda 2024-10-15
- ARXML Interoperability Introduction
- Summary of TST review of API Design and Standardization
Agenda 2024-10-08
Agenda 2024-10-01
- AMM and Workshop Review/Outcomes
- Brief discussion of Capabilities project
Agenda 2024-09-10
- IFEX update presentation from Gunnar next week.
- Workshop Agenda to go out tonight.
Agenda 2024-09-03
- Data Marketplace
- presentation

- Standardization
- Drafting and SAE compliant layout
- Easiest path to start. Can leverage moving to intl orgs
- How will this affect current VSS work?
- IFEX update presentation from Gunnar next week.
Agenda 2024-08-27
- VISS Status
- Nothing new on GitHub
- Connecting with AUTOSAR
- Web viewer still a work in progress
- Central Data Service Playground
- Committed the extended data processing capabilities with example of advance data reduction
- Silli Auto - APIGear presented in VSS will present here as well if desired
- API Standardization
- finalize "API-standardization charter V1.0" : Proposed Charter
- Review and Comment on API Standardization - Presentation
- Technical Summit/Workshop
- Data Marketplace
- present to this group next week
- Reverse Geolocation API
- Opportunity to work with Google
- Capabilities
- vsomeip
Agenda 2024-08-20
- VISS Status
- Synch up with people doing web viewer
- Hope to kick of AUTOSAR stuff too
- Learning how to develop and open source with AUTOSAR
- Silli Auto - APIGear presentation next week at VSS meeting
- API Standardization
- finalize "API-standardization charter V1.0" : Proposed Charter
- Review and Comment on API Standardization - Presentation
- Volvo
- Magnus Feuer working on engagement strategy and bringing others in
- Technical Summit/Workshop
- Register if you are coming.
Agenda 2024-08-13
- Web-viewer work
- Fixed bug regarding dbus code generator
- Kickstart IFEX in AUTOSAR
- AMM Workshop
- uServices
- uServices to work with CDSP
- Data processing lib added
- Grafana
- Continued work on knowledge layer connector
- Data Ecosystem
- Swen to present at fall AMM
Agenda 2024-08-06
Agenda 2024-07-30
- finalize "API-standardization charter V1.0" : Proposed Charter
- Review and Comment on API Standardization - s. Presentation
- Proposal: own "API-Standardization"-Workshop at AMM on Tue Sept 24th.

Agenda 2024-07-22
Agenda 2024-07-10
- API Standardization Discussion
- vsomeip status
- dbus code generator used but having compilation issues
- positive movement in getting other implementations out (e.g. impl in golang, web visualizer). Not official but can take time.
- useful for those wanting to take part in other development
- push further in commercial vehicle space
- pitch topic for AMM
Agenda 2024-06-25
- API Standardization Presentation
- vsomeip
- 3 document structure agreed
- Continuing to present to others
- Opportunity to connect projects
- Approach your company's representative for details of how to move forward
- releases can be done more easily with json schema
- overall documentation work
- Encourage input from others
- API Standardization
- Presentation by Achim Henkel Bosch

Agenda 2024-06-18
- Commercial Vehicle
- vsomeip
- AOSP Update
- Boot camp last week. Public announcements when available shoudl make it clear
- Emulator SDK overview from SNAPP
Agenda 2024-06-11
- vsomeip
- vsomeip_py project public as of 2024-06-10
- Meeting next Monday at 16:00 CET / 10am ET / 7am PT
- working on bringing project charter forward
- Commercial Vehicles
- presenting proposed charter to Board tomorrow
- pull requests
- hope to deliver web visualizer
- Encourage to look at aasig repos
- mapping VSS to VHAL
Agenda 2024-06-04
- Swen's HLAPI proposal
- IFEX Update
- Commercial Vehicle Information specifications
- Kickoff meeting yesterday
- Next meeting on 6/17
- Central Data Services Playground
- GM (Halim) to discuss integrating emulator/mocker in meeting tomorrow (6/5)
- 0.1.0 released
- BMW work in progress pull request for knowledge layer connector
Agenda 2024-05-28
- Update Swen's proposal
- Swen to start project
- proposal
- call for collaboration
- collect requirements
- Show relationship to current work
- Show relationship to work in other organizations
- IFEX update
- Commercial Vehicle Interface Specifications
- First meeting June 3 7am PT / 4pm CET
- AUTOSAR Update
- Project naming/acronyms
- Trying to avoid naming/acronym collions/overloading
- Suggested Commercial Fleet Interface Specifications
- Events on and layering on VSS
Agenda 2024-05-21
- Presentation from @Swen Schisler
- Re-address/re-evaluate C&CS and look at bigger picture
- Review existing material
- How to start/renew?
- Important to consider naming and branding (e.g. Common Vehicle Interfaces vs Commercial Vehicle Information Specification)
- What are the desired outputs
- Tech stack one leg of the output
- Architecture
- Requirements
- Disconnected projects not ideal
- Many ecosystems involved
- Should express the requirements
- Action Item: Continue to review what has been done - concrete to carry forward
- Action Item: Find someone willing to lead - Swen
- Action Item: Call for participation
- Action Item: Provide context and map existing projects to it
- AUTOSAR update
- Cleaning up and refactoring
- Commercial Vehicle Information Specifications
- reviews by Commercial Vehicle BoF and Data Expert Group Chairs
- Planned meeting on June 3
Agenda 2024-05-14
- Presentation from @Swen Schisler
- Project proposal next week
- HIM and Commercial Vehicles - review scheduled
- FIrst meeting was held on Monday
- Connected Safety
- Payment
Agenda 2024-05-07
- Presentation from @Swen Schisler
- Project Updates
- VISS - will meet on Mondays at 4pm CET starting May 13.
- HIM and Commercial Vehicles - proposal submitted for review
- IFEX -
- Versioning reviewed - all backward compatible currently
- Leverage internal work done with Thrift perhaps
- Interested in furthering work with AUTOSAR Automotive API
- Cleaning up and improving quality
- RemotiveLabs feeder
- Knowledge Layer connector
- Action Item: Request for use cases - please provide if you have ideas
- Website - will go live - please review
- Push Notification
- Ambient Lighting
- To drive interfaces, emulator, playground
- Entertainment
- Payments
- Camera API - mentioned in AOSP group again
Agenda 2024-04-30
- Presentation from @Swen Schisler
- Project Updates
- VISS - will meet on Mondays at 4pm CET starting May 13.
- HIM and Commercial Vehicles
- Evaluate if VSS works or new trees for Commercial Trailers
- Align with current VSS contributors
- Clear versioning
- CI work
- Protobuf
- Interface and layering
Agenda 2024-03-26
- protobuf
- How to create appropriate layered def
- Ready to announce move to COVESA next week
- uServices
- How do we reuse this of definitions? Interface behavior? Logic?
Agenda 2024-03-19
- Pick up where we left off last week.
- Commodity catalog submissions - anything new?
- Walk through nascent backlog
Agenda 2024-03-12
- Contribute Commodity Catalog Call for Submission
- Start with submissions on seating, cabin climate from BMW, Mercedes, Ford, GM
- Stronger Agenda - Potential Comments
- Signal discovery at interface level
- Blueprints
- e.g. Errors. Ford has common errors
- Commodity Service
- never compared to VHAL
- BMW - Connected VHAL properties
- Start with Seating and HVAC
- Action Item: Provide Seating HVAC - Try to get Seating capabilities
- Ping Gunnar about commits
- Getting this offline and readiness
- HIM Rule set
- User Identity
- ActionItem: What work can we work on as a group, key fob related to vehicle signals and how related to user identity
- Extension for key fob on VSS
- Authentication
- Some requests have OBD / Emmisions regulations
- How is this handled in VISS and Kuksa
- Very specific topics like IFEX <> uServices
- Backlog in GitHub
Agenda 2024-02-27
- vsomeip
- VISS repos
- IFEX Protobuf
- Central Data Service Playground mvp running
- VISS presentations/sessions
- VISS overview, status, announcement
- blueprint brainstorm
Agenda 2024-02-20
- blueprint brainstorm
- Automotive WG closed
- create repos in COVESA and move from w3c
- Names spec (VISS) and implementation (VISS-)
- use respec for spec
- VISS presentations/sessions
- VISS overview, status, announcement
Agenda 2024-02-13
- Licensing meeting this week with AUTOSAR - Discussion
- Blueprint brainstorm
Agenda 2024-02-06
- Licensing meeting this week with AUTOSAR
- VISS in progress of moving to COVESA
- IFEX and uServices
- Blueprint Patterns
- Discovery Patterns
- Notification
- Request Response
- Configurability
- Ease of Use
- Level of API - 3rd party app, lower level SDV, or...
- Next Week - Brainstorm Blueprints
Agenda 2024-01-30
- Licensing meeting this week with AUTOSAR
- VISS in progress of moving to COVESA
- IFEX and uServices
Agenda 2024-01-23
- IFEX and uServices - synch status
- Protobuf "option" meaning discussed - it is used for configuration parameters that modify the behavior of the interface. Need to determine how this will manifest in IFEX.
- VISSv2
- Paul Boyes to setup meeting regarding mechanical transfer to COVESA
- ARXML License Discussion
Agenda 2024-01-16
- Digital key - Ted
- IFEX and uservices - synch meeting -
- Ted Guild Start topic of identity in CVI - Ted Guild Erik Jaegervall Halim Ragab to bring initial use cases forward Gunnar Andersson happy to support if needed in IFEX
- Halim Ragab IFEX to/from uservices and IFEX to/from someip
- Adnan Bekan Android and Apple APIs - extract all functions an list for discussion
- Paul Boyes to arrange for moving VISS to COVESA
- @remotive labs working on feeder opportunity for work
- identify shared work in VISS
- Playground forming container with VISS
- Mongo adding Realm
- BMW working on knowledge layer
- Scoping catalog work
- blueprints look at existing initiatives
- Identity -
Agenda 2023-11-28
Prioritized Topics:
- Capability Lists Review
- IFEX and uservices
- ACTION ITEM: Adnan Bekan Look at Android 14 - Vehicle Attributes and APIs for capabilities (Seats, Steering Wheel....) Link
- ACTION ITEM: Melissa Morris Melissa to do the exact same thing for Seats as HVAC - Week of Dec 5
- ACTION ITEM: @everyone VSS and IFEX discussion read doc
- ACTION ITEM: @everyone Review capabilities outlined in uservices
- Goal: Gunnar Andersson , Paul Boyes , @everyoneAgreed common/computable representation/description of common capabilities at a logical level
- Is IFEX mature enough to define common capabilities
- Attempt to define HVAC interfaces in IFEX
- Domain Priority
- Playground: @everyone - Provide examples of what is needed input in Playground. What examples would be useful? What is the goal of that example?
- Try it out and get involved.
- What representation? Why? Show a reference implementation on Playground
Agenda 2023-11-21
Prioritized Topics:
- Capability Lists Review
- IFEX and uservices
- ACTION ITEM: Melissa to do the exact same thing for Seats as HVAC - Week of Dec 5
- ACTION ITEM: VSS and IFEX discussion read doc
- ACTION ITEM: Review capabilities outlined in uservices
Agenda 2023-11-14
Prioritized Topics:
Meeting notes 2023-11-7
- Attendees
- Prioritized Topics:
- Provide overview and background to new attendees
- Re-sync on next steps
- Discussion of how best to align
- Action Items
- Paul Boyes and others Identify diagram(s) to serve as simple stack diagram for group reference.
- @OEMs/Everyone Bring capability lists to next weeks meeting in whatever format you have them.
- @everyone review previous work
Meeting notes 2023-10-24
- Prioritized Topics:
- Gunnar looking at converting uServices
- Blueprints
- Looked at
- uServices - look to extract patterns, look at options when Halim back
- business logic separated from deployment
- Number of rows... Number of seat rows? Constant or set at design
- Ford - Meet Shareef/Ford at Nov 7 during regularly scheduled meeting
Meeting notes 2023-10-24
- Prioritized Topics:
- Blueprint
- Ford - Meet with on Nov 2
- Blueprint
- Catalog/Capabilities
- Meet Nov 2 from 9-10am ET
- BMW to provide feedback on IFEX
- Apple
- Can we get API documentation from Apple?
- AI: Halim and Adnan to work internally
- Google
- Followed up
- We need to get back to them when we have something
- Automotive API (formerly Vehicle API)
Meeting notes 2023-10-17
- Agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
- AMM review
- Define scope of each project,
- project interconnectivity/interplay
- Participants
- Action: Paul to start the above
- Action: Ford to find rep
- Action: Reach out to Honda
- Action: Reach out to Hyundai
- Proposed: once a month Asia friendly model. Do more discussions in writng. Slack, GitHub, Wiki...
- Direct contribution needed
- IFEX looking at translation to uServices and vice versa
- Action: GM to meet with Mbitiion re IFEX
- Catalog → OpenAPI and/or uServices and/or IFEX or HIM
- Simple easy to follow. Guidance to follow. How to document?
- Blueprint for how API's should be described
- How granular?
- Governance
- Action: Get Google documentation
- Coherency, safety security, performance, access control
- Action: Start outline
- Prioritized Topics:
- Capabilities
- uServices
- Vehicle API
- Prioritized topics for next meeting
Meeting notes 2023-09-05
- Prioritized Topics:
- Discussed How to handle this Common Vehicle Interfaces meeting. Agreed to start listing service capabilities.
- Action Item: Halim Ragab to start a Capabilities page and Usecases page
- AMM:
- Block out time for discussions
- Discuss Use cases, why common vehicle interfaces matter?
- Integrating with the vehicle
- Mapping to VHAL
- Capabilities
- Meet with Google to discuss integration via common interfaces/services
- Create good example and present prior to AMM