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Comment: Save the minutes from this week's meeting

Wednesday 2021-08-25

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley 

Node.js and python for containerized integration tests. 
DAPR integration demo
Seat adjuster demo.  Developed, not pushed public though.

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (tick)Merged first gRPC, no docs yet and don't ask... :)
First logging feature impl.  Useful for debug/development.
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Working on TLS implementation
  • VSS & Tools

Daniel Wilms 


Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

  • VSSo
Daniel W (question)
Ted (question)
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)
  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (question)


  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)
  • AOS
Artem (tick)


For values that are defined in model (default, or min/max limits), shall "0" be valid if the signal datatype is float, or shall we require it to be "0.0"?  Discussion on 

Structured datatypes support?   Major discussion opened, it is a fairly major change if included.  And of course discuss syntax in that case.

Extensible (new) datatypes and units, no progress yet.

vss-tools:  "vspec2yaml" proposal.  vspec is already yaml, but this expands all instances and flattens into a single output file, and includes uuid values.   Not yet accepted, maybe rename tool since vspec is basically yaml already.

  • VSSo
Daniel W (error)
Ted (question)
Rudimentary automated mapping VSSo<->DTDL
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

Fix needed to use python 3.8 (currently works only on 3.9)
GitHub actions now run unit tests
README updates to document gen() function changes

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (question)


Feedback on first public working draft:
  • Minor bug - all messages to provide timestamp uniformly
  • Bandwidth usage due to access token sent with every request.  Discussing if the token could be used like a session, for example by sending only the signature as a reference to a token that had already been authenticated.  Traditional session-cookie possibly going out of style in the future?
  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)-
  • AOS
Artem (tick)


  • New participant: Francisco Uribe.  Quick roll-call/introduction.
  • Project updates, see table.
  • (VSS input)
    • Alexander: Is OBD branch really required?  Is it useful to model the data according to the channel where it is distributed.  (For example vehicle speed could be fetched on OBD, but also in other contexts)
    • Gunnar: Understood and it is a known issue, but this is not only about the channel of distribution but also of the signal definition.  Sometimes an existing defacto list of data already exists, and occasionally it might be useful to reproduce it without changing it so that people recognize the signals they are used to.  We are aware there are certain cases where this would lead to the same signal value being in more than one place, so it's a continuous discussion.  If the majority thinks the OBD branch should not be there, then it can be changed.  For every case, bring the discussion to the specific VSS call on Tuesdays.
  • Update/plans on upcoming open source code for tools, from BMW:
  • Alexander D (BMW):  We have for a while explored how to distribute VSS data in our platforms.  MQTT looked at before but we saw benefits with GraphQL.  Flexible queries!  GraphQL "invented" shortly after VISS v1?   Good community.  Implementations exist.   Possibility to tie signal sources in the system (SOME/IP services, REST services, CAN? ... etc.) to a single signal schema.  The schema is hierarchical, following VSS model (but possibly including more signals?)  Created python tools that generate the GraphQL schema from VSS.  There are some local extensions we have made (coming in second wave of tool release).
    • Mapping using a VSS-layer type (deployment model) which explains how to fetch the values from the system via an interface that is described using Franca IDL.
    • With this as input the tools generate code (e.g. resolvers for the GraphQL server)
    • Plan: Define a "ugly" Franca IDL interface and show examples of VSS-signal mappings on it.  The purpose is to include some "misuse" of Franca, or put another way, challenges in mapping VSS to "difficult" existing services.
    • First (partial) release of code fairly soon.
  • Gunnar: First tests on serialization using AVRO.  See branch.  Will investigate python and C++ implementations first.
  • Work started on VSS→Android property C++ binding code.  Just investigating VSS-generators and VSC/Jinja2 generation methods so far.
  • AMM planning → CVII topics


Wednesday 2021-08-18

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley (error)

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (tick)

gRPC, Visual Studio dev containers for easier development

  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)No updates.
  • VSS & Tools

Daniel Wilms (error)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

  • Dropped travis file because GitHub actions cover all now
  • Seat signals were sensors, now actuators

  • VSS meeting group continues discussion of extensible datatypes and units (each separately).  At the moment it's basically a fixed list.
    - Which datatypes and units are predefined as part of the standard VSS model?
    - Are these also used in the current standard catalog?  Are there "standard" types that are not used at all?
    - Shall the model allow extension with new datatypes?  ... and/or with new units?
    - If it shall, what is the method of extension?  Shall the datatypes and units be defined in the program source code or read in from a configuration file.

    Progress is being made on these questions but all (many) stakeholders need to have time to weigh in.
  • Early hints on upcoming issues:  Supporting struct data types (or not, as now), and possibly revisiting the definition of the enum type.
  • VSSo
Daniel W (error)
Ted (error)

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)
  • vsc-tools: Generator function now uses type introspection on nodes, so there is no need to specify the node type in the template any longer. (Issue #16 )
  • vsc-tools: Unit test framework in place (pytest) with a first test example (#13)
  • VSC/RPC meeting this week discussed way forward, and outreach to companies for one-on-one input regarding preferences
  • gRPC, OpenAPI, and other standards are important to get into the mix, as well as Franca usage or migration path as described before. A new Franca input parser may need to be programmed from scratch, but this should be straight forward.
  • W3C VISS specification

Ted  (error)


  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)
  • AOS
Artem (tick)

Trying to find common ground around authorization etc.  Need a proposal for community to react.

Service representation spec. also of interest (← VSC (and VSS) related discussion).
