Versions Compared


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  • the objective is to srart preparing the tech summit
  • todo Kevin update the names and chosen technologies in the wiki page & block diagram
  • Jira
    created (attached to epic dissemination)

Monday 2020-09-14

First call - Asia friendly time 11:30am CET cancelled due to Sanjeev's busy elsewhere

Second call only - US friendly time 16:00 CET


  • sprint & backlog review


  • Ted, Glenn, Kevin, Stephen L, Gunnar, Philippe


sprint & backlog review

  • Jira
    assigned to Kevin
  • Jira
    • Gunnar: it seems Geotab have an opinion on the distance between their platform and the CCS communication framework
    • Glenn: Geotab sdk is open and interfaces are public, Geotab will provide their vision of the so-called distance
    • >>>>>>>>>>>>> INSERTION POINT

CCS-169 close as duplicate on CCS-168

Gunnar: would it be interesting to use some of the AWS services
deploying using aws lambda is worj loiking afterh tech summit
topic for the agenda of the working session ?
Gunnar: who can bring the knowledge ?
who has contact as AWS ?
AWS automotive ?
Kevin: work rather with oems dirzctly, work on safety KPI on top of 27017
Stephen L; AWS are both in the cloud and in the vehicle lookinh at greegrass ans it overlaps our solution
SL: not competitive, rather complementary

Gunnar has not reported the work he did on it, still needs to look at this
pusjh it later

the call is on Thursday morning

Gunnar will procude a slide deck from the tech note he wrote for the 2nd oem rt
in the 2ndn thet will be a sort of vote about the oem commitment
sync up between genivi and w3c about our oem contacts

The current GENIVI work on data-driven connected vehicle software architecture is an important step towards achieving the seamless coupling of the in-vehicle and back-end architectures and delivering an end-to-end vehicle computing platform. This end-to-end platform leverages existing standards and solutions, but some gaps exist and overall interoperability is still far from achieved. We are convinced the GENIVI work will help the automotive industry take a big step toward the future when the in-vehicle software, E/E architecture and the back-end architecture will be moving closer together.

The Cloud & Connected Services (CCS) project team has undertaken during Q2, 2020 the implementation of an end-to-end vehicle-to-cloud communication framework proof-of-concept demonstrator. This framework incorporates technology components identified by various collaborative projects such as W3C Gen 2 protocol built on VSS2, GraphQL, ISO Extended Vehicle Neutral Server. It clarifies connections to in-car technologies such as AUTOSAR-defined SOME/IP and several others.

The CCS project team will present a status report of the CCS proof-of-concept implementation and explain the design choices made. The following topics will be also comprehensively debated:

how to augment the vehicle data model, collaboration with the Sensoris project (
discussion on which APIs and components on the proposed architecture are candidates for standardization, the objective is to enable an open market for the software components of the communication framework (components are either in-vehicle or in the cloud)
discussion on how the CCS project will contrbute to the newly laucnhed work on a Common Vehicle Interface (CVII).

Monday 2020-09-06

First call - Asia friendly time 11:30am CET - shifted to Tuesday 7 September
