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Comment: Saving minutes from last week

Wednesday 2021-06-23

Fixed Agenda:

Project updates (<= 2-4 min each)

ProjectPerson reportingUpdatesComments
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley (tick)

Improved unit-tests (especially on protocol gateway)

Vehicle Edge repo improvements, hardware support (RPi4)

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (tick)Perfect.
  • VISS server implementation in Go

  • VSS & Tools
Gunnar (tick)
Daniel W (tick)

GitHub actions

VSS catalog now not using list-format, better consistency

UUID no longer using an input file.

Improved package dependency handling

  • VSSo
Daniel W (tick)

Short meeting → Plan deep-dive this week on format of TTL file (Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language), and checking if conversion tools work, etc.

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar (tick)

  • W3C VISS specification

  • CCS-client repository

Future: possibly split up parts into repos, prepare for proper "microservices" usage.

  • AOS
Artem (tick) → 
Ongoing discussion about existing code becoming open-source, and identify new collaboration areas.

Project planning, other topics


  • Christian K
  • Philippe R
  • Dirk
  • Stephen
  • Thomas
  • Piotr
  • Ted
  • Gunnar


Subprojects / tracks updates

  • Development projects, in table above

Bosch Framework


  • Is the (old but actively developed) JOYNR project of interest in CVII context?
  • Eclipse Foundation project Tractus-X – worth starting an alignment discussion


  • CVII was presented / discussed with AUTOSAR steering committee today.  (Good Q&A and discussions but further details not shared here)
  • We want to discuss the ability to use AUTOSAR based systems as signal sources
  • Connecting AUTOSAR and "non-AUTOSAR worlds"
  • Can there be a gateway doing (any) necessary translation (if needed), and/or mapping between protocols

Wednesday 2021-06-16

Fixed Agenda:

Project updates (<= 2-4 min each)

ProjectPerson reportingUpdatesComments
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley (tick)

Technology transport abstraction (protocol gateway)

C++ support

Integration test framework + test suites

Rust experiments starting (not visible yet)

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (tick)Paper describing working with Kuksa (gather data from exhaust system and analyze the values)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)

Support for Curve Logging.  Implementation better verified now (connected and compared to Geotab Go-device implementation)

  • VSS & Tools
Gunnar (tick)
Daniel W (tick)

Travis broken... (smile)
Discussion on attributes (constants), how often and if they can change (for example between driving cycles)

  • VSSo
Daniel W (tick)vss2vsso → ready to merge.
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar (tick)

PR open tweaks some concepts, nested namespaces, clarifies properties.  Properties = VSS signals.  Similar setup.  Discussion on whether it can be done only "in VSS" instead.

NOTE: Planning  in parallel a "fundamental" discussion on the creation of the common services/interface language likely on July 1 workshop.

  • W3C VISS specification
Ulf (tick)

VISS version 2, process started to send it out as First Public Working Draft (first working group approves to go to this state).

Discussion on if some features should be optional.  Candidates for optionality are in the areas of filtering and access control.

  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)

Some smaller fixes after testing in new environment.

Planning to have a tool to transform from Geotab collected data into VSS.  The first step was implemented (to interpolate curve logging formatted data).

  • AOS
Artem (tick)Awaiting big-picture plan first (see below)

Project planning, other topics



  • Quick updates done
  • AOS:
  • Artem: We are working on publishing the appropriate open-source parts.   Protocols, authentication, ...
  •     Authorization service.  Defining access rights.
  •     Gunnar: Definition of access control rights, permissions, etc. are worthwhile to make standard.  Different environment have different needs (e.g. VISS spec, Android Automotive permissions model, etc.) but there are opportunities to design this together.
  • AUTOSAR connection
  • Piotr:  TietoEvry has talked with AR community to propose some concepts.   VehicleGateway (Cloud-to-vehicle connection), conceptual phase started.    Piotr tracking but not part of main design team.  Adam can tell us more.
  • Fill out survey (and ask colleagues who are not as connected to CVII already)
  • July 1 Workshop planning
  • Ted: Best Practices for automotive applications, is progressing well (recent discussions on accessibility aspects).


Wednesday 2021-06-09

Project planning, other topics

  • Student development project (security) – brainstorm implementation topics
  • CVII Workshop planning
  • AOS presentation by Artem


  • Development project updates were skipped (missed).  Postponed until next week.
  • Round-table due to new mix of participants
  • Discussed student dev project ideas, link above
  • Discussed CVII workshop plan, link above
  • Artem presented AOS overview
  • Discussions around future plans (overlay architectures from AOS, Bosch-IoTea/Vehicle Edge, CCS and other.  Identify work areas).


Wednesday 2021-06-02

Fixed Agenda:

Project updates (<= 5 min each)


Updates on liaisons, alignment track, etc.

Project planning, other topics

  • Starting conversations with/about AOS today
  • CVII Workshop date set for 1 July (1600 CEST, 3h duration)


  • Main topic right now is liaison with ISO group W6 for Extended Vehicle to discuss (potentially) introduction of data model definition in ExVe work.
  • Plan for a small-scale meeting with some engineers involved in the activity.
  • A deeper technical alignment work is required for SENSORiS.  It could be done by a volunteer or a small working group meeting  (doing the work, not talking about what could be done).

Project planning, other topics

  • Upcoming - overlay architectures and plans from VehicleEdge, CCS, AOS, plus the VSS-tools, VSC-tools and various plans discussed in this meeting.  The purpose is to combine these into a view of the full tech stack.
  • Gunnar reached out to EPAM for participation
