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Starting on Wednesday 27 January, the CCS call on Wednesdays gives room to the CVII Technology Stack call, same time (5pm CET). CCS call on Mondays will continue and covers both Vehicle Data and Communication Framework

Monday 2021-04-19

US friendly time 16:00 CET


  • AMM preparation
  • GAIA-X
  • tech briefs
  • AOB


  • Ulf, Iyyaz, Kevin, Christian, Benjamin, Gunnar, Philippe
  • apologies: Stephen


AMM preparation

  • Ulf: Geotab will deliver a talk on the mapping to Google Cloud, the name of the presenter will be given before the end of the week
  • Kevin: cannot make it for the CCS session on Thursday 6 May
  • decision  Kevin will pre-record his talk and prepare the Q&A with Gunnar (and others possibly) offline, no change in the AMM schedule
  • Philippe: we need to prepare Friday 7 May session on the next step
  • TODO all to think about the topics for the next 6 months, the review of these topics will be the main topic of the agenda of next week's call
  • Jira
    created, please add your topics there


  • Benjamin: this was a very high level presentation, a bit disappointing, the only use case I found relevant for automotive relates to the supplier chain
  • Gunnar: we need to be proactive and reach out to them and tell the story that CVII will produce one of the items they need
  • Philippe: the French "hub" of GAIA-X will gather on 7 May morning (CET); will joint it
  • Philippe: we need also to continue reaching out to ISO ExVE
  • TODO Benjamin to identify the VW representative at ISO ExVE

Tech briefs

  • short discussion for finalizing the curve logic tech brief
  • Philippe: suggests to plan the preparation of a tech brief on the mapping of CCS communication framework to the popular cloud infrastructures
  • Jira


Monday 2021-04-12

US friendly time 16:00 CET


  • demo for AMM
  • AMM talks


  • ,Ulf, Iyyaz, Ted, Kevin, Stephen, Benjamin, Gunnar, Philippe
