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Value measurement formats

Monday,  March  30 - Vehicle Data


  • /TODO/ all CCS participants to review the Geotab document on EV data access requirements
  • value measurement formats
  • communication framework: discussion with Sanjeev
  • sprint review (skipped)
  • AOB
    • Asia friendly call


  • Keith, Kevin V, Ulf, Benjamin, Gunnar, Philippe
  • apologies: Guru,Gerald, Glenn


review of the Geotab document on EV data access requirements

  • Benjamin: shows a document comparing the content of the Geotab document and the content of the Data Categories wiki page
  • discussion on use cases vs requirements
  • Ulf: the Geotab proposal does not propose the current charging power, but only the accumulated power, Geotab is more interesting in the energy than the power (one is the integral of the other overtime anyway)
  • Kevin: the biggest difference between the Geotab doc and what is is in the wiki is that Geotab is interested more in aggregated data resulting from some data analysis than in the raw data, IMHO we need to update the data categories with Geotab inputs
  • /TODO/ Benjamin to update data categories with Geotab inputs
  • short discussion on the updating of VSS tree with EV signals, based on the comparison made by Benjamin
  • /TODO/ Benjamin to identify a few VSS signals that could be added to the VSS tree

value measurement formats

  • Gunnar: shows the modifications of Value measurement formats wiki page he made since last Monday call
  • Keith: remark on VIN number vs MAC address

  • Gunnar: I use here the VSS defined VIN
  • Gunnar: details the record types and subtypes

  • Ulf: do you envision this to be on top of Gen2 ?

  • Gunnar: this should be on top of every single protocol we want to use

  • Ulf: agreed, Gen2 is one protocol (the only one for the time being)

  • Ulf: IMHO this translates partially into subscribe requests on Gen2

  • Gunnar: yes, the subscribe request is close to what I explained here

  • Gunnar: my expectation is that all participants this wiki page and check whether the naming of the various items described is appropriate

  • Ulf: I will look into this

  • Kevin: likes it a lot, it is a very comprehensive set of definitions, are these definitions independent of the data models ?

  • Gunnar: yes

  • Kevin: CVIM & Sensoris touched this a little bit, job and streams are a litthe bit independent from the other definitions

  • Ulf: Kevin pointed  out a very crucial thing, how do we structure the storage in the cloud VSS tree, we need to complement the values with time dimension & VIN dimension ?

  • Ulf: it is quite complicated to come up with the best solution

  • Gunnar: agreed, this is not trivial

  • Kevin: it is good to define various layers like time series, etc.

  • Gunnar: we need to analyse how this work can influence the definition of the database schema

  • Gunnar: any volunteer for the review of this ?

  • Kevin: I will look at it

  • Gunnar: I will look into Sensoris and CVIM afterwards

communication framework

  • Philippe: Gunnar and I had a discussion with Sanjeev (Samsung) about the vehicle client implementation, Sanjeev was informed of the roadmap until CES 2021
  • Sanjeev: will start on the vehicle client implementation in Go and should be able to show something for the GENIVI Virtual Meeting in May


  • Asian friendly call: in order to facilitate the sync with Sanjeev who is based in Seoul, South Korea, an additional CCS weekly call will be scheduled on Mondays at 11:30am CET

Wednesday,  March 25 - Communication Framework
