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  • Petar (Visteon)
  • Christian (BMW) (partially)
  • Kevin (High Mobility)
  • Rafael (xapix)
  • Stephen L
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe
  • apologies: Sebastian (Bosch) vacation


  • roundtable

    • Rafael: xapix is a German company based in Berlin trying to create an api automotive platform
  • takeaway from AMM
    • Kevin: liked to talk about the standardization of car data, VSS, VSS 2
    • high mobility has a different perspective, establishing the framework between high mobility, the car and the cloud
    • a lot of different protocols, not only VSS 2 but also several others
    • discussion on the various protocols
    • Gunnar: at AMM we got a presentation by cloudera on the way data are managed in an automotive api framework (big data architecture)
    • Discussion followed on capturing all the different players/users of the architecture. Third-party "app" development API, is that a programming API or "only" the W3C REST-based architecture?
  • High level vision on the project scope
    • Gunnar: shows this slide deck
    • Petar: agrees totally with slides 3&4
    • one question on how to describe a behavior/service, need to represent different data types, and how to represent data that is made up of combining data from several sources.
    • Gunnar: When it comes to combining signals into more refined data, the VSM project is investigating exactly that. It provides currently a python implementation. This can be useful to run on powerful IT systems, and/or be further refined to a optimized compiled code through code-generation for example.
    • look at: GitHub/GENIVI/vehicle_signal_manager
    • Kevin: I have a more organisational level, question, is VSS 2 more based on REST ?
    • clarification brought by Gunnar on the various topics wip at W3C: VISS, VSS 2, etc.
    • Clarifying VSS (Data Model @GENIVI GitHub), VISS v1 (W3C specification, which does also refer to VSS as the (minimum) data that shall be provided. VISS v2 (ongoing, in combination of augmenting VSS v2 to the needs). VISS v2 primarily focuses on adding HTTP/REST but some augmentations of the underlying features and data models happen in combination with this.
    • Clarifying differences of work in data definition:
      • data-model description (Exemplified by VSS - shared among implementors)
      • actual data names and descriptions (Also exemplified by VSS - shared among data providers/users)
      • actual data names and descriptions (E.g. proprietary extended VSS additional, e.g. OEM private)
    • Notice that VSS provides two different roles - defining HOW to define data, and also WHAT data, but these can be treated separately!
    • There is some talk of "other data models" in W3C, not clear if this is just other proprietary data, described in VSS-like format, or if it is described in some other format. Also not clear what those other formats might be. VSS is generally adapted to match the needs that come up.
    • The fact that some companies are worried to agree that all data names/descriptions are shared tend to block the discussion. We all understand that some data definitions are unique and private and VSS v1 already described private extensions. We understand that we benefit first from a shared way to describe it, and shared tooling, second that we also can benefit from some data being shared and defined (e.g. any "developer API" *requires* that to be defined at some point), and we also agree that companies may have some own unique and private data. Key point: No part should block progress on any other part.
    • Kevin asked about if W3C VISS service covers security access control features. Gunnar answered that it is specified weakly on VISS v1 (but that still allows for implementors to add it), and that in v2 we will see what makes it into the formal specification (timing, progress), but there are some discussions.
  • homework
    • review the draft workplan and Gunnar's slidedeck
    • back to the project naming ==> homework for next week- coin other project names
  • AOB
    • participation to OADF open conference next week in Munich ==> check whether some of your colleagues are attending it
