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  • Philippe: reminds that it is now time for the team need to pick up some of work items for the CCS PoC implementation,
  • Ulf: I can take over the data server, and its connection to the state storage in the in-vehicle OS box, I am also interested in the data lake
  • Kevin: we can provide sample applications for the 3rd party service and neutral server marketplace boxes, i.e. entities that will consume graphql apis

  • Philippe: what about the OEM cloud box ?

  • Gunnar: we need to determine the signals and the use cases we want to show

  • Kevin V: we should show different data categories including big data chunks

  • Kevin V: showing anonymized data is not really possible because this requires a lot of data, it would be better to show different categories

  • short discussion on the demo use cases
  • Philippe: explains the use cases selected by the AASIG for the PoC demo (EV data, speed & tyre monitoring and air conditioning
  • need to add the use cases definition work item
  • Gerald: I might be able to pull in someone in the in-vehicle OS box , I will ask Sebastian and Christian whether they could recycle something from the kuksa project for the state storage

  • Gunnar: we need to agree on the format for storing values, e.g. time stamps and values of different types

  • Gunnar: I would like to get an example of a query for getting multiple snapshots of vehicle data in order to make graphql shine a little bit

  • Kevin V: if you look at the state of the vehicle, you have a benefit of using a graphql query (get multiple data in one query)

  • Kevin V: it should also possible to push data with graphql

  • discussion on the protocols between boxes

  • Gunnar: I am still waiting for an actual schema for using graphql from someone

  • Philippe: what about Geotab / Canada ?

  • Kevin S: I am still chasing what GENIVI is doing, I see myself in a support role rather

  • review and update of the owner column in the WBS table

  • Ulf: someone else has to take over the vehicle simulation

  • Philippe: execution targets will be laptops for the initial implementation

  • Vehicle client
    • vehicle client: Sanjeev's work does not seem to be directly reusable
    • Ulf: the client would be repsonsible for stoting the data into the data lake
  • Data lake
    • Gunnar: concenring the data lake, do we have a database person in the call ?
    • KevinV not on my side
    • Ulf: this is where we should try to get BMW in,  it won't be a good idea to invent our own database structure
    • Ted: their solution is based on VSS/VSSo too, trying to get Adnan to present what he showed at last W3C F2F
    • Gunnar: I talked to Adnan yesterda
  • OEM cloud
    • Gunnar: what the resource management is all about in this box ?

    • Kevin V: resource management comes from the extended vehicle ISO standard

    • Gunnar: can we replace this naming by "data server apis" in the OEM cloud

    • Kevin V: agreed

  • Neutral Server market

    • Kevin V: it is important that we consume data coming the OEM cloud (server) api

  • Miscellaneous

    • Gunnar: I could likely take over the vehicle client and the graphql and data base

  • Test farm
    • Stephen: I checked the use of lava farm for running the CCS poc, do you want to use a RTOS in the in-vehicle OS box or linux ?

    • Gunnar: we can plan for this at a later time, The PoC will be linux-based including the in-vehicle OS box

    • Philippe: however Renesas could an Adaptive Autosar demonstrator stack in the in-vehicle OS box, this would be good for the demo, it will still be linux-based because the Adaptive Autosar demonstrator is based in RT Linuw


  • Connected Services project charter
    • Philippe asks participants to review the project charter and provide comments by next week

    • Philippe: asks participants for their inputs on what should be the project deliverables; he suggests a combination of paper work (likely EA (UML) models, text-based specifications) and code (prototype implementation, proof-of-concept), reminds that Gerald presented the list of outputs of the various sprints identified in the workplan he presented at the last AMM (look here)
    • Kevin: the text is good, the charter will be useful for sharing with the HM team
    • /TODO/ all review the project charter and send comments to Philippe by email by next week
  • ISO Extended Vehicle update
  • W3C work status
    • Gunnar presents the content of the following wiki page Connected Services: W3C VISS/VSI specification status
      • discussion on proff-of-concept implementation of the VISS/VSI
    • Kevin: is there a general plan/timeline for VSS Gen2 ?
    • Benjamin: things will be delayed until the data models for transportation workshop has happened (scheduled on 12-13 September 2019)(look here)
      • current WG charter started on May 2018 and will end on June 2020, 
  • Sensoris
    • Gerald shows a slide deck (link TO BE ADDED) from Bosch describing the status of Sensoris work
    • Version 1.0.0 of the Sensoris specification will be released in the next days under CC-ND license
    • data provided by Sensoris are not only about the vehicles but about the environment
    • Version 1.1.0 will introduce the concept of "jobs"
      • jobs = login jobs running for a certain period of time for a certain fleet of vehicles
    • Gunnar: it would be good to identify how much overlap we have, shows the interest of different domain taxonomies
    • Gerald: it would be good also to set up a call with the sensoris project once we have reviewed the Sensoris specification that will be published soon
  • AOB
    • telco schedule
      • DECISION  we will start scheduling the weekly call on Monday afternoons at 4pm CET next week (8 July)
      • (added offline) cloudera and which are based on US Pacific coast have been invited to join
