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Monday,  March 16 - Vehicle Data


  • EV data setaccess requirements
  • data contracts & data categories
  • Bosch Vehicle Abstraction Layer - relevance for CCS
  • communication framework - short update
  • AOB
    • graphql


  • Ted W3C (guest), Sanjeev (Samsung), Benjamin (W3C), Kevin Valdek, Glenn, Kevin de Sousa, Ulf, Rex, Gunnar, Philippe

  • apologies: Gerald


EV data setaccess requirements

  • Glenn has publised published the EV data set proposal access requirements document as expected
  • the document was shared with Ulf and might be introduced in W3C
  • Glenn: underlines the use cases presented in the document
  • /TODO/ all CCS participants to review the Geotab document on EV data modelV data access requirements

data contracts and data categories

  • Gunnar: is looking at the splitting the Jira ticket
    as expected

Bosch Vehicle Abstraction Layer - relevance for CCS

  • Gunnar: summarizes the discussion with Bosch that happened last Wednesday
  • Philippe: reminds the rationale for having a discussion with Bosch (which is organizing a workshop on vehicle abstraction at the AMM)
  • Gunnar: there is a need to unify the industry around a so-called vehicle common interface model, I do not know whether we need to mix the data driven like VSS and the vehicle API
  • ULf : VSS is good for data decription, service description needs to be added to it, there is also a need to analyze how to map the VSS signals (using the VSS terminology) to whathever is below, ie the different automotive buses
  • Ulf: I know thar BMW and Volvo have thoughts about this
  • Gunnar: would be happy to get the correct contacts at Volvo (VCC) to pursue this discussion with them
  • Ulf: someip to VSS is exactly what VCC has done, Peter Winzell is the one to talk to, he might convince VCC to share some of the work they did

communication framework

  • Gunnar: shows the CCS PoC WBS
  • Gunnar: aks Sanjeev for clarification on the work he is doing on the so-called clients
  • Sanjeev: I limited the scope of my work to the W3C demo shceduled un a couple of weeks time
  • Sanjeev: I implemented http and websocket connections for the Tizen watch, we have now the vehicle dashboard on the watch, the java scripts used in this implementation are quite straitghforward but need to be rewritten for better clarity
  • Sanjeev the watch code is in the app store, but I intenf to publish the code as well, the web interface is avauable is the daemon folder, the watch interface is pretty much a html interface
  • Ted: Magnus from Melco set up the Gen2 server instance on MIT cloud host, the app could point to that
  • Ted: has set up a Gen2 server instance for demo purposes
  • Ulf: this data server is up and running, it is available but the link to it has not been released yet
  • Ted: link is
  • Sanjeev: back to the clients I am developing, I want to separate the library interfaces from the UX
  • Gunnar: we need to figure out an idea of the demo we want to do, we need to major progress on this actually
  • Kevin V: there is a lot of different use cases, that could be used to demonstrate the PoC
  • Gunnar: we can work with simple queries, but it owuld be good to have simple queries moving a lot of data in odrer to learn abour possible bottlenecks in our communication framework proposal
  • Benjamin:  we could reuse what we have introduced in the data bundles
  • Rex:  do you have at Geotab a document listing all the telematics data ?
  • Glenn: I am not aware of it
  • /TODO/ TBD (Benjamin ?) to compare Geotab doc on EV data requirements and the content of the data bundles wiki page
  • Ulf: asks whether Gunnar can present the CCS PoC block diagram in next week's W3C virtual meeting
  • Gunnar: will do


  • Gunnar: I need help from anyone who is familier with it
  • Gunnar: we have a limited set of metadata in VSS, VSS is not following a graph and I ask people who proposed graphql what their vision is all about
  • Benjamin; graphql in theory works with graphs, it does not perfom as well with trees and taxonomies
  • Benjmain: in the case of VSS, you have VSS tree and you look at signals that are spread over the VSS tree, you define schemas for this purpose
  • Benjamin: if you want a more complex relationship between signals, the computation you need will be much higher
  • Benjamin: please have a look at, for querying and pushing data regularly graphql is appropritate
  • Gunnar:  Example ?
  • discussioon on how to represent the vehicle data structure
  • Kevin V: do you mean nested relationships ?
  • Gunnar: yes for instance
  • Gunnar: I would appreciate some hints about graphql
  • Ted: Adnan could present some stuff on graphql related to vsso and the graph project, to be followed by Gunnar


Wednesday,  March 11 - Communication Framework
