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Monday,  March 9 - Vehicle Data


  • data contracts & data categories
  • Bosch Vehicle Abstraction Layer - relevance for CCS
  • communication framework - short update
  • Sprint & backlog review
  • look at active sprint & backlog of CCS tracker
  • AOB
    • AMM preparation


  • Ulf, Glenn, Rex, Guru, Kevin Valdek, Gunnar, Philippe


Vehicle data model enhancement

  • Jira
    • Glenn: Geotab EV division drafted a paper containing the EV signals, e.g. charging information, discharge of the battery, etc. when combined with gps and timestamp this data set can solve all the use cases like range vs destination, upcoming load for the charging station, etc., hould be published within some days
  • Jira
    • call with Bosch happened on 11 March, debrief is at the agenda of Monday 16 March call

data contracts & data categories

  • Jira
    • Gunnar: data categories and data contracts is rather a tool than a result, relates to access control, this topic is also being discussed in W3C
    • Ulf: we are talking about data categorization and VSS layers but I cannot see the link between both
    • Gunnar: there are 2 ways of representing the categories in the layer concept, VSS layer is a format to represent the data categories
    • Ulf: discussion data catzgorization is different from representing the categories for instance using the VSS layer data format
    • Gunnar: access control group is one example of data category (TBC)
    • Gunnar: data contract is something different
    • Ulf: it is a fuzzy concept for me
    • Gunnar: I can see the connection, I need to check the Geotab's presentation in W3C team about it
      • the presentation is available there
    • Gunnar: we need to have common terms on contracts, technical and commercial parameters
    • Rex: when you talk about QoS, do you have in mind protocols like DDS and Some/IP (signal-to-service), ARA::COM, some of the building blocks may be there
    • Philippe: asks Rex to review the signal-to-service requirements in ARA:COM
    • TODO Philippe send to Rex the Adaptive Autosar signal-to-service specification
    • Ulf: who are the two parties in such a contract discussion ?
    • Gunnar: could be the OEMs and the neutral server companies
    • Kevin: data providers = OEMs,  there is a contract between the neutral server and the third parties (data consumers), the neutral server does not change much the content
    • Gunnar: we need a framework / template to write those contracts
    • Gunnar: we need to set up a framework for access control
    • Kevin: applying data categories to data contracts is the real pain
    • Gunnar let separate those two wordings and check whether the industry wants to progress on both topics
      • /TODO/ Gunnar structure better the Jira ticket in order to distinguish the work on data contracts from the work on data categories
    • Glenn: data contracts in Geotab document mentioned above might not fully be appropriate for the discussion we have here
    • discussion on what a contract is all about

Communication Framework PoC - WBS

  • Kevin presents the wiki page containing the WBS
  • /TODO/ all participants to review the WBS and identify which work item could be taken over
  • Gunnar shows 
    where he added the list of technogolies that could be used for the PoC
  • Ulf: regarding the client implementation Sanjeev is doing, Sanjeev will present his work as part of the remote F2F W3C will have at the end of the month, Sanjeev is working on different platforms including an Android app
  • OEM cloud: Kevin is fine with Hadoop
  • Glenn: we need to remap the data from different OEMs to a common standard, go back to the data guys and talk to them about the pinpoints
  • /TODO/ Glenn provide feedback on a possible common standard for next week
  • /TODO/ Philippe set up a call with Sanjeev and invite him to follow / join the CCS project
  • Rex: IMHO we could set an Adaptive Autosar stack in the cloud
  • Philippe: possibly but in my opinion this is for the future, the architecture of the current PoC adresses a mid-term vehicle EE architecture (like the one depicted on slide #4 and marked as "today" of the VAP presentation by Bosch), having an Autosar stack in the cloud corresponfs rather to a future vehicle EE architecture like the one depicted on slide #4 and marked as "smart infrastructure" of the VAP presentation by Bosch

Wednesday,  March 4 


Communication Framework


  • PoC implementation
  • how to instantiate the big picture on different vehicle EE / Cloud architectures
  • AOB


  • Ulf: would like to advertize the prototype Gen2 server implementation we do for the W3C group

  • Kevin: supports the proposal

  • Ulf: it is not production level but there is a considerable number of functionalities available

  • Ulf: error handling is not so resilient yet

  • Gunnar: agreed, we need to put this into the blue boxes of the big picture diagram, blue boxes named data server could be implemented using the Gen2 prototype

  • Gunnar: graphql is another option that could be demonstrated in a parallel thread

  • Philippe: VHAL team is looking at graphql implementation

  • Gunnar: this is an argumen tor CCS to look into Gen2

  • Gunnar: what about the clients ?

  • Ulf: we have small clients available for testing the data servers, Sanjeev (former Samsung) is working on clients

  • /TODO/ Philippe contact Sanjeev

  • Ulf: would be good to collaborate with the W3C project implementing the data lake

  • Phil: would be good to augment the big picture diagram (look at diagram V2 in Vehicle data exchange protocols) with the list of work items and technos used and create a table listing the wok items and the assignees like we did
    to contributors

  • /TODO/ Kevin to add link to possible technologies on the diagram

  • Ulf: we can use for instance

  • /TODO/ Gunnar do the same

    • Jira
    • Kevin: we need to determine what we use on the OEM cloud part
  • discussion on the use of Gen2

  • Gunnar: let determine who will provide the graphql implementation , maybe BMW maybe myself (I have to put some work into it)

  • discussion on how to align the CCS PoC project and the W3C Gen2 implementation

  • Gunnar: we all agree to align projects, what we need are resources

  • Rex: I have a common terminology question, which translation / transformation are you talking about ?

  • Ulf: BMW has a large number of cars connected today, they do not use VSS format, they use different proprietary data formats

  • Ulf: BMW took the decision that once these data are in the cloud, BMW will create the data lake using VSS1 or VSS2 and use graphql to do queries

  • Rex: wonders whether BMW is using the ASAM standard for describing signals

  • Rex: how is the topic of data compression approach ?

  • Gunnar: it could typically be done at the transport protocol level

  • Gunnar: what do you, Rex, mean by analyzing compressed data ? we have not touched this yet

  • Gunnar: do we need to start looking into OpenID ?

  • /TODO/ Kevin initiate the WBS table for the CCS PoC from the example provided here by the VHAL project

    • Jira
      created as a sub-task of

AMM preparation

  • GENIVI is currently actively doing the AMM content planning, Steve Crumb (Executive Director) is watching closely the virus situation and a decision to keep the AMM physical vs virtual will happen soon
  • the program includes a CCS track with sessions on communication framework and vehicle data model and PoC demo and likely a session called possibly Looking forward: towards a Common Vehicle Interface (TBC)

Monday,  March 2 - Vehicle Data
