Versions Compared


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Pictures would be good

focus must be on Mechatronic components

Information TypeValues Illustration #BMWFordGMVolvo CarsVSS Alignment / MappingAndroid Alignment / mappingNotes

Seat Component 

Moveable Seating Component (Electrically Driven)

Complete seat All


  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat is the complete seat definition.
    •  Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide would be an instance.




  • Top
  • Middle
  • Lower


  • top =5a
  • mid =5b
  • lower =5c

  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Backrest.Lumbar - Adjustable lumbar support mechanisms in seats allow the user to change the seat back shape.
    • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Backrest.Lumbar.Height - mm - Height of lumbar support. Position is relative within available movable range of the lumbar support. 0 = Lowermost position supported.
    • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Backrest.Lumbar.Support - percent - lumbar support (in/out position). 0 = Innermost position. 100 = Outermost position.



Cushion Side Bolster


  • right = 12a
  • left = 12b

Right and Left


Cushion (


lower) bolsters

Inflaation level 0-100%


Backrest Side Bolster


  • right = 11a
  • left = 11b
Right and Left Cushion Back (lowerupper) bolsters
Inflation level 0-100%
  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Backrest.SideBolster - Backrest side bolster (lumbar side support) settings.
    • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Backrest.SideBolster.Support percent - Side bolster support. 0 = Minimum support (widest side bolster setting). 100 = Maximum support.

Upper Shoulder (fwd/backward)


Backrest (was Cushion Front)


  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Backrest - Describes signals related to the backrest of the seat.

Cushion Extension


Blue thing

Thigh Extension?

see video

Either works



  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Headrest - Headrest settings
    • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Headrest.Height - mm Seat position on vehicle z-axis. Position is relative within available movable range of the seating. 0 = Lowermost position supported.


  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Airbag
    • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Airbag.IsDeployed - boolean - Airbag deployment status. True = Airbag deployed. False = Airbag not deployed.
  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.PassengerSide.Airbag

Neck Scarf (fan)


Seat Belt (height)


Needs Clarification.Percent of total? clicks? x, y, z axis values?
Information TypeDefinitionValues Illustration #BMWFordGMVolvo CarsVSS Alignment / MappingAndroid Alignment / MappingNotes
DirectionDirection of seat or component movement
  • Forward - toward the front of the vehicle

foredepends on the component

Applied by seat or component like:

Is Fold a direction?
Team agreed it is a capability
  • Backward - toward the back of the vehicle

aftdepends on the component

  • Up - toward the roof of the vehicle

depends on the component

Applied by Seat or Component like:

  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Height
  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Backrest.Lumbar.Height
  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Headrest.Height

Applied by seat or component like:

  • Down - toward the bottom of the vehicle

depends on the component

  • Inflate - fill with air

increasedepends on the component

Applied by inflatable Component like:

  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Backrest.Lumbar.Support percent - lumbar support (in/out position). 0 = Innermost position. 100 = Outermost position.
  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Backrest.SideBolster.Support percent - Side bolster support. 0 = Minimum support (widest side bolster setting). 100 = Maximum support.

  • Deflate - remove air

decreasedepends on the component

  • Tilt / Recline (angles)

anglesdepends on the component

Applied by Component like:

  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Backrest.Recline -

degrees - Seat z-axis depends on seat tilt. This means that movement of backrest due to seat tilting will not affect Backrest.Recline as long as the angle between Seating and Backrest are constant. Absolute recline relative to vehicle z-axis can be calculated as Tilt + Backrest.Recline.

  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Headrest.Angle -

degrees - Headrest angle, relative to backrest, 0 degrees if parallel to backrest, Positive degrees = tilted forward.

  • Swivel


position on horizontal plane (x-axis) or vertical plane (z-axis) of seat or component

needs clarification

Position vs DirectionNeeds Clarification.
Percent of total? clicks? x, y, z axis values?

Should height be separate?

Is y-axis needed?

  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Position -

Seat position on vehicle x-axis. mm - Position is relative to the frontmost position supported by the seat. 0 = Frontmost position supported.

  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Height -

mm - Seat position on vehicle z-axis. Position is relative within available movable range of the seating. 0 = Lowermost position supported.

AI:  align what position means

Tilt Angle

tilt angle of seat or component (also known as recline)

duplicate to Tilt / Recline (angles)

duplicate to Tilt / Recline (angles) under "direction" above

  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Backrest.Recline -

degrees - Seat z-axis depends on seat tilt. This means that movement of backrest due to seat tilting will not affect Backrest.Recline as long as the angle between Seating and Backrest are constant. Absolute recline relative to vehicle z-axis can be calculated as Tilt + Backrest.Recline.

  • Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Headrest.Angle -

degrees - Headrest angle, relative to backrest, 0 degrees if parallel to backrest, Positive degrees = tilted forward.
