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Comment: Today's CVII minuytes

Quick links: CVII home page  Tech Stack components

Related projects walkthrough (every week): SKIPPED


  • Ulf, Thomas, 

Agenda / Minutes

  • Project updates (skipped this week)
  • New Introductions
    • Andreas Warnke (EB)
    • Alan Freedman (Autonomic/Ford)
    • Dimitri, SW engineer at Zync
  • Meeting structure
    • VSC - Vehicle Service Catalog - IDL language and catalog content
    • VSSo and VSS meeting - Vehicle Signal Specification - VSS model / catalog-content
      • + VSSo breakouts
    • CCS (not currently, restart or replace?)
    • W3C Automotive and Transportation WG 
      • Primarily working on VISS but it is starting to be complete → new topics come up
    • CVII Tech Stack (this meeting)
      • Reports/Updates on all projects 
      • Technical architecture and software discussions, solving problems
      • + Breakout meetings when the need comes up

  • Service definition (VSC) in comparison to AOS service definition format
    • Service API definition
      • Improve the description of data-services in the service definition format.
      • Related aspects: resources, device, permissions
        → CVII related sub-tasks that we ought to work on:
      • Better description of which protocols are used
      • ... and the exact interface if it is a RPC protocol (i.e. reference a "VSC interface")
      • ... and a common methodology for permissions definitions.
Attribute.Body.Vehicle.VIN : "r"
Attribute.Body.Vehicle.VIN : "r"
  • VSS data protocols
    • Methods, access control etc
  • VSS Data Stores
    • VSS Data Server backend abstraction layer possible?
    • Comms between zone controllers
      • DB data (sync, replication, partial send) vs Data Server protocol (e.g VISS)


Wednesday 2022-01-26

Related projects walkthrough (every week):


  • Project update (above)
  • AOS update, more comprehensive:
    • AOS code now in GitHub
    • Apache License 
    • Framework to orchestrate containers
    • Several services in different repositories
    • Working on code coverage for CI tests
    • Follow the README documentation
    • Already used on some production projects
    • May lead to standards for orchestration, control, etc.
    • This covers all the software that runs on the embedded systems
    • meta-layers for Yocto
  • Thomas:  Can we get a demo?  To understand the concept better?
  • Artem: If you have a Renesas starter kit or similar.  You can also try it in a VM on desktop.   Yes to demo (in a week or two)
  • Artem: We have our own CNI for plugins, firewall, = networking configuration for containers.  
    ... not using docker.
    ...Using crun currently (previously runc but now crun).  
  • ...Working on introducing standard K8S APIs
  • Artem: Data side, we wish to stay with CVII work and VSS specifically
  • Artem: We have a YAML based description format. Also monitoring any OCI standards that may apply
  • Gunnar: As noted we should set up a time to discuss overlap of the services description format in AOS and VSC.   
    Gunnar/Artem: Agreed joint desire to consider service description ability using a common language, as VSC project intends to achieve.

  • For information: Data Privacy Initiative
    • COVESA is discussing a Data Privacy oriented project (led by member companies in the legal space)
    • Overview of current rules and regulations, legal risks, counteractions.
    • Create an environment of collaboration to discuss these aspects, in general terms.
    • This topic requires a combination of business management, legal, technical, ...
    • Please reach out to your colleagues (including management, legal) to evaluate interest
    • Likely webinar/Q&A discussion in Feb/March + focus in AMM
  • Meeting CCS → tech architecture.
    1. Meeting 1?  – 30 min overview.  30 min any other topics
    2. Meeting 2?  – Technical work?  Is it implementation focus?  Architecture focus?
    Agendas are important
    One slot is shorter?
    Thomas: Workshop planning - 1h not enough. (4h, less frequently)?
  • Ted: Possibly fewer calls instead?

Relevant links:


Wednesday 2022-01-19

Related projects walkthrough (every week):

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  (tick)Upgrade CI infra to GH actions

  • W3C VISS specification (v2)

Ulf  (tick)
Ted as backup 

Feature freeze agreed.  Polishing ongoing.  W3C process steps.
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Protobuf used to encode messages (used as efficient binary/compression of the messages, compared to JSON format) over Websocket/MQTT. Might also be on HTTP.
Compared to JSON as a "compression ratio".

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (tick)
(Gunnar, Sebastian as backup)

enum → allowed_values rename.
(another enum concept is still possible/pending)
Signal list - quality improvements.
Documentation updates 
  • VSSo
Daniel W  
As discussed, document is complete, going through a release process.
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  Biweekly to weekly meetings
Exact time TBD, planning process
  • CCS-components
Ulf  (tick)ovds-client (VISS client) updated to also support protobuf feature.
  • AOS
Artem (error)
next week full update
  • Android Automotive VSS→ Vehicle Properties
    Code Generator

Request for new main developer/maintainer.
Eclipse Kanto
(proposed.  worth tracking in CVII call?)
(Thomas S) Thomas will be an ambassador for this project.  Exact VSS connection not known yet.


Wednesday 2021-12-22

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  (error)

  • W3C VISS specification (v2)

Ulf  (error)

Ted as backup 

  • All open questions have been resolved (for the moment)

  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error)

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (tick)
(Gunnar, Sebastian as backup)

Meeting series postponed until January

  • VSSo
Daniel W  

(See previous week)

  • VSC & Tools

Meeting series postponed until January

  • CCS-components
Ulf  -- 
  • AOS
Artem (tick)
Publishing has started on GitHub, and is still ongoing
  • Android Automotive VSS→ Vehicle Properties
    Code Generator

  • "Simple compile check" in CI system (stubbed out dependencies).
    See GitHub actions, currently on this branch here for example.
  • Updated to generate all type=conversion functions on the fly. 
    Track Manu's vss-tools fork / PR for status.
Eclipse Kanto
(proposed.  worth tracking in CVII call?)

not discussed today


Ulf Bjorkengren 



ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) Released last month's recent changes into a tagged version.  See changelog.

  • W3C VISS specification

Ulf (tick)

Ted as backup (tick)

  • Discuss optional features
  • Decision around the API to query feature-capability of the VISS server.

Very few open questions at the moment, so it seems like the specification is starting to be considered "complete", thus starting planning for formal proposal

  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Protobuf trials are coming for the payloads (next year)

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (tick)
(Gunnar, Sebastian as backup)

Enum functionality discussion

  • Does the current function suffice?
  • Discussion about extended feature/capability of assigning fixed values, etc.
  • VSSo
Daniel W  (tick)

Documentation up to date.
Publishing plans in January.
Workshops being planned, February.

  • VSC & Tools

meeting delayed

  • CCS-components
Ulf  -- 
  • AOS
no news today, awaiting open-source release
Eclipse Kanto (tbd)
IoT/edge cloud connector piece
(to be determined the association to data-model/services-model)



  • Sebastian: GitHub Packages are recommended, for container images for example.
  • Stephen:  Common implementations?  E.g. AOS has VISS server, KUKSA.val has VISS server, etc.  Upgrades to latest protocol version - shared implementation?
  • Alexander: Additional code is coming from BMW (ref: last week's walkthrough).  The implementation of the actual GraphQL server is coming next.
  • Further discussion on how to organize joint development projects:
  • Provide feedback to component names in: CVII Tech Stack Terminology - temporarily stored on GENIVI Wiki:
  • Also read (again) Towards CVII pluggable components and consider if these are obstacles to collaboration, and which ones we can overcome.


ProjectPerson reportingUpdates

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) -- 
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error) – 

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (tick)
(Gunnar, Sebastian as backup)

  • v 2.2 tagged (1 week ago)
  • Review update proposals in VSS standard catalog on several points
    (open for review another week)
  • Redefining enum was further discussed
  • VSSo
Daniel W  (tick)

Draft spec proposal for reading

  • VSC & Tools

referring to last week's updates

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (tick)


VSSo was discussed on the WG meeting
Simpler authentication flow, change was accepted.

  • CCS-components
Ulf  – 
  • AOS
Still working on logistics of publishing open source


  • Ulf


  • Project updates
  • Demonstration of end-2-end SOME/IP signal source / GraphQL VSS server (Alexander Domin, BMW)
    • Walkthrough of existing repos, reasons and intentions behind.
    • Live demo
      • Create GraphQL schema with tool
      • Only a single Query / entry point that is matched against the whole Vehicle Tree.  GraphQL schemas can define multiple, but this is how it is done here.
      • Subscription queries are supported
      • Query can include all values of any (sub)type in the tree, or only some, it is very flexible.


ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) 

Thomas Spreckley  

Further development of these components (from Bosch side)
has been halted in favor of building a new infrastructure based on DAPR framework

Rules engine in iot-event-analytics still of interest - either reuse or write similar functionality into DAPR

CES demo

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) Plans are unchanged (not more, not less).   Small feature sprints.  Still being maintained.
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf Nothing this week.  Will be updated soon due to latest changes in VISS spec.

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
(Sebastian as backup)

  • VSSo
Daniel W  

  • VSC & Tools

Nothing this week (biweekly sync meeting) - see last week's minutes

Bosch interface tools - see minutes below

  • W3C VISS specification



Additional updates on access control:
- Optional usage of vehicle-identifier in security tokens.  (Optional when not required such as inside-vehicle access
- only one vehicle is relevant, the one that is "connected")
... but mandatory when required - e.g. access from cloud to (many) vehicles.

- One new flow in access-control model.  Low-complexity flow (PR coming)

  • CCS-components
Ulf  Updated images in README explaining the usage of different component parts
  • AOS

Awaiting open-source code publication


  • Ted – conflicting meeting


ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) (error)

Thomas Spreckley  (error) 

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  (tick)VSS release 2.1 file included in download.
Fix on feeder (SocketCAN).  All data sent as strings (JSON format already, VISS)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error)--

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

Repo moved to GitHub/COVESA

  • Finally merged the support for adding own units (and changing implementation of existing units).
  • Agreed IgnitionOnState signal which created new discussions about related signals.
  • VSSo
Daniel W  (question) 
Ted  (tick)
  • Intention to bring to first public working draft status soon. 
  • Microsoft meetings resumed at smaller scale. More in-depth workshop planned (mid-January) for planning activities with MS and others.
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

Repo moved to GitHub/COVESA

  • First discussion with Bosch on how interface handling (and tools) are done for interface handling.
  • Proposal for Standard Error codes
  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (tick)

Ulf (error)

  • Ashish made presentation of his research into policy control of data access including:  access control, sticky-policies, proxy-re-encryption, prioritization of (computing) resources, etc.
  • Access Control - new proposal (Bosch) considered.
  • BMW input also further discussed (attribute-based access control, and some other details sorted out)
  • INAGO (autonomous vehicles).  Project arrow - implemented VSS+VISS, presentation coming.
  • CCS-components (new name)
Ulf  (error)Repo moved to GitHub/COVESA
  • AOS
Artem  (question) 



  • Thomas Spreckley


1. (Permanent agenda item)
   Report recent progress on each of the relevant* projects.


ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) (question) 

Thomas Spreckley  (question) 

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  (question) 
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Minor fixes

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

This week: VSS-layers discussion.  Refer to minutes below.

  • VSSo
Daniel W  (question) 
Ted  (question) 

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

See presentation from last week's AMM

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted  (question) 

Ulf (tick)

Discussions on how to modify specification to better support in-vehicle web apps.  (Access control)
Questions around Service discovery, versioning of VSS (how to know what "interface version" (VSS) you are speaking to)

  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)
  • AOS
Artem  (question) 

Completing review towards open source code publication.



1. (Permanent agenda item)
   Report recent progress on each of the relevant* projects.


ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) (error)

Thomas Spreckley (error)

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) (error)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Minor fixes

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (error)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

This week: VSS-layers discussion.  Refer to minutes below.

  • VSSo
Daniel W (error)

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

See presentation from last week's AMM

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (question)

Ulf (tick)

Discussions on how to modify specification to better support in-vehicle web apps.  (Access control)
Questions around Service discovery, versioning of VSS (how to know what "interface version" (VSS) you are speaking to)

  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)
  • AOS
Artem (tick)
Completing review towards open source code publication.



  • Report out from VSS layers discussion
  • Relatively long discussion on VSS versioning (see note on VISS above)
  • Still preparing/approval process for a set of VSS related tool implementations from OEM.
  • Artem:  VSS, VISS, implementation optimizing for edge-computing (different/comprehensive access control mechanism).  Transports. CNI.
