Versions Compared


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ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) 

Thomas Spreckley  

Further development of these components (from Bosch side)
has been halted in favor of building a new infrastructure based on DAPR framework

Rules engine in iot-event-analytics still of interest - either reuse or write similar functionality into DAPR

CES demo

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) Same?  Or still included in future plans?Plans are unchanged (not more, not less).   Small feature sprints.  Still being maintained.
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf Nothing this week.  Will be updated soon due to latest changes in VISS spec.

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
(Sebastian as backup)

  • VSSo
Daniel W  

  • VSC & Tools

Nothing this week (biweekly sync meeting) - see last week's minutes

Bosch interface tools - see minutes below

  • W3C VISS specification



Additional updates on access control:
- Optional usage of vehicle-identifier in security tokens.  (Optional when not required such as inside-vehicle access
- only one vehicle is relevant, the one that is "connected")
... but mandatory when required - e.g. access from cloud to (many) vehicles).

- One new flow in access-control model.  Low-complexity flow (PR coming)

  • CCS-components
Ulf  Updated images in README explaining the usage of different component parts
  • AOS

Awaiting open-source code publication



  • Ted – conflicting meeting


  • Project updates according to above table
  • Ted and Gunnar will be presenting W3C, COVESA, CVII and VSS on a Workshop on Future Automotive Research Datasets, organized by SRI international
  • Thomas: Bosch preparing a presentation of interface-related tooling (OpenAPI) to VSC meeting for alignment of IDL needs and definition.  The example will be modeling comfort services.
  • First code repositories created for GraphQL (and more) related tools from BMW.
  • The code is ready to go, but unfortunately the responsible has become ill, so we're waiting for the first code push still.
    Planned content:
    • test-someip-service
      - Example interface for showing the mapping from GraphQL-server to SOME/IP signal source

    • test_franca2vss_mapping_layer - Proposing a VSS layer format to define where each VSS signal can be fetched, from a service interface described by Franca IDL.
        (similar to the ideas in the ongoing VSS-to-Android mapping files)

    • vss2graphql_schema - Tool (generator) creating GraphQL schema definition from a VSS catalog. (Possible inclusion into vss-tools later on)

  • DAPR - looking at connection points
  • (Renesas) - Started development of internal-simulator2VSS mapping job, and Apache IoTDB implementation.
    • Who's behind this, who created, maintain... ?  Renesas?
    • Stephen: It was created at a Chinese university before being contributed to the Apache Foundation.
    • A natural? choice for an embedded time-series DB (if you need that).
    • Strong connections to other Apache tools.
  • AVRO serialization status on this branch
  • Proposed:  (shared) C++/and-or other language library - client library / convenience API for data serialization.
  • Reminder: Gunnar update CCS-component picture with proposed changes.


Wednesday 2021-11-10

Meeting minutes pending.


ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) (error)

Thomas Spreckley  (error) 

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  (tick)VSS release 2.1 file included in download.
Fix on feeder (SocketCAN).  All data sent as strings (JSON format already, VISS)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error)--

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

Repo moved to GitHub/COVESA

  • Finally merged the support for adding own units (and changing implementation of existing units).
  • Agreed IgnitionOnState signal which created new discussions about related signals.
  • VSSo
Daniel W  (question) 
Ted  (tick)
  • Intention to bring to first public working draft status soon. 
  • Microsoft meetings resumed at smaller scale. More in-depth workshop planned (mid-January) for planning activities with MS and others.
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

Repo moved to GitHub/COVESA

  • First discussion with Bosch on how interface handling (and tools) are done for interface handling.
  • Proposal for Standard Error codes
  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (tick)

Ulf (error)

  • Ashish made presentation of his research into policy control of data access including:  access control, sticky-policies, proxy-re-encryption, prioritization of (computing) resources, etc.
  • Access Control - new proposal (Bosch) considered.
  • BMW input also further discussed (attribute-based access control, and some other details sorted out)
  • INAGO (autonomous vehicles).  Project arrow - implemented VSS+VISS, presentation coming.
  • CCS-components (new name)
Ulf  (error)Repo moved to GitHub/COVESA
  • AOS
Artem  (question) 



  • Thomas Spreckley



ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) (question) 

Thomas Spreckley  (question) 

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  (question) 
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Minor fixes

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

This week: VSS-layers discussion.  Refer to minutes below.

  • VSSo
Daniel W  (question) 
Ted  (question) 

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

See presentation from last week's AMM

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted  (question) 

Ulf (tick)

Discussions on how to modify specification to better support in-vehicle web apps.  (Access control)
Questions around Service discovery, versioning of VSS (how to know what "interface version" (VSS) you are speaking to)

  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)
  • AOS
Artem  (question) 

Completing review towards open source code publication.



1. (Permanent agenda item)
   Report recent progress on each of the relevant* projects.


ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) (error)

Thomas Spreckley (error)

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) (error)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Minor fixes

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (error)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

This week: VSS-layers discussion.  Refer to minutes below.

  • VSSo
Daniel W (error)

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

See presentation from last week's AMM

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (question)

Ulf (tick)

Discussions on how to modify specification to better support in-vehicle web apps.  (Access control)
Questions around Service discovery, versioning of VSS (how to know what "interface version" (VSS) you are speaking to)

  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)
  • AOS
Artem (tick)
Completing review towards open source code publication.



  • Report out from VSS layers discussion
  • Relatively long discussion on VSS versioning (see note on VISS above)
  • Still preparing/approval process for a set of VSS related tool implementations from OEM.
  • Artem:  VSS, VISS, implementation optimizing for edge-computing (different/comprehensive access control mechanism).  Transports. CNI.
