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Table of Contents

Weekly Meeting

Wednesdays at 7:00am PT, 10:00am ET, 1600 CET

Meeting Link:

AMM April 2023:

View file
nameUpdated_Covesa AMM Flyer 001.pdf


View file
nameAMM_EVPowerOptimization_25042023_1 (1).pptx

Video demo Link:

Presentations showcased at CES 2023:

View file


This project is scheduled to be closed by end of 2023. For more information on this project, please refer to the below resources:


View file
name2023 Whitepaper EV Power Optimization 202310.pdf

View file
nameCOVESA EV Power Optiimization_Whitepaper 2023_v01.pdf

GitHub Repository:

OTA and Web Socket for Data Transfer Links:

Digital.Auto Simulation Platform Link:

AMM October 2023:

View file
nameCovesa Oct AMM Flyer_v2.pdf

Final Presentation to be showcased at AMM October 2023:

View file

Link for Video on AMM October 2023 Demo:

Covesa event Demo video .mp4

AMM April 2023:

View file
nameUpdated_Covesa AMM Flyer 001.pdf

Presentation showcased at AMM April 2023:

View file
nameAMM_EVPowerOptimization_25042023_1 (1).pptx

Link for Video on AMM April 2023 Demo:

Presentations showcased at CES 2023:

View file

Weekly Meeting

Wednesdays at 7:00am PT, 10:00am ET, 1600 CET

Meeting Link:

Copy of COVESA SOC Based Estimation_v8.xlsx

2023-11-08 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Discussion on flawless integration of HVAC and Infotainment System use cases for Power Optimization.
  • Presentation of the existing architecture of the project.
  • Discussion on proposed integrated architecture of the project.

2023-11-01 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Discussion on plan for the Project post AMM
  • Discussion on schedule of CES 2024

2023-10-04 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
    • @ Chris Cheng - Steinbeis
    • Umang Sharma - Mobis
    • Anirudh K - Mobis
    • @ Gopinath P - Ansys
    • cc @Jaegervall Eric - Bosch 
  • Discussion on HVAC Use Case integration with Digital.Auto Platform.
  • Updates on integration of all use cases.

2023-09-27 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Planning and discussion on Preparations for the AMM in October 2023.
  • Discussion on finalization of use cases for the AMM.

2023-09-20 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Updates on the developments in the Web Socket Architecture for the  Digital Auto Platform.
  • Discussion on the integration of other use cases with Digital Twin for AMM.
  • Planning for the development of Collateral and Presentations for the AMM in October 2023.

2023-09-13 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Discussion on updates in the Web Socket and Digital Auto Connection with the Server-based use case.
  • Updates on the development of Digital Twin for AMM.
  • Updates on transportation of Physical hardware for HVAC use case for the AMM.

2023-09-06 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Discussion on updates in the Server-based architecture use case.
  • Discussion on the different use cases that will be presented during AMM 2023.
  • Discussion on integration of HVAC Use Case Physical hardware with the other use cases.

2023-08-23 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Presentation on the work done on the ANSYS HVAC Use Case Digital Twin Model.
  • Planning on the various use cases to be presented during the upcoming AMM.

2023-08-16 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Presentation on the foundational architecture of DreamKit solution showcasing:
    • HVAC demonstration

    • Seat simulation

    • Integration with the IVI system
  • Exploration on the architecture of Digital Auto v1.0 and its interconnection with diverse IVI models and the DreamKit ANSYS Model via HPC utilizing VSS Signal.
  • Discussion on the roadmap for version 2.0 of Digital Auto.
  • Discussion regarding the architecture of the upcoming AMM demo and outlined tasks for the forthcoming week.
  • Updates on API integration for IVI systems with Azure Cloud.

2023-08-09 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Discussion on the updates in the development of HVAC use case. 
  • Brainstorming to come up with a high level architecture for the Use Case presentation during AMM in October 2023.
  • Planning the collaboration from various stakeholders to develop specific use cases for the next AMM.
  • Discussion on logistics for the next AMM.

2023-08-02 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Discussion on the updates on Digital.Auto in relation to the Server-based architecture. 
  • Planning for the next AMM in October 2023.
  • Discussion on involvement of various stakeholders to develop the use cases for the next AMM.

2023-07-26 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Discussion on the updates in Server-based architecture approach.
  • Discussion on the approach to be taken for the next AMM in October 2023.
  • Discussion on the work being done by Ansys on Digital Twin use cases.

2023-07-19 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
    • Pradeep Kumar - Mobis
    • Umang Sharma - Mobis
    • Anirudh K - Mobis
    • @ Chris Cheng - Steinbeis
    • @ Gopinath P - Ansys
    • @ Hemesh Patil - Ansys
    • @ Richard Fernandes -  General Motors
    • cc @Jaegervall Eric - Bosch
  • Discussion on the development of Websocket for Server-based architecture.
  • Presentation on updates in simulations with a discussion on further changes.
  • Discussion on the approach taken by Ansys for further development of Digital Twin use cases.

2023-07-12 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Discussion on current updates and revised architecture for the data flow between the EV and the Digital Auto server.
  • Discuss on Ansys Digital Twin use cases including HVAC use case.

2023-07-05 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Conversation about optimizing EV power and the API for digital auto communication.
  • Presentation on the revised architecture for the data flow between the EV and the Digital Auto server.
  • Demonstration on the EV power optimization digital auto demo.

2023-06-28 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Discussion on integrating Server based Architecture for IVI Use Case with the Digital.Auto Platform
  • Feedback and suggestions received on changes to be made in Server based Architecture for IVI Use Case

2023-06-21 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Discussion on updates in Server based Architecture for IVI Use Case
  • Discussion on next steps to collaborate with other open source organizations such as SOAFEE 
  • Discussion on steps to be taken to include more partner companies including OEMs in the Project

2023-06-14 Meeting Notes

2023-05-31 Meeting Notes

2023-05-17 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Discussion on IVI Application developed for AMM
  • Discussion on steps to be taken to include more partner companies in the Project
  • Digital. Playground updates on simulation models discussed

2023-05-10 Meeting Notes

2023-05-03 Meeting Notes

  • Attendees
  • Discussion on creation of a separate Repository for the EV Power Optimization Project on GitHub. PFB details of some VSS signals developed till date for this project which are posted on GitHub: 




    Github Link



    Signal Definition


    Last Touch by User to Infotainment

    In phone as we see, phone goes to sleep mode if not touch for long time, same use case can be use to save infotainment battery by using last touch VSS Signal, that can help OEMS.
    So, the signal proposed gives information regarding last touch in power optimization's branch.

    Erik Jaegervall (erikbosch)

    Umang Sharma (UmangSharmaMobis)


    datatype: string

    type: sensor

    description: Time for last hmi action, formatted according to ISO 8601 with UTC time zone.


    Display Timer off for Infotainment

    In phone as we see, phone goes to sleep mode if not touch for some desire time, same use case can be use to save infotainment battery by defining desire time.
    So, the signal proposed gives information regarding desire time by which infotainment might goes to display sleep mode.

    Erik Jaegervall (erikbosch)

    Umang Sharma (UmangSharmaMobis)


    datatype: uint16

    type: actuator

    unit: s

    description: Duration in seconds before the display is turned off. Value shall be 0 if screen never shall turn off.

    comment: Display shall be turned off at HMI.LastActionTime + HMI.DisplayOffDuration, unless HMI.IsScreenAlwaysOn==True.



    IsScreenAlwaysOn signal can be set by applications to prevent the screen from going black

    Erik Jaegervall (erikbosch)

    Umang Sharma (UmangSharmaMobis)


    datatype: boolean

    type: actuator

    description: Used to prevent the screen going black if no action placed.

  • Discussion on mail to be sent to all AMM attendees with the Power Optimization project flyer
  • It was agreed that updates from the AMM will be discussed during next week's meeting

2023-04-19 Meeting Notes


  • 2022-12-21 -12 Meeting Notes:
    • Attendees

    • Demo of Playground.AI Visualizations was showcased. Discussion on the types of additional data points that can be added to the Playground.
    • Specific Topics to be included in the CES presentations were discussed along with a discussion on the overall flow of the presentations.
    • Discussion on updates made to the Datasheet, the updated Data will be shared among the team for further iterations.
    • Discussion on submission of 1 pull request on VSS and regarding the development of a detailed VSS Architecture for this project.
    • It was agreed to have another call next week to finalize the data and presentations for CES.

  • 2022-12-14 -12 Meeting Notes:
    • Attendees

    • Discussion Points
      • Based on the discussion on the call, Pull request for VSS Signals developed will be submitted 

      • Mobis recommended Branch level degradation status in the VSS status but this requires discussion in the VSS Meeting

      • For the CES Dataset samples, Bosch suggested to include Powertrain Data and Status. Mobis will work on making these changes in the Dataset

      • Steinbeis will share the updated Digital.Auto Visualization based on the updated data sheet 
