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Reference Architecture (access requires Genivi Member Login)


1.1 App FW Scope and Concept

In the following review comments can be added to the App FW scope and concept document.

App FW Scope and Concept - Review

1.2 Application Manager

The Application Manager component is a part of the Application Framework set of components, aimed at supporting Applications, "Apps", in a GENIVI setting.


Don’t see the needTakes the MIME type or
URI and returns the list
of apps that are capable
of handling this typeDon’t see the needA complete list of apps
 is not providedNot implemented yetNot implemented yet
Sl No.Tizen Web APIDescriptionTizen NativeDescriptionApertis (formerly eCORE)DescriptionQt Automotive Suite
Application Manager
/ Remarks
1getCurrentApplicationGets the Application object
defining the current application.
  CurrentActiveAppProperty update
Get the current active application on top of the application stack
 Defined by the System UI, can support multiple active applications at once. 
2killKills an application with
the specified application context ID.
  Its not exposed to application
but internal to the Application
Apps are killed based on their states by app manager.Apps are killed based on their activity state. There is no exposed API using which system UI or managed app can request another app to be killed.ApplicationManager::stopApplication(string id, bool forceKill).Only available to System UI and via System DBus 
3launchLaunches an application
with the given application ID.
  LaunchNewApp ()Launch an application
from any other application
Only available to System UI and via System DBus.
Apps themselves can only launch other apps through mime-types.
4launchAppControlLaunches an application
with the specified application
  OpenURI()This method is used to
launch an application
which handles the MIME
type of the
For apps: [
For System UI: ApplicationManager::startApplication
Applications uses standard Qt interfaces, i.e. they are independent of Application Manager. 
5findAppControlFinds application information
 can be launched with the
 given application control.
  AppLaunchDatabaseReturns a list of apps and the MIMEs that they can handle.
NOTE: the name will be corrected.
The ApplicationManager singleton presents a model with the metadata regarding all installed apps and information regarding if the application is running or not.Only available to System UI and via System DBus. 
6getAppsContextGets a list of application
contexts for applications
 that are currently running
on a device.
  Its not exposed to application
but internal to the Application
Don’t see the need Not clear about the API Not sure what a context is. 
7getAppContextGets the application context
 for the specified application
 context ID.
Gets the application
context for the given
 ID of the application.
Its not exposed to application
but internal to the Application
 Not clear about the API Not sure what a context is. 
8getAppsInfoGets the list of installed
application's information
 on a device.
  Its not exposed to application
but internal to the Application
Not yet implementedAssuming that this API should provide a complete list of apps that are installed on the device.
NOTE: there are API for system UI like launcher to get this info. But not in general for managed apps.
The ApplicationManager singleton presents a model with the metadata regarding all installed apps and information regarding if the application is running or not.Only available to System UI and via System DBus. 
9getAppInfoGets application information
 for a specified application ID.
  GetApplicationInfoReturns manifest info to
the calling process
The ApplicationManager singleton presents a model with the metadata regarding all installed apps and information regarding if the application is running or not.Only available to System UI and via System DBus. 
10getAppSharedURIGets URI of read-only shared
directory of application for a
 specified application ID.
   Not yet implemented   
11getAppMetaDataGets application meta data
array for a specified
application ID.
   Not clear if this is
different from GetAppInfo
The ApplicationManager singleton presents a model with the metadata regarding all installed apps and information regarding if the application is running or not.Only available to System UI and via System DBus. 
12addAppInfoEventListenerAdds a listener for receiving
any notification for changes
in the list of the installed
applications on a device.
   The application entries use the freedesktop desktop entry format and method.
Available through the object returned from  ApplicationManager::get.Only available to System UI and via System DBus. 
Removes the listener to
stop receiving notifications
for changes on the list of
installed applications on a device.
   As aboveYes, through Qt signals/slots.Only available to System UI and via System DBus. 
14    GetGlobalSearchAppsGlobal search is distributed
over all apps. This API
gives a list of apps that are
supporting global search
NOTE: This is a product specific feature
This would be implemented as a tag in the manifest, e.g. another capability.Global search is not a part of the Application Manager but would have to be supported through some other service. 
15    RegisterMyAppAll applications register
to application manager
The registration is needed as app manager is a dbus service.
The ApplicationManager itself is not tied to a specific appstore implementation - as long as the package can be downloaded via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP; it can also be provided as a local file or via a UNIX socket connection. QtAS comes with a PoC appstore implementation (server side: django, client side: QML).
See ApplicationInstaller singleton (system-UI and system DBus)
Not sure if this refers installation or during run-time. Installation is initiated through an Application Manager interface, so it works automatically. Apps are launched through Application Manager, so again, it works automatically. 
16    SetUninstalledApplicationDEPRECATED API !

AppStore :Set the
application manifest
name which isuninstalled.
 Application Manager handles uninstall, no need to call. 
17    InsertNewEntryDEPRECATED!

AppStore :Launcher
displays categories of
 applications and the
list of applications in
 each category.
 Application Manager handles install, no need to call.
AppStore is integrated through a custom plugin, so anything apart from the reference store needs to be integrated by writing a C++ plugin.
18    SetInstalledApplication
AppStore :Set the manifest
file of the installed application.
 Application Manager handles install, no need to call. 
21    "signal: AppLaunchDatabase
Update "
This signal indicates
an update of the app database
 Application Manager owns the database. No need to call. System UI is notified through the QAbstractItemModel interface of the ApplicationManager singleton object. 
24  app_manager_foreach
Retrieves all application
 contexts of running
   Not sure what a context is. 
25  app_manager_foreach
Retrieves all installed
 applications information.
  The ApplicationManager singleton presents a model with the metadata regarding all installed apps and information regarding if the application is running or not.  
26  int app_manager_get
Gets the ID of the
application for the
given process ID.
  The ApplicationManager singleton presents a model with the metadata regarding all installed apps and information regarding if the application is running or not.  
27  app_manager_get_
Gets the absolute path
to the shared data
directory of the
application specified
with an application ID.
  ApplicationInstaller::getInstallationLocationThere's no real "shared" directory, but the path to the app's private data directory is available.
Only available to System UI and via System DBus.
28  app_manager_get_
   ApplicationInstaller::getInstallationLocationThere's no real "shared" directory, but the path to the app's installation directory is available.
Only available to System UI and via System DBus.
29  int app_manager_is
Checks whether the
application with
the given package
name is running.
  The ApplicationManager singleton presents a model with the metadata regarding all installed apps and information regarding if the application is running or not.  
30  int app_manager_
Resumes the application.  ApplicationManager::startApplication
The "docs" just state "resumes app". If this means bringing a background app to the foreground, then the ApplicationManager will take care of that transparently. 
31  Many API's wrt
Application context
32  Many Api's wrt
Application information



3 App Manifest

Manifest contains App meta data. some of the information will help to determine is this App compatible/installable on a particular device.
