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Value measurement formats

Monday,  April 6 - Client Implementation, Vehicle Data

First call - Asia friendly time 11:30am CET


  • weekly sync with Sanjeev on the client implementation


  • Sanjeev, Gunnar, Philippe


proof-of-concept design

  • Gunnar; presents the refinement made on the component interface last week, in CCS Proof-Of-Concept - Work Breakdown Structure
  • Gunnar: we are now collecting proposals for graphql schemas
  • discussion on impact on Sanjeev's workitems
  • Sanjeev: in my opinion, we might need someting like an object store for the data lake
  • Gunnar: Ulf is likely to propose a relational data base
  • Philippe: Ulf will make a presentation on the data lake in this afternoon CCS call
  • Sanjeev: is there any reason to use a relational database ? I saw the data coming as a continuous data stream, unless there is a need of classification of data, I am wondering why we should use a database
  • Gunnar:  understood, in the long run, the name data lake means there could be very diverse data and it could make more sense to look into an object oriented database for instance
  • Sanjeev: I stumbled in similar problems in the IoT domain
  • Gunnar: we might go to Hadoop in a later version of the proof-of-concept

client implementation

  • Sanjeev: last week worked with Ulf on fixing the Gen 2 server, we have a permanent node for the server provided by MIT, this took all the time I could spend on the project
  • Sanjeev: do I have permission to create a repo in  GENIVI github ?
  • Gunnar:  do we create a separate repo for the client ?
  • Sanjeev: in my opinion, the W3C server module will be become a submodule of the CCS client I will be working on
  • Gunnar: goes to github/genivi/ccs-w3c-client repo created, Sanjeev set up as admin of the repo

Second call - US friendly time 16:00 CET


  • Data Lake proposal
  • Data Categories, VSS tree update with EV signals (skipped since Benjamin is not attending today)
  • Value measurement formats
  • Sprint & backlog review
  • AOB
    • AW webinar


  • Ulf, Keith, Kevin Valdek, Ted, Michael Ger (Cloudera), Stephen Lawrence, Gunnar, Philippe


Data Lake proposal

  • Ulf: shows the following slide deck
  • slide #2 - VSS data lake = VSS tree with data over time and VINs
    • Michael: will this be done dynamically ?
    • Ulf: let answer your question later
  • slide #4 - VSS DB table structure
    • VIN table is the main entry key
    • how many tables will be generated ? actually quite a few table
    • at least more than 500 TV-nodes : 500 000 tables might cause a performance issue
    • this is why I changed the design to an alternative DB structure
  • slide #5 - alternative DB structure
    • # of tables is proportional to the # VINs
    • might be a better design, need to get the opinion of a database expert
    • Michael: might get this reviewed by a DB expert
    • Keith: with one VIN table, performance wise it should be ok, storage wise of course this is different
  • slide #6 - database definition
    • Ulf: we should not put the VSS path in the database, because if we change the VSS tree, we will have to spread the change in the DB
    • Ulf: a simplification of the tables is possible
    • discussion on the matches and data retrievals (not captured)
  • slide #7 - workflow to retrieve data
    • Ted: I am wondering whether people wull use a traditional relational database, IMHO we need to get the opinion of Adnan and Benjamin on the database technology selection (i.e. in relationship with the graph server)
    • Gunnar; we are very early in the implementation, we are not at the point to reach any conclusion on the database technology to use
    • Philippe: mentions Sanjeev's comment on using object oriented data base
  • slide #8 - deployment in CCS proof-of-concept
    • Ulf: I have already developed 95% of the VSStoDB adapter
  • slide #9 - how to develop / publish this
    • Ulf: my intent is to small modifications in the VSS repo for storing the VSStoDB adapter code
  • /TODO/ Ulf to ask opinion of Adnan and Benjamin on the VSS data lake design proposed in the presentation

Value measurement formats

  • Kevin: review is still on my todo list, will provide feedback on Wednesday
  • Ulf: same

Sprint & backlog review -  Jira tracker

  • review of active sprint
  • we start with the review of tickets assigned to Unknown User (kevinval)
    • Jira
      done, but the content of the wiki page is not deprecated, we might reopen the ticket in the future
    • Jira
      is done, however parent task is not done since we need to create other subtasks on the definition of the proof-of-concept scope
    • Jira
  • ticket assigned to Keith
    • Jira
      commented, for the time being we need a general understanding on the signal2service interface of Adaptive AUTOSAR
  • other tickets will be reviewed in a later call

AOB - Automotive World Webinar

  • Automotive World will schedule the webinar on 4 May, presenters will be Kevin and Gunnar, invite will be forward when it is available from AW

Wednesday,  April 1 - Communication Framework


  • vehicle client
    • Philippe reports on the call with Sanjeev (Samsung) (on Monday this week)
    • Ulf: talked to Sanjeev, the two of them will team to work on the vehicle client
  • in-vehicle OS
    • Philippe reports on the call with Bosch (on Tuesday this week) about the possible reuse of components from the Kuksa project
    • Sebastian Schildt:  Kuksa focused more on the in-vehicle stuff
    • Gunnar: this was our expectation
    • Sebastian cannot commit to deliver software to GENIVI with any deadline constraint, however he could offer
      • a Kuksa target board (1 or 2 samples) which is based on Rasperry Pi and can be plugged to the OBD
      • this OBD feeder could provide some sort of VSS feeder or a lower part of the VSS feeder that could be accessed through Web sockets
    • Tom said he is working on an infrastructure similar to CCS for the eBike project demo, there might be a cool alignment with CCS to look at. He will get back to us.
  • detailed design
    • Gunnar: shows the UML diagrams he added to the CCS PoC wiki page, these diagrams represent the relationships between some of the components of the OEM cloud and Vehicle OS subsystems
    • Ulf: it is a good start, it makes things possible
    • Ulf: I am ready to talk about the SignalStore and specially with the Bosch people if they are ready to talk about it
    • Ulf: I thought about the data lake today, I will come with a proposal on next Monday likely, with a presentation, based on the use of a relational database like SQLite
    • Kevin V: the UML diagrams shown are for the vehicle interface, how do we describe things on the neutral server side ?
    • Gunnar: in my opinion the UML diagrams could be almost the same for the neutral server to OEM cloud interface,
    • Kevin V: the dependency would be the API definition of the OEM cloud (relates to the graphql schema)
    • discussion follows on the grapql schema content, how the VSS tree is represented with it ?
    • the team agree they need to develop their own understanding of a graphql schema
      • /TODO/ Kevin to take sample yaml code of VSS and transform it into a graphql schema
      • /TODO/ Philippe to ask Alex whether he can share the graphql he is using with Gunnar DONE
  • next step
    • Philippe: expects the team to move now to the actual implementation of the first version of the PoC to be shown mid-May at the virtual technical summit
