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Value measurement formats

Wednesday,  April 22 - Communication Framework


  • graphql schema example
  • PoC design & implementation
  • Webinar & virtual summit workshop content: gathering of topics
  • AOB


  • Kevin V, Ted, Ulf, Keith, Gunnar, Philippe


Webinar & virtual summit workshop content: gathering of topics

  • Kevin: draft slide deck for the Webinar will be shared with Gunnar and Philippe to-morrow DONE

graphql schema example

  • Gunnar: Alex (BMW) is still waiting for a colleague to review his example before publishing it

  • Kevin: shows the tool chain Gunnar and he proposed to go from VSS2 to graphql schema, look at the model transformation workflow attached to


    • grey boxes corresponds to the open source implementation of the neutral server components that High-Mobility will provide

  • Kevin: explains the workflow and also a possible alternate workflow from VSS2 to 3rd party client (i.e. w/o going through the neutral server)

  • Kevin: for the demonstrator we will focus on the EV charging datapoints in order to show attractive use cases

  • discussion on the data packages and distance w.r.t. the data structures used by CVIM and Sensoris

    • CCS data packages (look at the high-level architecture diagram here) should be generic enough so that they can be mapped to any specific project data structures

  • Ulf: this format does not fit very well with Gen2, IMHO this is not seen in the vehicle but rather in in the cloud

  • Gunnar: this format might be used in the car but not for the transmission to the cloud, the format is not fixed yet, this format can be used inside the vehicle for storage purpose for instance, this still needs to be refined further

  • Gunnar: the state storage does not need to use a SQL format in my opinion

  • Kevin: I will document which format to put for which version of the proof-of-concept in the wiki

  • /TODO/ Kevin V to document which format to put for which version of the proof-of-concept in the wiki

PoC design & implementation

  • Gunnar: shows the code repo structure in github, repo names correspond to the actual implementation used
  • Philippe: jira will be structured according to a list of generic components corresponding ro the HL diagram

  • >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INSERTION
    shows the oeamdatabase implementaiton
    look at readme on github for the container dezcription
    shows the test files tests/test_files
    will continue to pachage the components according to this approacj as they become available
    the next step is to get the create table commend from Ulf (datalake
    Ulf: I started implementing the datalake using SQLite
    I talked to Sanjeev and I will implement the framework arounf the datalage and expose an API that the client will use to interfcace with Gen2
    Guna: what type of interface api between the vehicle client and the datalake
    Ulf i am working on a server actually that thelcient and the reosurce management canusz fro mteh data lake
    it it written in REST

    G. I am wonderinf whar we will get form having the REST Api between those componeents, I am wonderinf whete there could be sometging simpler
    ULf: imgo this is simple enough
    G. you are working in Go
    discussion on how to mkae interfacing simpler
    Ulf: we might reconsider tihs later
    G. it seems to me as some extra framework, but we will see soon*

Monday,  April 20 - Vehicle Data
