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Monday, November 18


  • Glenn, Amir, Gunnar, Kevin, Keith, Benjamin, Guru, Steve, Philippe


Debriefing of Cloud & Connected Services sessions at the tech summit

Project Charter

  • Keith: revisiting the project charter would be helpful, in particular identifying the deliverables
  • /TODO/ Philippe revise the project charter

Data Models

  • Philippe: in my opinion, it turns out that we can proceed with VSS as the baseline data model 
  • Glenn: VSS is very helpful, there is a need to have a better awareness about having a data model, there is a need to present if in next year's conferences
  • Glenn: we need to develop the data required by different use cases
  • Gunnar: we would like to put most of the BMW data model into the VSS work
  • Glenn: will be bring Ulf who is working with W3C in the conversation
  • Philippe: could the identification of use cases be done using the ones identified in Kevin's presentation of the communication infrastructure ?
  • Kevin: yes, use cases are also related to the data categories

Data categories

  • Gunnar: we need to make categories of data w.r.t. sensitivity of data, privacy, different laws and juridiction
  • Kevin: I propose to create a wiki page on data categories
  • Benjamin: agreed it does make sense
  • /TODO/ Kevin create a wiki page on data categories (for next week's call)

Data aggregation

  • then Gunnar presents his notes from the workshop
  • Gunnar: VSM we should look over this project , this is about combining the signals into other set of signals
  • Glenn: data aggregation is one of the most important use case from our commercial fleet management business
  • Gunnar: this relates to vehicle-side algorithms to aggregate data


  • Gunnar: there is a need for exchanging (short) video in a commercial vehicle context
  • Gunnar: it might be wortk looking at the use cases identifed in the 5G whitepaper
  • Gunnar: when it comes down to controlling a vehicle, specific remote APIs are likely better than data exchange
  • Gunnar: there is a need to look at DDS
  • Philippe: this is rather for the GPRO project backlog
  • /TODO/ Gunnar & Kevin add notes from the tech summit sessions to the page of wiki minutes

System design

  • Kevin: in this session, we discussed actually more fundamentals questions than the design itself like privacy, authorization, etc.
  • Philippe: I would recommend we start using the term "policies" when we want to describe the constraints / attrributes attached to a category of data

Data models gap analysis

  • Philippe: the participants need to review the google doc containing the gap analysis deliverables
  • discussion on how to bring the doc to completenss
  • /TODO/ Benjamin write an intro + a conclusion to the doc based on the list of bullet points
  • /TODO/ Gunnar write the section on Vehile HAL, i.e. on how to connect the Vehicle HAL to the vehicle data capturing infrastructure


Monday, November 5


  • Gunnar, Kevin, Keith, Gerald, Benjamin, Guru, Steve, Philippe


Monday, October 28


  • Gunnar, Kevin, Keith, Gerald, Benjamin, Guru, Steve, Philippe
