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  • GENIVI technical summit - content planning, additional information
    • registration link is at
    • content will be finalized this week, 3 tracks are planned: Connected Services, Android Automotive, Cybersecurity
    • quick poll on who will attend
  • is this relevant for CCS ?
    • g stands for Google
    • Gunnar: we look at Google rpc in the GPRO project when we did the survey on communication protocols, look at the list of technologies we looked at and the GPRO white paper
    • grprc is built on http2 which never took off, people are rather working on http3, gprc is likely well suited on web technologies, it is one of many choices that are out there
    • from my perspective, it is relevant but not more relevant than anything else, when it comes to protocols that are not REST oriented protocols, MQTT has more relevance
  • SAREF Automotive -
    • Benjamin reviewed the paper presented at the W3C workshop on data models for transportation, his findings on SAREF automotive are here
    • use cases identified in the paper are
      • Platooning
      • Automated Valet Parking (AVP)
      • Cooperative Perception Service (CPS)
      • Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs)
    • Philippe: these use cases fit well into the the future, i.e. much beyond a 5-year horizon
    • Philippe: IMHO currently in the CCS project,  short term is represented by the current High Mobility offering on the market, and the on-going work is rather looking at the mid-term,
    • Kevin: it would be good to ask OEMs what use cases are more tangible to implement
  • Gap analysis deliverable - review feedback of draft sections on VSS, Sensoris, etc.
    • Philippe: I reshuffled the pages a little bit and the draft deliverable appears now in the main CCS page table of content, look at Gap analysis draft deliverable
    • Philippe: Guru and Benjamin have provided their inputs, Guru added his inputs in the wiki, I added the link the CVIM doc prepared by Benjamin to the wiki page
    • Kevin: I reviewed the draft document on VSS prepared by Gunnar, the intro is not specific to VSS but fairly general
    • Gunnar: agreed, we need to ask again for the review work  the VSS doc
    • /TODO/ Daniel/Benjamin/Guru/etc please review the VSS doc
    • Gunnar: I will review the Sensoris section written by Guru
    • Kevin: I will review the CVIM doc prepared by Benjamin
    • Gunnar: Steve pointed us to two other data exchange standards from the Open Group
    • I found them to be mostly similar or related to what OCF might be doing.  I also found them to be fairly thin specs in particular O-DM but the messaging standard might have something useful
    • We are wondering what OCF think about it:
      • Is it used by OCF or not ?
      • Is it out of scope and covering other unrelated things ?
      • or is it overlapping, but OCF have created other standards to cover this instead ? (It might of course boil down to a simple XML vs JSON preference...)
      • Unknown User (don.dulchinos) Do you have any feeling on how well these standards are adopted?
    • /TODO/ Don review these data exchange standards from the Open Group
    • Gunnar: we should consider adding some info on SAREF and the Open Group work in the gap analysis deliverable
  • Design concerns wiki page - more feedback
    • link added to the CCS main wiki page
    • Gunnar: the topics / issues in the design concerns page should be transformed soon in a set of work items described in jira, Kevin has provided his comments already, other comments are welcome until next week call
    • I will also review the existing tickets in Jira that might be relevant to the topics described in the design concerns wiki page
    • Philippe: I will projectize this in Jira starting next week
  • Sprint & backlog review (end of Sprint 4)
    • Jira
      target date for producing the gap analysis deliverable is 8 November, we will present it at the tech summit
    • Jira
      /TODO/ Gunnar ping Michael Ger to get a Cloudera architect into CCS project
    • Jira
      Daniel said he is "back" and should start working on it this week
    • Jira
      /TODO/ Gerald please do
    • Jira
      see above design concerns, projectization will be developed further starting next week
    • Jira
      done, see above
    • Jira
      no news from Sebastian, Gerald Spreitz can you help ?
  • Enterprise data value: new topic to be added to the project scope ?
    • Steve: when I met with Ford last week, one of their concerns was how to make value out of the vehicle data
    • this is a gap in the CCS project charter according to Ford and GM perspective
    • Steve: it seems to me that these organisations do not fuly understand yet what means a shared platform for capturing and distributing vehicle data
    • Gunnar: one of the criticisms we had with the European OEMs concept of neutral server is that the OEMs will control all the vehicle data, we do not understand what the enterprise data value means for for the US OEMs yet,
    • Steve: theUS OEMs seem to be looking for which strategic partnerships they need to build for the vehicle data
    • Kevin: what kind of uses cases are foreseen , what kind of data rates are considered ?
    • Philippe: I would suggest to ask high mobility (Kevin) to deliver a company presentation at the tech summit because HM business in my opinion exemplifies what the enterprise data value is about
