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								   The GENIVI® Alliance is delighted to bring you the next edition of our public newsletter. If you haven't already done so, please make it a priority to "opt in" to receive future editions of the newsletter <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.  Help us promote GENIVI by forwarding this edition to clients and colleagues and invite them to opt in as well.
								<h2 class='highlight' style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
									In this month's GENIVI newsletter:
									<a href="#BMW">&gt;  BWM Case Study:  GENIVI's First Production Program </a><br />
								    <a href="#OPE">&gt;  GENIVI Maintains Production Quality Components in Open Projects </a><br />
						            <a href="#AMM">&gt;  GENIVI 10th All Member Meeting in Gothenburg had Something for Everyone  </a><br />
									<a href="#CAR">&gt;  The Future of Linux in the Car </a><br />
									<a href="#COM">&gt;  GENIVI's Community Approach to Standards Organizations </a><br />
									<a href="#EVE">&gt;  GENIVI Upcoming Events </a><br />							
								<a name='BMW' id='BMW'>
									<h2 class="highlight" style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
										BMW Case Study:  GENIVI's First Production Program
									In fall of 2013, BMW rolled off the line cars containing the first headunit based substantially on the GENIVI reusable platform.  Many lessons were learned by BMW and their suppliers during this project and a second project has already been launched showing substantial benefit and reuse.  A full case-study document is available for download on the GENIVI website <a href="" target="_blank">here. </a>
								<a name='OPE' id='OPE'>
									<h2 class='highlight' style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
										GENIVI Maintains Production Quality Components in Open Projects
									Since 2012, the GENIVI Alliance has placed an increasing number of high-quality, IVI platform software components into 	<a href="" target="_blank"> hosted public projects</a>. These components have not only been adopted into multiple production programs, but are also evolving to mature, production-ready components as adopters identify and patch bugs.  Examples include components that manage audio and graphics as well as system health and diagnostics.  
									Hosting this software in public projects has the following benefits to the industry:
										<li> They are usable by any OEM or supplier </li>
										<li> The maintenance burden is shared among a broader base of users </li>
										<li> Features can be aligned across multiple OEMs resulting in a "build-once and reuse" approach </li>
										<li> FOSS license compliance is assured through GENIVI's state-of-the-art processes </li>
									To participate in a project or to learn more about contributing to a project, visit the <a href="" target="_blank"> projects homepage. </a>  

								<a name='AMM' id='AMM'>
									<h2 class='highlight' style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
										GENIVI 10th All Member Meeting in Gothenburg had Something for Everyone 
									With over 35 technical sessions, two business-related tracks including a full-day Open Automotive program, important member updates, educational sessions and some great social interactions, the 10th installment of the GENIVI All Member Meeting (AMM) in Gothenburg was an exceptional event.  And with over 350 members representatives and another 90 non-member guests in attendance, the event was a great way to meet and greet a broad spectrum of IVI fellow travelers. 
									GENIVI President Philippe Gicquel kicked off the event with a member keynote noting GENIVI's commitment to speeding up development and making the platform more robust and easier to use and develop to. He reminded members that while 2013 resulted in GENIVI's first production delivery with several other production programs currently under way, GENIVI still has much work to do to build-out the platform and for that, all members are encouraged to contribute.
									Following the keynote, updates on each of the Expert Groups and both GENIVI Compliance Programs were presented.  From there, the technical tracks were kicked off and the day ended with a fantastic networking reception graciously sponsored by Ericsson. 
									Wednesday's programs included a full-day Open Automotive program on the subject of automotive in the Internet of Things.  This program explores both business and technical trends in the automotive ecosystem including, but not limited to, in-vehicle infotainment.  Since 2011, GENIVI has progressively opened its participation beyond members to the general public.  We are proud to say that almost 90 non-members joined several members to fill the room for the Open Automotive program and mixed with industry analysts to produce this one-day program, co-located with the GENIVI member meeting. Attendees not only benefited from a robust set of speakers, they also gained access to the GENIVI Member showcase, where member companies displayed advances in IVI solutions leveraging GENIVI's platform.  Video recordings of all the Open Automotive sessions are live  <a href="" target="_blank">here. </a>
									The member showcase event Wednesday evening resulted in 37 member companies presenting their technologies with 380+ member participants and guests in attendance.  Three organizations (BMW, Volvo and Symphony Teleca) brought cars equipped with GENIVI technologies and the show floor was abuzz with great business discoveries and discussions. Images from the Showcase can be viewed  <a href="" target="_blank">here. </a>  
									The last two days kept everyone busy with a wrap-up of technical sessions, some informative open source sessions, a few business presentations, and some hands-on training.  As always, you can't measure the effectiveness of an event simply by numbers of attendees and its program. Literally hundreds of "side-bar" meetings all over the venue took place which makes GENIVI's AMM always worth the effort to attend.  
									The next GENIVI All Member meeting will be in Detroit (Ypsilanti), Michigan, 7-10 October 2014.  This event will include Open Automotive '14 Detroit, which is open to the public.
								<a name='CAR' id='CAR'>
									<h2 class='highlight' style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
										The Future of Linux in the Car
									In 2008, the concept of using Linux as a base operating system for automotive applications was a science project. By 2010, at least two OEMs had production programs to deliver Linux as an operating environment for the IVI system.  Now, Linux is considered as one of the primary options not just for an IVI operating environment, but also for other systems in the automobile.  In fact, one could argue that Linux is the best overall solution for the automobile because of its flexibility, stability, and low cost.
									The challenge with Linux is one of fragmentation.  As with Android, adopters have the ability to fork and "roll their own" system, resulting in a variety of "one-off" solutions with a heavy maintenance burden.  While this is a possible outcome, organizations like GENIVI and the Linux Foundation are attempting to align and to produce a single, standards-based, platform for automotive Linux.
									Alignment of Linux systems occurs from the bottom up as opposed to top down. GENIVI and Automotive Grade Linux have done a great deal of work to ensure that GENIVI components, as well as Tizen IVI components, share a common base on automotive silicon. Cars are not mobile phones; they have different networks and sensors as well as different regulatory and testing needs. These needs are often reflected in the hardware provided by electronics manufacturers who build in various capabilities specifically for the automotive industry. Ensuring that Linux runs on these systems to support GENIVI's middleware is crucial and GENIVI members work closely together to identify appropriate versions of Linux to limit, to the greatest degree possible, fragmentation. 
									Above and beyond that work at the fundamental operating system level, GENIVI also collaborates across automotive industry consortia to bring implementations to market based on automotive standards. Ethernet Audio Video Bridging is an example of how GENIVI is bringing forward next generation automotive networks in conjunction with AVnu. Another good example is GENIVI's new Media Manager project which has attracted significant attention and contribution from a wide variety of companies (both members and non-members) showing how GENIVI can align interests around automotive requirements.
									While the marketing message around Linux is often one of organized chaos, automakers have managed to bring structure to this world by leveraging their deep knowledge of their own supply chains. It's no coincidence that software development uses terms like <em>Just in Time Compilation</em>, <em>Lean and Agile</em> as well as <em>Kanban</em>. These terms in many cases originate in the automotive world to handle complex multi-national supply chains, something that Linux and Open Source also have in common. Modern software development has taken many ideas about process from the auto industry and now it's coming full circle as car companies become software companies. 
									GENIVI is attempting to bring together automotive and software companies of all types to align technically and to work openly in hosted projects.  GENIVI is less concerned about who hosts the projects as it is that we move in coordination, away from the fragmentation that can severely limit broad adoption of Linux, and toward a single Linux platform accessible by and usable by any organization in the ecosystem.  GENIVI invites you to join this journey.  A great starting point is to visit the projects page <a href="" target="_blank"> here </a> or to participate in other open initiatives such as the <a href="" target="_blank"> Linux Foundation's AGL working group </a> or  <a href="" target="_blank"> Tizen IVI. </a>  
								<a name='COM' id='COM'>
									<h2 class='highlight' style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
										GENIVI's Community Approach to Standards Organizations
									What is challenging about standards is that there are so many of them.  A typical OEM or supplier must actively watch progress in hundreds of standards bodies and pick and choose those they wish to actively influence.  Monitoring the output of standards bodies can be a full-time job by itself.
								    GENIVI recognizes that its membership carries a heavy burden and has instituted a "community approach" toward monitoring and influencing important bodies developing automotive standards.  This community approach provides GENIVI members and the automotive industry as a whole the benefit of an aligned approach to the standards organizations rather than a single voice as well as sharing the burden of standards implementation across multiple companies.
									Last year, GENIVI joined the W3C and has been active in influencing and implementing Vehicle Web API standards. At the recent W3C face to face meeting held in conjunction with the GENIVI All Member Meeting in Gothenburg, the W3C's Automotive & Web Business Group gained consensus  to move ahead with the formation of a W3C Working Group to finalize a Vehicle Web API specification as a W3C standard.  A draft charter for the group will be presented at the next W3C face to face meeting co-located with GENIVI's October member meeting in the Detroit area. 
								   GENIVI also maintains a close working relationship with AUTOSAR and has recently provided funding for some proof of concept implementations of an emerging AUTOSAR standard.  GENIVI has also integrated into its navigation platform some of the work done by its members implementing standards from the Traveller Information Services Association (TISA).  And, as mentioned earlier, GENIVI is also working closely with other organizations including the Linux Foundation towards producing automotive-grade software.
								Membership in GENIVI can lighten the load of monitoring and influencing standards bodies through a community approach.  GENIVI welcomes your involvement in this community through <a href="" target="_blank"> membership </a> in the alliance.  
								<a name='EVE' id='EVE'>
									<h2 class='highlight'  style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
										GENIVI Upcoming Events
									<li><a href="" target="_blank"> Automotive Linux Summit (ALS) </a> Tokyo, Japan (1-2 July) </li>					
									<li><a href="" target="_blank"> automotiveIT International Congress </a> London, England (1-2 July) </li>
									<li><a href="" target="_blank"> CTIA Super Mobility Week - The Money Event - Connected Car Track </a> Las Vegas, NV (9-11 September) </li>
									<li>GENIVI All Member Meeting, Detroit, MI (7-10 October) </li>
									<li><a href="" target="_blank"> Open Automotive '14 </a> Detroit, MI (8 October) </li>	
								<a name='Comments' id='Comments'> 					
									<h2  class='highlight'  style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
									If you have content ideas for future newsletters or would like to give us feedback 
									about this newsletter, please feel free to send a note to <a href=''>Steve Crumb</a> or to <a href=''>Linda Braun</a>. 
							<td width="20">
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											<img name='Members'  class="image_fix" src="" alt="Total Membership 178 and Counting r" width="220" height="26" />
									<tr> <!-- content -->
										<td valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee" style="color:#333333; font-size:13px; line-height:17px; padding:10px;"> <!-- EDIT WELCOME MEMBERS HERE -->
											<em>See the list of GENIVI's newest members <a href="" target="_blank"> here.</a></em><br />
											<em>Total membership 174 and growing.</em> <br />
							<td width="10">
						</tr> <!-- End Welcome Box -->
						<tr> <!-- New to GENIVI Box -->
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											<img name='Members'  class="image_fix" src="" alt="Welcome New GENIVI Member" width="220" height="26" />
									<tr> <!-- content -->
										<td valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee" style="color:#333333; font-size:13px; line-height:17px; padding:10px;"> <!-- EDIT WELCOME MEMBERS HERE -->
											<a href='Join'>'>Join GENIVI now</a><br />
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												<img class="image_fix" src="" alt="Upcoming Events" width="220" height="26" />
									<tr> <!-- content -->
										<td valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee" style="color:#333333; font-size:13px; line-height:17px; padding:10px;"> <!-- EDIT UPCOMING EVENTS HERE -->
											<a href="" target='_blank' style="text-decoration: none;">
												Automotive Linux Summit
											<br />
											1-2 July 2014 
											<br />
											Tokyo, Japan
											<br />
											<br />	
											<a href="" target='_blank' style="text-decoration: none;">
												automotiveIT International Congress 
											<br />
											1-2 July 2014 
											<br />
											London, England
											<br />
											<br />	
											<a href=""   target='_blank' style="text-decoration: none;">
												CTIA Super Mobility Week - The Money Event - Connected Car Track
											<br />
											9-11 September 2014 
											<br />
											Las Vegas, NV, USA
											<br />
											<br />	
											<a href="" target='_blank' style="text-decoration: none;">
											    OPEN Automotive Webinar Part 3:  IoT, Software Management and the Connected Car
											<br />
											4 September 2014 
											<br />
											<br />
												GENIVI 11th All Member Meeting
											<br />
											7-10 October 2014 
											<br />
											Detroit, MI, USA
											<br />
											 <em>This is a members-only event. If you are not a member <a href='' target='_blank'>join</a> now.</em>
											<br />
											<br />	
											<a href=""   target='_blank' style="text-decoration: none;">
											    GENIVI Open Automotive'14 Detroit 
											<br />
											8 October 2014 
											<br />
											Detroit, MI, USA
											<br />
											<br />	
											<a href="" target='_blank' style="text-decoration: none;">
											    OPEN Automotive Webinar Part 4:  IoT, Safety and the Connected Car
											<br />
											9 December 2014 
											<br />
											<br />
							<td width="10">
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									<tr> <!-- content -->
										<td valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee" style="color:#333333; font-size:13px; line-height:17px; padding:10px;"> <!-- EDIT CONTACTS HERE -->
											<strong>Executive Director</strong><br />
											Steve Crumb<br />
											<a href="" target ="_blank" style="color: #0066cc; text-decoration: none;"></a>
											<br /><br />
											<strong>Member Communications</strong><br />
											Linda Braun<br />
											<a href="" target ="_blank" style="color: #0066cc; text-decoration: none;"></a>
											<br /><br />
											<strong>GENIVI Alliance Help Desk</strong><br />
											<a href="" target ="_blank" style="color: #0066cc; text-decoration: none;"></a>
											<br /><br />
											<strong>GENIVI&reg; Marketing</strong><br />
											Joel Hoffmann<br />
											<a href="" target ="_blank" style="color: #0066cc; text-decoration: none;"></a>
											<br /><br />
											Mike Nunnery<br />
											<a href="" target ="_blank" style="color: #0066cc; text-decoration: none;"></a>
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											Access previous postings of the GENIVI Alliance Public Newsletter<br />
											<a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none;">October 2013</a><br />
											<a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none;">June 2013</a><br />
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