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											<strong style="color:#666666;font-size:14px;">June 2013</strong>
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								<p> We are excited to launch the first GENIVI&reg; Alliance public newsletter as a channel to 
								    the automotive world summarizing recent happenings in the GENIVI Alliance!  We encourage 
									all recipients of this newsletter to "opt in" to receive future issues <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a>. And please 
									help us expand our reach and awareness beyond GENIVI member organizations by forwarding
									this first edition to clients and colleagues and inviting them to opt in as well.
								<h2 class='highlight' style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
									In this month's GENIVI newsletter:
									<a href="#BMW">&gt; BMW & Partners Share "Production Case Study" at GENIVI All Member Meeting </a><br />
									<a href="#OS">&gt; Consider Contributing to GENIVI's Open Source Hosted IVI Community </a><br />
									<a href="#W3C">&gt; GENIVI Engages in W3C Standardization of Automotive Web APIs </a><br />																	
									<a href="#EVT">&gt; Meet GENIVI at Upcoming Industry Events </a><br />
									<a href="#Com ">&gt; The GENIVI Compliance Program </a><br />
								<a name='BMW' id='BMW'>
									<h2 class='highlight' style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
										BMW & Partners Share "Production Case Study" at GENIVI All Member Meeting
									BMW brought its production headunit (installed in two vehicles) and its wealth of 
									experience to GENIVI's recent All Members Meeting in Barcelona last April.  Not less than 13 sessions of the GENIVI event were dedicated to lessons learned from the recent BMW production headunit project which leveraged GENIVI's software platform.				
									In addition to Graham Smethurst's opening remarks, 
									GENIVI members heard from representatives of BearingPoint, Harman, Magneti-Marelli, NVIDIA, WindRiver, and XS Embedded as they shared "real-life" experiences from their participation in the program.   
									As with any first project using a new technology, there were some challenges faced by BMW and its partners, 								
									but there were also many positives.  Leveraging Linux and open source components required partners to 								
									revamp their internal processes to ensure license compliance and to deliver the level of transparency 									
									BMW expected with this new model of software delivery.  Another challenge experienced by the partners 									
									was the lack of mature development tooling when compared to other tools used in previous development 								
									projects.   A growing number of tool vendors are joining GENIVI and engaging with development 
									organizations to respond to this need.
								<p> While each partner had different experiences, all participants in the program recognized that 	 there 								
									was "gain in their pain," as second and third generation programs will significantly reuse previously
									developed and hardened components as well as newly established processes - suggesting the end-goal of 
									GENIVI of reducing development cycles and cost may have taken a step forward.
								<p>Graham Smethurst presented a portion of this production case study during the 
									<a href='' target='_blank'>Automobil Elektronik Kongress</a> 
									in Ludwigsburg, Germany on 25 June.  
									During this conference, participants heard of the challenges and opportunities experienced 
									during the production headunit program, but were also able to sit in a BMW car and experience
									the resulting functionality generated by the program.
								<p>"I so appreciate BMW's transparency and commitment to the adoption of the GENIVI platform in this 
									first program and in future programs," noted GENIVI Executive Director Steve Crumb.  "I know 
									that the case study has given GENIVI members an inside view of the challenges and benefits of 
									adopting GENIVI's platform and I look forward to many others in the automotive ecosystem coming
									to that same understanding at the Ludwigsburg event." 
								<a name='OS' id='OS'>
									<h2 class='highlight' style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
										Consider Contributing to GENIVI's Open Source Hosted IVI Community
								<p>	GENIVI reached an important milestone with the launch of its first publicly hosted, code 
									development projects in 2012 consistent with its mission to drive the broad adoption of
									an In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) open-source development platform. 
								<p>	GENIVI is taking proposals for new projects and participation is open to GENIVI members, 
									non-member companies and individuals who develop automotive software and wish to consider
									hosting their code development projects in an open, automotive community of developers.  
									Proposed projects must have a base of code, a committed maintainer, a small developer 
									base and a preferred FOSS license.  If you or your organization has IVI-related code
									and you are looking to engage a broader community to improve and mature it, then we would
									ask you to consider submitting a proposal for that code.  
									Proposing a new project involves filling out the Project Proposal form
									<a href='' target='_blank'> PDF </a>  
									<a href='' target='_blank'> / ODT </a> and									
									returning it <a href=''>here</a>. 
									Questions about GENIVI hosted projects may also be sent to this same
									address. For additional information, please see additional information 
									on the <a href='' target='_blank'>website</a>. 
									A team will review submitted project proposals and reply with an approval and set of 
									next steps, clarifying questions, or a notice of non-acceptance. The criteria by which
									GENIVI's approves proposed projects can be found in the
								    <a href='' target='_blank'>GENIVI Project Acceptance Criteria</a>. 
								<p>	GENIVI is ready to help you become an active contributor to GENIVI projects.  If there are legal or internal
									challenges at your organization, we can help by providing education and best practices.  For more information on
									how you can get started, please look <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> for details or email 
									<a href=''>Steve Crumb</a> or <a href=''>Jeremiah Foster</a>.
								<a name='W3C' id='W3C'>
									<h2 class='highlight'  style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
										GENIVI Engages in W3C Standardization of Automotive Web APIs
								<p>	With the growing expectation that cars will be the next mobile platform for web-based applications and
									content, the W3C recently launched a Web and Automotive Platform Business Group to explore the 
									standardization of a web API for vehicles.  The group will look at the role of HTML5 and other web 
									standards as a means of meeting the user demands that applications and services work seamlessly 
									across all devices they own, including their car.  As a first focus, the group will define what
									vehicle data will be shared through a web API.
								<p>	GENIVI actively engaged early in the W3C discussions during an exploratory workshop hosted by
									Intel in Rome last November.  We have since hosted the group's first face-to-face workshop in Barcelona
									(co-located with our Barcelona member meeting) and most recently participated in the second workshop in 
									Tokyo last month.  The next workshop is being planned for November and is expected to be in Asia 
									location to be determined.  
								<p>	GENIVI's participation has been led by GENIVI member representatives from LGE and the Korea Regional
									Expert Group.  GENIVI has also become a full member of W3C and has seated four GENIVI representatives 
									to further contribute to the collaboration.  These four representatives form the core of a GENIVI 
									coordination team led by Pavel Konopelko, GENIVI Lead System Architect.  To engage others in this
									coordination team, GENIVI has launched a public mail list where discussions take place and W3C summary 				
									read-outs are distributed <a href='' target='_blank'>(subscribe here)</a>.   
								<p>	An early implementation of the GENIVI work done in the Korea Regional Expert group has been 
									launched <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a>.
									GENIVI intends to enhance this implementation according to the W3C standard produced by W3C.				
								<p>	GENIVI looks forward to the successful standardization of this important API, its implementation 
									in the open source community, and its adoption among automakers world-wide.   
								<a name='EVT' id='EVT'>
									<h2 class='highlight' style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
										Meet GENIVI at Upcoming Industry Events
								<p>	GENIVI is very active in a number of industry events around the world and we invite you to visit 
									us at any of the upcoming venues listed at the right to learn more about the alliance. Our event 
									strategy includes a variety of automotive events (CAR MBS, Telematics Update, SAE Congress, etc.) 
									and consumer electronics events (CES2014). We also regularly present, sponsor, or organize member 
									pavilions at these events in order to build an awareness of our activities and our members' adoption
									of GENIVI technologies.
								<p>	You will increasingly find us at open source Linux Foundation events like the Automotive Linux 
									Summits as well as at gatherings of open source developers at events like FOSDEM. 
								<p>	GENIVI would like to meet new developers, users and communities within and beyond automotive IVI.  
									If you are attending one or more of the upcoming events or wish to have a briefing on GENIVI's
									activities and progress, contact <a href=''>Steve Crumb</a> directly. 
								<a name='Com' id='Com'>
									<h2 class='highlight' style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
										The GENIVI Compliance Program
								<p>	This August will mark the second anniversary of the launch of the GENIVI Compliance
									Now at Version 4.0, the GENIVI compliance program provides a set of specifications for GENIVI
									member companies to measure their products and services. Those that meet the specifications may 
									be registered as GENIVI compliant and listed on the GENIVI website. 
								<p>	The compliance program is important because automotive OEMs are now making GENIVI compliance a
									requirement in their requests for proposals (RFPs) for new In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems.
									To respond to these RFPs, software suppliers, and their sub-suppliers, need to have demonstrated 
									that they can produce products and services that meet the GENIVI compliance requirement.
								<p>	The program provides the foundations for delivering the benefits of using the GENIVI platform.  
									These benefits are:  speeds time-to-market; reduces developments costs; provides code 
									broadens options for integrating and customizing solutions and increases IVI interchangeability 
									across vehicle makes and models.
								<p>	In addition to allowing multiple distributions to be compliant, the program encourages member 
									companies to offer different versions of components enabling diversity while still being compliant, 
									allowing replacement of a particular component or group of components with another open-source or 
									proprietary implementation that satisfies the compliance criteria.
								<p>	The compliance program is one of many member benefits of the GENIVI Alliance and we welcome 
									organizations to consider <a href='' target='_blank'>joining</a>. For further information on GENIVI's compliance program and
									current list of GENIVI compliant products, visit <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a>.
								<a name='Comments' id='Comments'> 					
									<h2  class='highlight'  style="color: #cc6600; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin:0 0 1em;">
									If you have content ideas for future newsletters or would like to give us feedback 
									about this newsletter, please feel free to send a note to <a href=''>Steve Crumb</a> or to <a href=''>Linda Braun</a>. 
							<td width="20">
				<td width="230" valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <!-- SIDE COLUMN -->
					<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="left" width="230" bgcolor="#ffffff">
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										<td width="220" height="26" valign="bottom" bgcolor="#717171" style="color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold;">
											<img name='Members'  class="image_fix" src="" alt="Total Membership 178 and Counting r" width="220" height="26" />
									<tr> <!-- content -->
										<td valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee" style="color:#333333; font-size:13px; line-height:17px; padding:10px;"> <!-- EDIT WELCOME MEMBERS HERE -->
											<strong>Altera Corp</strong><br />
											<strong>Ericsson AB</strong><br />
											<strong>itemis AG</strong><br />
											<strong>IVIS Co., Ltd.</strong><br />
											<strong>MyAssist, Inc.</strong><br />
											<br />
											<em>Total membership 178 and growing</em> <br />
							<td width="10">
						</tr> <!-- End Welcome Box -->
						<tr> <!-- Upcoming Events Box -->
							<td width="220" valign="top">
								<br />
								<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="left" width="220" bgcolor="#ffffff">
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										<td width="220" height="26" valign="bottom" bgcolor="#717171" style="color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold;">
											<a name='Events' id='Events'>
												<img class="image_fix" src="" alt="Upcoming Events" width="220" height="26" />
									<tr> <!-- content -->
										<td valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee" style="color:#333333; font-size:13px; line-height:17px; padding:10px;"> <!-- EDIT UPCOMING EVENTS HERE -->
											<a href=""  target='_blank' style="text-decoration: none;">
												CAR Management Briefing Seminars
											<br /> 
											5-8 August 2013
											<br /> 
											Traverse City, MI USA
											<br /> 
											<br />
											<a href="" target='_blank' style="text-decoration: none;">
												Linux Plumbers Conference
											<br />
											18-20 September 2013 
											<br />
											New Orleans, LA USA
											<br />
											<br />	
											<a href="" target='_blank' style="text-decoration: none;">
												GENIVI All Member Meeting
											<br />
											8-11 October 2013 
											<br />
											San Diego, CA USA
											<br />
											 <em>This is a members-only event. If you are not a member <a href='' target='_blank'>join</a> now.</em>
											<br />
											<br />				
											<a href="" target='_blank' style="text-decoration: none;">
												Automotive Linux Summit
											<br />
											24-25 October 2013 
											<br />
											Edinburgh, UK
											<br />
											<br />				
							<td width="10">
						</tr>  <!-- End Upcoming Events Box -->
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							<td width="220" valign="top">
								<br />
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										<td width="220" height="26" valign="bottom" bgcolor="#717171" style="color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold;">
											<img class="image_fix" src="" alt="Contacts" width="220" height="26" />
									<tr> <!-- content -->
										<td valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee" style="color:#333333; font-size:13px; line-height:17px; padding:10px;"> <!-- EDIT CONTACTS HERE -->
											<strong>GENIVI Executive Director</strong><br />
											Steve Crumb<br />
											<a href="" target ="_blank" style="color: #0066cc; text-decoration: none;"></a>
											<br /><br />
											<strong>Member Communication</strong><br />
											Linda Braun<br />
											<a href="" target ="_blank" style="color: #0066cc; text-decoration: none;"></a>
											<br /><br />
											<strong>GENIVI Alliance Help Desk</strong><br />
											<a href="" target ="_blank" style="color: #0066cc; text-decoration: none;"></a>
											<br /><br />
											<strong>GENIVI&reg; Marketing</strong><br />
											Joel Hoffmann<br />
											<a href="" target ="_blank" style="color: #0066cc; text-decoration: none;"></a>
											<br /><br />
											Mike Nunnery<br />
											<a href="" target ="_blank" style="color: #0066cc; text-decoration: none;"></a>
							<td width="10">
						</tr>  <!-- End Contacts Box -->
				<td width="5" bgcolor="#ffffff">
			<tr> <!-- Signature -->
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