Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • We anticipate that vendors will wish to introduce non-standardized metadata, either
    as a prototype for future standardization or to support vendor-specific additional
    requirements. It must be possible to include new metadata fields in an entry point,
    without coordination with a central authority.
 Extracted requirement:


301For example, this could be achieved by namespacing new metadata fields using a
DNS name (as is done in D-Bus), namespacing them with a URI (as is done in XML), or
using the X-Vendor-NewMetadataField convention (as is done in email headers, HTTP
headers and .desktop files).
GA: Yes. Needs discussion, to decide something.
GA: Did anyone make notes from previous call discussion? I don't understand what
people prefer here - make proposals, vote, and reach a conclusion.
PW: Guru said he was taking notes, but they haven't materialised here yet. From what
I remember, this question is determined by the choice of metadata format for entry points.
So since we've decided to go with .desktop files, the namespacing must use the
X-Vendor-NewMetadataField scheme.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : Agreed.
 Extracted requirement:
  • Because of the requirement that ordinary app bundles are not allowed to enumerate
    other app bundles or entry points, if a launcher is implemented as a user-installable
    app bundle (as is sometimes done on Android), it must have a special permissions
    flag allowing it to carry out that restricted action.
 Comments: GA: OK. Not sure if this is a
requirement from any OEM (to have a use-installable launcher). It could be
implemented using an app permission, or by having "native"
privileged APIs not available to any app.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] PW : e.g. third party call on system bus may not be allowed.As this needs fine
grain access control. This can complicate or make things complex. GA : Agreed to go ahead with the existing
 Extracted requirement:
309Some entry points might be flagged to not be visible in menus. For example, an app that is a
viewer for some file type such as PDF might register itself as a handler for files of that type,
but might not have anything useful to do if it appears in menus otherwise.
GA: This seems to be a policy question. Requirement is only to make this possible?
GA: (I need another discussion on definition of entry point, visible vs
background apps etc...)
PW: It’s not really a policy question, it’s more of an implementation question for the app developer. In the case of an entry point for handling PDF files, if the app doesn’t do anything unless given the path to a PDF file, it’s not going to make sense to display that entry point in menus on any vendor’s system.
JK: OK for another use case (e.g. hide an app icon from the launcher w/o removing)
but agreed w/ Gunnar. The use case above is based on the assumption that an entry
point to handling PDF shall be defined as other entry points having an icon,
which needs discussion.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : This should be left to the policy handling
 Extracted requirement:
  • Entry point metadata must indicate whether the entry point is to be
    visible in menus.
 Extracted requirement:
  • The mechanism used by the launcher to list entry points may either include or
    exclude invisible entry points. If it does include those entry points, it must also
    provide the launcher with an indication that they are to be made invisible.
 Extracted requirement:
316When the user selects an entry point, the expectation is that the program that implements
that entry point should be launched.
 Extracted requirement:
  • If the program that implements the entry point is not already running,
    the system must run it. (See also life-cycle management.)
 Extracted requirement:
  • The program might implement more than one entry point. It must be told which entry
    point was launched, for example via command-line arguments or an inter-process
    communication call.
 Extracted requirement:
323We do not anticipate that ordinary (non-launcher) app bundles would have a reason to
launch specific entry points in this way: we expect that if app bundles need to
communicate, they will do so via document launching, URI launching or data sharing. This
does not preclude one executable in a bundle from running another executable in the same
bundle directly.
 Extracted requirement:
  • Open question: Do ordinary app bundles need to be allowed to launch other bundles'
    entry points by name? If so, why?
 Extracted requirement:
  • Android does allow this, but Android does not appear to provide app
 Extracted requirement:
  • One possible use-case for a program launching a program outside its bundle would
    be to bring up the system settings. For example, Android apps that make use of
    location services often have a shortcut button to bring up the Location panel in the
    built-in Settings app, because the user-installable app would not be able to enable
    location itself, but its author wishes to make it easy for the user to do so.
 Extracted requirement:
336However, a vendor-specific Settings app is part of the platform rather than being a
user-installable app bundle, so the constraints applying to it and the APIs that can be
used with it do not have to be the same as for app bundles.
 Extracted requirement:
339This would also be easy to implement without launching the Settings app by name:
the built-in Settings app could register for URI launching as the launcher of a URI
scheme, similar to the way the iOS Settings app used to register the prefs URI
scheme, and the user-installable app could launch a URI of that scheme.
 Extracted requirement:


Document launching

344Some app entry points will provide handlers for particular file types.
GN :
 Extracted requirement:
  • An entry point must be able to identify the file types that it can receive. For example, a
    document viewer might register itself to receive Microsoft Word documents, Open
    Document Text files, and PDFs.|
 Extracted requirement:
  • We recommend that these are identified via IETF media types (also known as content
    types or MIME types), because the IETF media types are an extensible standard, are
    ubiquitous in existing operating system environments such as Windows, OS X,
    Android and freedesktop-based environments such as GNOME, and are part of key
    Internet technologies such as HTTP and email.
GN : This needs to be translated into requirement.
GA: IETF, but a human readable name also needed right?
PW: We assume that there is a separate mapping from IETF media types to human readable names for the file types. This exists as the Shared MIME-Info database on Linux systems.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : Agreed
 Extracted requirement:
  • The app framework must be able to identify the format of a file on secondary storage
    (flash), for example via its extension or "magic number". Unidentified files must be
    considered to have a documented generic format, for example application/octetstream
    in the IETF media type system.
 Extracted requirement:
  • Open question: it has been suggested that app-bundles should be able to define
    their own new file types. Is this a requirement?
GN :Could you
provide a use case why such a requirement is needed?
PW: This would be needed if an app needed to save files in
a format which does not currently have a standard content-type, and then
have those files launch it when they are selected in the file manager.
i.e. The cases where an app needs to register a new entry in the MIME
magic database. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
GA: IMHO the possibility to do it is a requirement. To allow it or not is OEM policy.
PW: Agreed, if we want to allow it at all (see the discussion below).
JK: Agreed
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : Agreed.
 Extracted requirement:
  • This requirement seems unwise from the point of view of system integrity: if an appbundle
    can define its own file types with their own extensions and/or "magic
    numbers", then it can introduce a conflict with other app-bundles or even alter the
    interpretation of existing files.
GN :Could you
provide a use case why such a requirement is needed?
PW: The use case for preventing this is to prevent
applications from assigning conflicting content types to existing files. A
file can only have one content type, and if the MIME magic database is
coerced into assigning the wrong type for it, the file will end up being
opened with the wrong application. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
GA: Let's dig deeper into the risks/opportunities of this. Mitigation for
conflicts? Do you mean can
be defined at run-time or can be defined in manifest?
PW: MIME type associations would have to be defined in manifests. They cannot be defined at application run-time because the system needs to know the magic bytes for a file type before it can work out which application to launch it with. However, manifests are trusted to have been audited when the application was submitted to the vendor, so we should be able to trust that each manifest only defines MIME types for file formats under control of that application’s author. And hence we should be able to guarantee there are no conflicts. So overall, I think I disagree with this part of the document (that allowing new MIME types to be defined is a risk), and think we should be able to allow it safely.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : GA : Rephrase as a recommendation to the policy maker. PW - Agreed.
 Extracted requirement:
363If this is implemented at all, we recommend that it should be tightly controlled by
app-store curators.
GA: Supplementary text / guideline. OK.
 Extracted requirement:
  • Choice of document handler: When a file is activated (for example by tapping its icon)
    from a non-app context such as the home screen, the app framework must locate the
    entry points that are able to handle that file. It must either choose one of those entry
    points for use, or prompt the user to choose one.
GN : Ok
 Extracted requirement:
  • When a file is activated from the context of an app (the initiating app), for example if
    the user activates an attachment in an email app, the app framework must behave
    similarly. It may opt to follow a different policy for choosing the correct entry point in
    this case; for example, it might prompt the user for confirmation even if there is only
    one possible handler.
GN : OK as Requirement
 Extracted requirement:
  • System vendors must be able to force a particular app to handle particular file types.
    For example, a vendor might wish to make their video player handle all
GN : OK as requirement.
 Extracted requirement:
  • If no handler is available for the selected file type, the app framework should arrange
    for a suitable fallback to be displayed. For example, it might show an error message,
    or it might launch its app store user interface with a search query for the handlers for
    that file type.
GN : Error handling requirement and choice should be left to vendor/OE specific handling
PW: I think the intention here is that the error handling is left as a policy decision for the vendor.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : Vendor specific. OK
 Extracted requirement:
  • No feedback to initiator: It should do this itself or by interacting with other system
    components instead of feeding back an error code to the initiating app (if any),
    because otherwise the initiating app would be able to use this as an "oracle" to gather
    information about the set of installed app bundles.
GN : Ok as requirement.
 Extracted requirement:
  • User confirmation: If exactly one handler is available for the selected file type, the app
    framework may launch it directly, or ask the user for confirmation. If the user cancels
    a request for confirmation, the app framework should neither launch the handler nor
    feed back an error code to the initiating app.
GN : Error handling
requirement and choice should be left to vendor/OE specific
PW: All behaviour apart from what is
required here is left as a policy decision for the vendor. The features
mandated in this line are needed for security — not feeding back an
error code is required to prevent acting as an oracle for the number of
apps installed which can handle the given content type, which is an
indicator of which apps the user has installed (especially for uncommon
content types).
GA: The possibility of user confirmation seems to be repeated from previous text. Simplify?
PW: Are you referring to line 369? I don’t think there’s any harm in explicitly repeating the possibility here.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] OK
 Extracted requirement:
  • If more than one handler is available for the selected file type, the app framework
    may launch a preferred handler directly, or ask the user to make the choice. If the
    user cancels a request for app choice, the app framework should neither launch a
    handler nor feed back an error code to the initiating app.
GN : Error handling requirement and choice should be left to vendor/OE specific handling
PW: See my comment for ID 384.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] OK
 Extracted requirement:
  • The app framework must arrange for the file's content to be made available in a
    location where the chosen app can read it (see sandboxing and security).
 Extracted requirement:
  • If the program that implements the entry point is not already running, the system
    must run it. (See also life-cycle management.)
GN : Could this be a vendor specific. It could be that system has not reached a state
/ condition which is a prerequisite for the launch an any app.
PW: We were assuming that the system would either pause the app launch until it is in a state to launch apps, or not allow entry points to be spawned until that time. i.e. That it can synchronise on its own state.
 Extracted requirement:
  • The program must be told that it was launched to open a file, and given the filename
    of the file to open, for example via command-line arguments or an inter-process
    communication call. The filename that it is given might differ from the original file
    that was activated, for example if the file had to be copied or linked across a privilege
    boundary to be made available in the program's sandbox. The program must be able
    to distinguish between this action and ordinary app launching.
GN : What could be a requirement for App FW?
PW: I suggest the final sentence becomes the requirement.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : OK
 Extracted requirement:
  • Programs should be careful not to treat documents received in this way as
    executable code, or assume that the source of the document is trustworthy. For
    example, macro languages in "office" document formats should be disabled, and if
    arbitrary code execution in a program can be triggered by a malformed document,
    this should be considered to be a security vulnerability.
GN : OK.
 Extracted requirement:
  • We do not anticipate a need for the initiating app to be able to influence the choice of
    launched app.
 Comments:GN :OK, what requirement can be framed from this?
PW: I don’t think there is a concrete requirement in either direction here.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : Info text
 Extracted requirement:
  • If the initiating app could influence the choice of launched app, a malicious app
    could potentially use this to break or undermine app confidentiality. For example,
    suppose org.example.Secret opens .secret files. If the app com.example.Spy wanted to
    determine whether org.example.Secret was installed, it could register an entry point
    com.example.Spy.SecretHandler which also opens .secret files, create a .secret
    document, and launch that document specifying org.example.Secret and
    com.example.Spy.SecretHandler (in that order) as the preferred handlers. If
    com.example.Spy.SecretHandler was launched, then com.example.Spy could be sure
    that org.example.Secret was not installed. Conversely, if
    com.example.Spy.SecretHandler was not launched, then com.example.Spy could infer
    that org.example.Secret was likely to be installed.
 Extracted requirement:
420Apertis Content Hand-over Use Cases contains some similar requirements-capture that
was carried out for the Apertis platform.
 Extracted requirement:


URI launching

423Some app entry points will provide handlers for particular URI schemes such as https,
mailto or skype.|
 Extracted requirement:
  • file URIs must not be included in this mechanism. Instead, they should be decoded
    into filenames and processed via document launching.
 Extracted requirement:
  • An entry point must be able to identify the URI schemes that it can receive. For
    example, a multi-protocol voice-over-IP client might support receiving sip and xmpp
GN : Can this be a requirement?
PW: Yes. In general I think that anything phrased as ‘must’ in the document should become a requirement.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : GN : Its a part of manifest field, PW - Yes its a std key
 Extracted requirement:
  • When a URI is activated, the app framework must locate the entry points that are able
    to handle that URI and choose one for launching, much like file type handling. The
    same points about choice of handler, user confirmation, and lack of feedback to the
    initiating app apply equally here.
 Extracted requirement:
  • As with URI schemes, system vendors must be able to force a particular app to
    handle particular URIs. For example, a vendor might wish to make their built-in web
    browser handle all http and https URIs.
 Extracted requirement:
  • If the program that implements the entry point is not already running, the system
    must run it. (See also life-cycle management.)
GN : Could this be a vendor specific. It could be that system has not reached a state
/ condition which is a prerequisite for the launch an any app.
PW: See my comments on ID 394.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : OK
 Extracted requirement:
  • The program must be told that it was launched to open a URI, and given the URI to
    open, for example via command-line arguments or an inter-process communication
    call. The program must be able to distinguish between this action, document
    launching and ordinary app launching.
 Extracted requirement:
  • As with document launching, we do not anticipate a need for the initiating app to be
    able to influence the choice of launched app, but system components might need to
    do so.
 Extracted requirement:
  • Programs should be careful not to interpret URIs in a way that a malicious or
    compromised initiating app could use to violate integrity, confidentiality or
    availability. For example, telephone calls and text messages (SMS) could cost money,
    distract the driver, or divulge sensitive information to a third party. As a result, an
    app that acts as a tel: URI handler may respond to URI launching by offering the user
    a choice of actions to carry out (for example "call" and "send SMS" buttons, perhaps
    with a text input widget pre-filled with SMS text taken from the URI), but must not
    actually initiate the call or send the SMS until the user requests it.
GN : How this can be achieved? or is this always routed through system UI. Can this be a vendor
specific for how to handle?
PW: I think this needs to be URI-scheme-specific for how to handle it. It could be vendor specific, but vendors will likely come up with the same approaches since the problems are fairly constrained. I don’t have any more suggestions for how this could be achieved beyond what’s in the examples.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : OK. PW : Need to extract req from this.
 Extracted requirement:
454Similarly, if a URI scheme is designed in such a way that dereferencing a URI can
cause content to be modified or deleted (an unsafe request in HTTP terminology),
then the program interpreting the URI should ask the user before
 Extracted requirement:
457Apertis Content Hand-over Use Cases contains some related requirements-capture that was
carried out for the Apertis platform.
 Extracted requirement:


Content selection

460App programs might wish to interact with data stored in locations that are not naturally
accessible to the app. For example, an attachment to an email would be private data for the
email app as run by the user whose email account is accessing it.
However, we would like to avoid such data passing through a per-device data storage area
that is shared between all apps (similar to Android's /sdcard), because in practice data
passed between programs will typically include sensitive data such as photos and
type : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
467The solution that is used in Apple's iOS and planned for the Flatpak system is to have an API
call that creates a file-opening or file-saving dialog. While visually presented as if it was
part of the requesting app, this dialog actually exists outside the app's security context (it
is privileged), and it is able to browse all of the user's files. iOS calls this the Document
Picker, while Flatpak calls it the Document Portal.
GN : OKtype : INFO
 Extracted requirement:
  • The app framework should provide a way to ask the user to browse for a file to open
    for reading, similar in principle to the conventional "Open" dialog on desktop
    operating systems.
GN : OKtype : Info
 Extracted requirement:
  • If the user does so, the framework must make this file available to the app program
    for reading.
type : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
  • If the user cancels this prompt, the framework must indicate this to the requesting
    app, and must not grant it any additional access to any files.
GN : OKtype : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
  • The app framework should provide a way to ask the user to browse to a location in
    which to write a file, and simultaneously choose a name for that file.
GN : OKtype : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
  • As above, depending on the user's choice, the framework must either provide a way
    for the app to write to that location and name, or indicate cancellation and not
    provide any additional access.
GN : OKtype : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
  • If the user selects an existing file outside the app's sandbox, it must be overwritten
    atomically if the underlying filesystem supports that.
 Extracted requirement:
  • The app framework may provide specialized versions of this functionality for specific
    file types, in particular images/photos.
GN : What do yo mean by specialized versions? what probably can be covered?
PW: For example, by providing an image preview in the file selection dialogue. This can be clarified in the text.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : GA : Replace functionality with more explicit info.
 Extracted requirement:


Data sharing

489The system might require the ability to enumerate the implementations of a particular
service or set of functionality. In this document we will refer to that set of functionality as
an interface. One use-case for this is that a global search facility within the platform needs
to discover a list of background services (entry points) within app bundles that can provide
search results in response to user queries entered into some global search UI; for example,
a Spotify client could use the search term to match artists or songs.
type : UseCase
 Extracted requirement:
  • Suitably privileged components of the system must be able to enumerate the
    implementations of an interface.
 Extracted requirement:
  • Suitably privileged components of the system must be able to communicate with the
    implementations of an interface.
type : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
  • If the system initiates communication with an implementation of an interface that is
    not already running, the app framework must arrange for the implementation (an
    entry point) to be started.
type : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
502An app might also require the ability to enumerate the implementations of a particular
interface. One example use-case here is that if an app will display a Sharing menu similar
to the UX seen in Android, it needs to be able to list the apps with which files or data can be
shared, in order to populate that menu. Due to the app confidentiality requirement, this
should only be allowed if the interface in question is one whose implementors are aware
that it will result in other apps being able to enumerate their apps. In this document we will
refer to this as a public interface.
type : UseCase and info
 Extracted requirement:
  • An app with appropriate app permissions must be able to enumerate the
    implementors of a public interface.
type : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
  • Depending on the system and the interface in question, a special permission flag per
    public interface might be required to list the implementors, or that information
    might be available to every application.
type : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
  • An app with appropriate app permissions must be able to communicate with all of
    the implementors of a public interface, for example via an inter-process
    communication channel such as D-Bus.
 Extracted requirement:
  • If an app initiates communication with an implementation of an interface that is not
    already running, the app framework must arrange for the implementation (an entry
    point) to be started.
GN : similar to ID 499
 Extracted requirement:
520The Apertis Interface Discovery design and Apertis Data Sharing design describe use-cases,
requirements and proposed implementations for this topic in the Apertis
type : info
 Extracted requirement:


Sharing menu

523One specific use-case for data sharing is a menu for sharing content with other users, for
example via social media, email or real-time communications, similar to the Android
Sharing menu.
type : UseCase
 Extracted requirement:
526Two possible UXs for this facility are presented in the Apertis Sharing design. Each UX
motivates rather different requirements for how this facility interacts with apps, and in
particular its impact on app confidentiality.
type : info
 Extracted requirement:
529Open question: Is this in the scope of the application framework? If it is, which UX do we
intend to support?
GN : Ux is not in the scope of App FW. However any interface that need to be exposed to UX
should be taken care of.
PW: UX is not in scope, indeed; but we need to know which of the UXs needs to be supported (both?), as it affects the underlying API.
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : OK, agreed.
 Extracted requirement:


Life-cycle management

532Under various circumstances (including those described in app launching, document
launching, URI launching and data sharing), the system must be able to start a program
provided by an app bundle.
type : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
535This topic overlaps with the functionality of the GENIVI Node Startup Controller, and more
generally the GENIVI Lifecycle cluster. It should potentially be considered to be an
orthogonal topic outside the scope of the App Framework design. Some requirements in
this area are outlined here in the hope that they can be used to clarify the division of
type : info
 Extracted requirement:
540The possible states of a program in an app are as follows:
  • Not installed
  • Inactive (installed but not running)
  • Running
  • Paused
    The valid state transitions move linearly through that list in single
    steps, as follows:
  • Not installed → inactive: install app bundle
  • Inactive → running: start (launch), see this section
  • Running → paused: pause, see this section
  • Paused → running: unpause, see this section
  • Running → inactive: stop (kill, terminate), see this section
  • Inactive → not installed: remove app bundle
GN : When in the Running state how the background or foreground of an app is handled? If this is left to the App how
App FW will not about which apps been shown in foreground and which are in background?

PW: It’s assumed that the foreground/background state of an application is basically orthogonal to its inactive/running/paused state, to the extent that inactive apps have no processes running; running apps can be in the background or foreground; paused apps can be in the background or foreground (but the (paused, foreground) state probably only makes sense transitionally). Multiple apps could be (running, foreground) if the vendor supported presenting multiple apps on the screen at once (i.e. a tiling window manager).
type : REQ
[App FW telco - 15-11-2016] : PW : this is covered in LCM f/w, GA, GN : Its a different philosophy. Here we need it at the App Level. agreed.
 Extracted requirement:
552Transitions do not skip a step: for example, a paused app process cannot be stopped
without first unpausing it, and an app bundle cannot be removed until all of its processes
have been stopped.
type : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
555Open question: some GENIVI documents have the concept of "activating" a program, which
appears to be distinct from launching it. Does this correspond to selection, similar to
single-clicking an icon in a desktop environment where double-clicking
would cause launching; or does it represent a transition away from an intermediate state where a newly
installed app is unavailable until an activation, enabling or licensing step has been
performed, similar to the concept of activating a Windows installation; or is it something
GA: Please reference the document in question.
PW: I’m not sure which document Simon was referring to. I’ll try to find out.
 Extracted requirement:
562As a prerequisite for sandboxing and security, app processes must be
type : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
  • The app framework must be able to start processes, either directly or by asking a
    separate service manager such as the Node Startup Controller to start
GN : Can this be a vendor specific?
PW: I suspect the mechanism for starting processes will be vendor-specific. The requirement that the app framework must be able to start processes is a requirement for all vendors.
type : REQ
 Extracted requirement:
  • Process tagging: each process executing code from an app bundle must be marked
    with the unique identifier of that bundle (for example by placing it in a suitably
    named cgroup or by running it under a suitable LSM context).
    Those processes and their child processes, whether running the same or a different
    executable from the app bundle or running an executable provided by the system,
    must not be able to enter a state where they are no longer identifiable as belonging to
    their bundle.
 Extracted requirement:
  • Depending on the vendor's UX design and the app author's UX design, the entry point
    might start in a default state, or it might start by restoring the last-used context. The
    app framework should be able to send a hint that indicates which of these modes is
    preferred (see the section on Last-used context).
 Extracted requirement:
576The application launch has various interactions with the graphical user interface. See
Apertis Compositor Security design for more detailed requirements-capture for the
interaction between the GUI shell and apps. The Apertis design assumes that the
compositor and the GUI shell are combined, as was done in Apertis' Mildenhall reference UI
and in GNOME's GNOME Shell. In a system where the GUI shell and compositor are separate,
those requirements should be read as being requirements for the combined system
consisting of the GUI shell and the compositor.
 Extracted requirement:
  • Processes may request that windows (surfaces, layers) are displayed. The GUI shell
    must be able to identify the app bundle to which a window belongs, so that it can
    instruct the compositor (layer manager) to display it (or not display it) according to
    its UX policy.
 Extracted requirement:
  • The GUI shell must be able to identify which windows belong to the same user-facing
    app, so that they can be associated visually, and so that it can prevent apps from
    setting up misleading situations like a dialog from one app drawn over another app's
 Extracted requirement:
  • The GUI shell might have an application-switcher similar to the one in Android. It
    must be possible to mark each app's collection of windows with a name and icon as
    is done in Android. This is important for the integrity of the UX — otherwise, it would
    be impossible for the user to tell which app is producing a given window, for example
    to see which app is responsible for an advertising popup (output integrity), or which
    app is requesting entry of a password (input integrity).
 Extracted requirement:
  • If application launching is in progress but no window has been displayed yet, the
    framework must avoid focus stealing: in other words, it must ensure that input
    intended to go to the previous foreground window in a particular screen area is not
    inadvertently directed to a window presented by the newly launched
 Extracted requirement: