Common vehicle interfaces provide standardized interfaces that enable interoperability with vehicle systems and between vehicle systems and external devices. Here are some of the use cases that are enabled by having common vehicle interfaces:
- Use case 1. Telematics Integration: common vehicles interfaces enable vehicle data collection.
- Note: This is partially enabled by VSS which provide the data model. VISS complements that by providing APIs but its scope seems skewed towards web access (MQTT, HTTP, web sockets)
- Use case 2. On Android, Common Vehicle Interfaces can be used as a default implementation for Android VHAL and Car Properties
- Use case 3. On Android and non-Android systems, Vehicle Interfaces can be provided as an SDK for integration by Application developers. This can provide a richer access and control over vehicle capabilities compared to the standard VHAL properties, and can be used on non-Android systems (QNX, Linux, .. etc).
- Use case 4. AUTOSAR can provide ARXML description that conforms to the common vehicle interfaces, and Tier1 suppliers can provide a solution that is ready out of box for integration with multiple OEMs as long as everyone conforms to these standardized vehicle interfaces.