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Android VHAL Requirements

NameShort DescripitionTopicReference
Usable by 3rd Party AppsAll vehicle properties must be usable by apps installed from the app store.SYSTEM vs. VENDOR propertieshttps://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/main/+/main:hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/aidl_property/android/hardware/automotive/vehicle/VehiclePropertyGroup.aidl
Consistent cross-OEM IDsAll vehicle properties must have consistent ID regardless of the OEM.
Extensible outside the platform

Vehicle properties should be extendable outside the AOSP platform code.

Permission per vehicle property

Each vehicle property must be protected by a specific permission to enable fine grain access.

Permission per read/write

Read and write access must have different permissions to enable read or write-only.

OEM defined access

OEM must be able to define which app may get access to which properties (read/write)

Dynamic permission grants

OEM must be able to grant or revoke access per app and vehicle property over the lifetime of the vehicle

Runtime, Dangerous permissions without user interaction
Concistent VSS based mapping

All vehicle IDs should be deterministically mapable to VSS nodes to enable seamless integration with any VSS based communication-middleware or similar.

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