Wards Auto Video

I can't help but to share an excellent video shot by Wards Auto during the GENIVI CES 2020 Showcase and Reception.  The brief video does two things really well.  First, it highlights that the work of GENIVI has moved "beyond IVI" and into the centralized and connected vehicle cockpit.  Second, the footage shows the popularity of this event, which has become an essential stop for many automotive stakeholders during the week of CES.  Take 93 seconds of your day to take a look at how GENIVI continues to bring together the global automotive industry at events like CES (link to video: https://t.co/IcyT4CtEkG?amp=1).  And feel free to pass this link on to your colleagues.

"Watching" this Blog

The GENIVI blog has a feature that you can "turn on" to proactively make you aware of when a new blog post has occurred.  For those who have credentials to log into the wiki (more on how to get those in a second), once you have authenticated, a link appears on the top right of the blog page that says, "Watch this Blog” and pressing it will result in notifications coming to the email associated with your login, whenever a new blog is posted.  This feature is only available for those who have login credentials to this public wiki (which is different than the member-only wiki).  If your credentials do not work or you have forgotten them, please email help at genivi dot org for support in getting your credentials sorted.  GENIVI intends to regularly post important information on this blog so save yourself some effort and hit the "Watch this blog" link today.

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