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  • wiki page for preparing the session is at 2020 October Tech Summit — CCS working session, the link to the updated agenda is there
  • the wiki page identifies also the expected contributors to each section of the working session
  • TODO all participants to add topics for discussion during the working session in the table at the bottom of the wiki page

sprint review

  • Augment Vehicle Data Model
  • Jira
    Benjamin presents his findings
    • vehicle motion interface specs mostly describe ADAS systems, a lot of stuff we are not interesred in (physical laws), describe some sensors and actuators, raw signals and intermediate signals, some systems are pretty simple, please look at Benjamin's comment in Jira

  • Jira
    Benjmain presents his findings
    • this work is much closer to what W3C is doing (REST interface, json payload on http), it is a top down hierarchy, with metadata, containers and subcontainers, there are some common elements with VSS sections, e.g. start time, end time, etc, iso description of map section ids

    • the message structure is pretty interesting, some links to ISO standards for time and location and good practices, this looks similar to we need in VSS to contextualize the vehicle data we define

    • please look at Benjamin's comment in Jira
  • Benjamin: it would be good to get an example of a json payload defined by Jaspar
    • Philippe: there are two more documents to review, assigned to Unknown User (benjamin_klotz) tentatively, please confirm you can have a quick look at them
      • Jira
      • Jira
  • Philippe: IMHO it would good to add a topic on gap analysis between Jaspar and VSS in the CCS working session, the rationale is that Toyota said they will identify someone for the CVII session at the upcoming AMM, we should also invite this person to the CCS working session
  • Gunnar: this is a good proposal, we have work to do to identify overlap and gap both for VSS vs. Sensoris and VSS vs. Jaspar, I will update the working session content accordingly


  • presentation of eSync Alliance scheduled on Thursday, October 14th at 17:00 CET / 8:00am PT: it will be scheduled during the regular Wednesday CCS call, invite sent

Wednesday 2020-10-07

US friendly time 17:00 CET


  • presentation of eSync Alliance scheduled on ThursdayWednesday, October 14th at 17:00 CET / 8:00am PT


  • Connected Services project charter
    • Philippe asks participants to review the project charter and provide comments by next week

    • Philippe: asks participants for their inputs on what should be the project deliverables; he suggests a combination of paper work (likely EA (UML) models, text-based specifications) and code (prototype implementation, proof-of-concept), reminds that Gerald presented the list of outputs of the various sprints identified in the workplan he presented at the last AMM (look here)
    • Kevin: the text is good, the charter will be useful for sharing with the HM team
    • /TODO/ all review the project charter and send comments to Philippe by email by next week
  • ISO Extended Vehicle update
  • W3C work status
    • Gunnar presents the content of the following wiki page Connected Services: W3C VISS/VSI specification status
      • discussion on proff-of-concept implementation of the VISS/VSI
    • Kevin: is there a general plan/timeline for VSS Gen2 ?
    • Benjamin: things will be delayed until the data models for transportation workshop has happened (scheduled on 12-13 September 2019)(look here)
      • current WG charter started on May 2018 and will end on June 2020, 
  • Sensoris
    • Gerald shows a slide deck (link TO BE ADDED) from Bosch describing the status of Sensoris work
    • Version 1.0.0 of the Sensoris specification will be released in the next days under CC-ND license
    • data provided by Sensoris are not only about the vehicles but about the environment
    • Version 1.1.0 will introduce the concept of "jobs"
      • jobs = login jobs running for a certain period of time for a certain fleet of vehicles
    • Gunnar: it would be good to identify how much overlap we have, shows the interest of different domain taxonomies
    • Gerald: it would be good also to set up a call with the sensoris project once we have reviewed the Sensoris specification that will be published soon
  • AOB
    • telco schedule
      • DECISION  we will start scheduling the weekly call on Monday afternoons at 4pm CET next week (8 July)
      • (added offline) cloudera and which are based on US Pacific coast have been invited to join
