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Wednesday,  March 25 - Communication Framework


  • W3C virtual meeting - CCS presentation
  • Communication Framework PoC - WBS update
  • AOB


  • Kevin V, Kevin de Sousa, Keith, Gunnar, Philippe


W3C virtual meeting - CCS presentation

  • Gunnar presented the CCS projet in the W3C virtual meeting which is happening this week
  • OEM attendees provided a very positive feedback on the CCS PoC block-diagram: "this CCS work is right in the middle of what the industry needs"
  • we might get additional support for developing the PoC and make it a reference implementation
  • recommendation is to decouple all boxes of the block-diagram as much as possible so that there is no vendor-locking for OEM customers, all parties should be enabled to pick up their own boxes and implement them according to the standardized APIs

Communication Framework PoC - WBS update

  • continuation of the review of CCS Proof-Of-Concept - Work Breakdown Structure, wiki page updated online
  • component #1 - in-vehicle storage
    • the selection of database is  perhaps to be shared with AASIG VHAL project

  • component #2 - in-vehicle VSS2 translation (a.k.a. VSS feeder)
    • we need to set up a call asap with Bosch to determine what could be reused from Kuksa project and to discuss the model transformation tools (VSS-to-Franca and Franca-to-ARXML)
    • /TODO/ Philippe to contact Bosch (Sebastian and Christian) for setting up the call asap
  • discussion on the simulator that might be used to feed simulated data in the poc
    • Keith: presents shortly the LGE simulator
      • the simulator is based on unify and can be run using ROS and be interfaced with AutoWare ( and Apollo (
      • the simulator provides driving itineraries corresponding to big chunks of San Francisco
      • the simulator needs to run on a very powerful desktop, it might be appropriate for a CES kind of demo
    • Philippe: the LGE simulator could be an option for the milestone #4 of the CCS PoC (demo at CES 2021)
    • Gunnar: what do you mean by interfacing Apollo ?
    • Keith: you can run Autoware or Apollo to enable the execution of open source ADAS stacks
  • component #4 - OEM cloud - vehicle client
    • there are several options for this implementation
    • curl scripts proposed by Gunnar are only a plan C or higher for the implementation, other options are to be analyzed first
  • short discussion on open source licence
    • Keith: would prefer Apache 2.0, MPL 2.0 copyleft is much too strong for the automotive industry (e.g. vsomeip used by Adaptive Autosar demonstrator)
    • Gunnar: currently, we are doing our shopping list for the poc based on existing components
    • Gunnar: it is only if new components are developed and hosted by GENIVI that the question of the open source licence needs to be analyzed, anyway GENIVI has a list of "green" licences and is not limited to MPL 2.0 if necessary
  • component #8 - OEM Cloud (Resource Management =) Data server API
    • Gunnar emailed Adnan (BMW) and Daniel (BMW) to get some clarity on their GraphQL work

    • Philippe: Alex (BMW) showed the work on GraphQL he did for the AASIG EDS PoC yesterday, his work might also help with this

Next steps

  • Philippe: we need to start thinking about the identification of APIs that could be standardized

  • Gunnar: we are at a very early stage, i.e. first iteration of the PoC, the identification of APIs will take time and several PoC iterations

  • Gunnar: I would propose to start a design justification wiki page for the poc where we can capture the rationale for selecting the components (currently the number one criterion is that the component exists)

  • Philippe: reminds about the following wiki pages Big Picture & Design concerns that might contain some useful inputs

  • Gunnar: there is this wiki page Vehicle data exchange protocols

  • Gunnar: I have also created the following wiki page Value measurement formats, the content was reviewed with Unknown User (benjamin_klotz) during Monday's vehicle data call and then augmented, it would be good you read it

  • /TODO/ CCS participants to review the wiki page Value measurement formats
  • Philippe: next week we need to go through Jira and do a sprint review and we need to kick-start the implementation work

GENIVI Spring Virtual Technical Summit

  • the virtual tech summit will be organized as half-a-day workshops scheduled to be either at US-friendly time or Asia-friendly depending the expected geo-location of the main participants
    • Tuesday 12 May afternoon (US friendly):  president's keynote and state of the union followed by a couple of sessions about "looking forward" topics
    • Wednesday 13 May afternoon (US friendly): AASIG VHAL engineering workshop (3 hours)
    • Thursday 14 May morning (Asia friendly): AASIG Audio HAL engineering workshop (3 hours)
    • Thusday 14 May afternoon (US friendly) : Cloud & Connected Services engineering workshop (3 hours)
    • this is still TBC but please make a note in your calendar

Monday,  March  23 - Vehicle Data
