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Friday,  February 28 - Communication Framework


  • continuation of discussion started in Monday 24 February call (W3C)
  • how to instantiate the big picture on different vehicle EE / Cloud architectures
  • AOB


  • Gerald, Ulf, Kevin de Sousa (partially joined), Kevin Valdek, Gunnar, Philippe


Communication Framework - W3C

  • Kevin checked Gen2

  • how Gen2 fits in the big picture: both rest and web sockets

  • explanation of what the CVIM container processing is all about (some kind of buffering), what happens if the connection is lost

  • Ulf: this is a good point, there is no buffering in the standard W3C work

  • Ulf: this requiement has not been put on the table in the W3C team, maybe we should raise the point in W3C, what do you think about it, Gunnar ?

  • Gunnar: I an more on the solution mode than the standardization side, the container holds the measured values, there are a couple of design options

    • you can build a function in the protocol itself and request the sequence of data points for the last hour for instance

    • you can also reuse VSS to represent a sequence of signals

    • you can also consider a pre-processing of the signals like an histogram in the car, i.e. on the edge, there is some metadata to be transfered to achieve this

  • Gunnar: we need to identify the boundaries of the W3C protocols and how we can complement / augment this work

  • Kevin: in today's implementation, the signals are lost (no memory of the sequence of signals), if we assume there is a value storage in the vehicle, we could perhaps send a request for giving the rpm for the last 3 hours

  • discussion on the data update process, ask for instance for the min/max data for the last couple of hours

  • Ulf: there is a possibility to use the query we have introduced in Gen2 for such a purpose

  • Ulf: go the filtering section (gencore.hmtl), you can search more than one node, you can also add metadata, in this context, it is possible to add some functionalities like the one we discussed before (with a time dimension)

  • Gunnar: it is possible for an OEM to override the metadata of a signal

Next step

  • Gunnar: we have some work to do to design the functions that we want: min/max, histograms, etc. and look how we can implement these, either in the query language or in the metadata
  • Gunnar: we need to gather the requirements ar the feature level
  • Ulf: Geotab has a pattern / method we use for "friends" to minimize the data we keep, the computation draws straight lines between points, we use this method for all data we send from the embedded devices we use
  • Gunnar: it sounds that we need a new wiki page describing the data processing features needed
  • /TODO/ Gunnar to initiate the wiki page DONE
  • /TODO/ Kevin to add an update version of the big picture diagram and the description of some components
  • /TODO/ Philippe to send an invite for the Wednesday call

Monday,  February 24 - Vehicle Data
