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titleNote: Multiple data models

Given its central role in abstracting vehicle signals into standardised data the Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is most often mentioned in the terminology below when discussing data models. In Data Centric Architectures it is seen as beneficial that the same technology stack be used for multiple data domains and that is the case here.

Rather than make the text unnecessarily long by continuously spelling it out in the definitions it should be assumed that the majority of components will also process data using other data models. A central Data Store for example is likely to store data from VSS, native signals and other models such as personal and privacy data.

State Storage / Data Store / Embedded Database

A component storing values for VSS signals in the embedded in-vehicle space.


Some implementation options:
Apache IoTDB, REDIS, (sqlite), in-memory-table, Realm

Data Server

A component that provides VSS data on-demand or with other features (subscription to changes, or a streaming/data-flow functionality). A
Data-Server primarily serves "remote" subsystems, for example a vehicle providing data server to a client in the cloud, or a data server running on one ECU providing data to another ECU.


1) A Data Server does not need to have its own persistent or semi-persistent data storage, which is a mandatory function of the State Storage, of course.
2)If State Storage has the ability for simple data interaction (e.g. get, set, and in some cases distribute data update notifications), then the Data Server has a more featureful data protocol.  Examples of such protocols are VISS, GraphQL, MQTT, and various data-streaming frameworks. 
3) A Data Server is often tailored towards talking to "remote" systems whereas the StateStorage more often is in a more local context (e.g. its clients execute as processes on the same operating system kernel, SoC or one ECU.

Data Client

A component that fetches data from a Data Server according to the chosen protocol. It typically interfaces with a database, OEM database or other, where it stores fetched data.

Event Framework Component

A component that implements logic to receive, process and redistribute events in an event-driven architecture fashion.  It must implement some kind of logical operations beyond simple "subscribe to all updates of this signal", and "notify all subscribers that this data changed".  If it has conditions like "Notify if this AND that event happened, and if signal value A < 3", then it is an event framework component.

In some cases the implementation of event frameworks have included some of the functionality of a data-server, data-client, etc. (see Variations)


A typically small component that is an implementation of a data source, and a binding/translator to/from non-VSS domains:

  1. It writes VSS signal data to a State Storage.
  2. It consumes data from non-VSS data sources and converts it to VSS-defined signals before writing into State Storage.
    The VSS signals are defined by one/more VSS catalog(s)  (=The shared VSS standard catalog and/or additional catalogs). The non-VSS format can be any data source and typically requires some kind of definition catalog as well. Finally, a conversion-mapping information between the non-VSS and VSS data definitions would be required.
  3. A feeder may connect to specific technologies where non-VSS data is provided.  Example: A CAN-bus VSS-feeder, ingests CAN signals, converts to appropriate VSS catalog signals, and write those into a State Storage.
  4. While it is less common, the same feeder component can of course handle "written" signals as well (data is read from state storage, written to the non-VSS domain).

OEM Database (a.k.a. Cloud database, a.k.a. Data Lake)

A cloud-oriented database oriented towards storing large amounts of data typically from many sources (many vehicles) in order to provide views into the the whole set to OEM data clients.

It is operated/controlled by OEM. 

Implementation:  Full-scale databases, either SQL, No-SQL, or Time-Series oriented.   Depending on scale, it may of course involve also massively parallel and distributed database technologies.

Neutral server Database (a.k.a. Cloud database, a.k.a. Data Lake)

Operated/controlled by a Neutral Server Company a.k.a. Data Broker. 
Technology-wise we expect similar options as for the OEM database description.

3rd party application


3rd party cloud application

Some individually developed program that uses the vehicle data. Typically such an application is connected to OEM cloud or Neutral Server cloud.


Potential Todos.  Define: 
Access-control related components. 
Software component repositories (for SOTA) and software deployment controllers.

Abstract protocol names


Note on Design Variations, consolidation/splitting of these functions.

These component names are to facilitate discussion and description of SW architecture, but do not strictly put limits on the design.  In other words, a system is not required to be strictly partitioned into all of these named parts.
