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CatenaX open data ecosystem for the automotive industry using open standards

Introduction to CATENA-X and quality use case

@Christoph Marquardt

tentative, contact Sebastian Schildt
Day 3

Session Time

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3 



09:00 - 09:45

Architecture and Infrastructure Working Session


BMW & MongoDB VSS-based Data Middleware PoC - Tiered Sync 

Christian Muehlbauer 

Arnaldo Vera 

Stephen Lawrence 


Discussion of central data service reference playground

This is related to the BMW/MongoDB session above. Topic is evolution towards a public reference playground as previously discussed in Porto and the Data Architecture call.

Christian Muehlbauer 

Stephen Lawrence 

Workshop:  Creation of a Connected Vehicle Safety Ecosystem

The concept behind the “Connected Vehicle Safety Ecosystem” is twofold:

  1. Build coalition of auto industry technology providers with complementary capabilities that will work seamlessly together to help prevent vehicle crashes in the first place – and when crashes do happen – to dramatically improve emergency responder response time and effectiveness, as well as victim safety, recovery time and convenience.
  2. Second, make it far easier for OEMs to understand and appreciate what each ecosystem partner brings to this broader public safety value proposition/business model, how our respective technologies work with (and complement) each other to seamlessly and dramatically change the game in helping to prevent crashes, deliver far more effective emergency response when they do, and to deliver to their customers an unprecedented level of care to keep them safer at all points in their journeys.

This discussion will highlight collective potential contributions of our ecosystem portfolio, including:

  • Maximizing our individual and collective impact: what each company brings to this broader public safety value proposition, and how we can deliver exponentially more value by working together
  • How our respective technologies work together/complement each other
  • Our collective data, and how it can be leveraged for maximum benefit
  • Helping our shared OEM customers to better understand how each of our “pieces” fit together from a technical and business model perspective
  • How we as an ecosystem fit within the overall safety value chain – and how revenue can be made and appropriately shared

Workshop led by Craig Keller and Tim VanGoethem from ESS.

Will be inviting a number of companies interested in Vehicle Safety and might be expanding the participants leading interactive and collaborative discussions.  Will be reaching out others after this session is approved.

09:45 - 10:00


Title:  A strategic perspective on emerging technology trends and transformation in the automotive industry

ABSTRACT: The automobile is undergoing the biggest transformation of its 100-year-old history. Beyond the traditional utility as a mode of transportation, vehicles are fast evolving as a platform that seamlessly connects with our digital living, delivering content and services, transcending to a mobile living space. While this transformation is often described using the CASE paradigm (i.e., Connectivity, Autonomous tech, Services and Electrification), the foundation of the shift is really the redesign from a mechanical hardware-centric system to a cloud-connected compute platform where each function is executed via a service-oriented architecture. Looking through this lens, the presentation will explore the emerging Software-defined Vehicle or SDV and its impact on every aspect of the industry including product development, supply chain ecosystem, talent management, and how we manage and perceive the role of data in future value creations.   

Speaker is Partha Goswami (former Senior Mgr. Technology Trends and Insights at GM)


10:00 - 10:15Break

10:15 - 11:00

Architecture and Infrastructure Working Session

Creation within the community of a set of documentation, patterns, best practices, cookbooks and HowTos for Covesa technology, with an initial focus on VSS and it's eco-system.

Workshop the creation and publishing of technical documentation that supports scaling and adoption of Covesa strategic vision. Be it design patterns, data architecture, cookbooks and howtos.

Stephen Lawrence 

VSS in-vehicle: KUKSA State of the Union

Recent Updates and Roadmaps, "The return of VISS", Android options

Sebastian Schildt 

TITLE:  Workshop - Vehicle as a Wallet

The In Car Wallet - Payments & Orchestration project aims to develop and implement a secure and convenient payment system framework for vehicles, enabling drivers to securely store payment credentials and conveniently make transactions for various services directly from their vehicles. The project will involve designing and integrating a payment platform that enables OEMs to offer a comprehensive payments platform that enables seamless transactions. The project will also incorporate the various parties in the payment ecosystem, which are required to ensure seamless transactions processing on an international scale. The project team will work collaboratively to ensure the successful implementation of this innovative solution.  Come attend this collaborative and interactive workshop session and meet all the other contributing companies supporting the initial launch of this project initiative.

Vehicle as a Wallet Launch Workshop

  • Stellantis (Ajit Asirvadam) - Yes
  • Starfish (Jens Kohnen ) - Yes
  • (Vamsi Putrevu) - Yes
  • John Moon (or someone else if John is not coming to AMM)
  • (Evgeny Klochikhin CEO) just joined as a member
  • GAIWARE (Boris Zlatarov or Georg Radev) current new member
  • Endava - Robert Mazzola (or their IVP expert from Europe Andy Davies).
  • Mercedes Benz (Mark Gerban)  possible new member and will not know if he can travel for a few more weeks.
  • Others to be invited

8/23 scheduling a call next week with the IVP vehicle as a wallet team to begin working on content presented at the AMM in this workshop.  We are also working on finalizing the Vehicle as a Wallet project which is the main fuel for this workshop session

Confirm- Sheeva, Endava, Gaiware need Bios for Ajit/Jens

11:00 - 11:45

Architecture and Infrastructure Working Session

Stephen Lawrence 

Vehicle data server southbound architecture

An architecture is described where the southbound side of a vehicle data server utilizes a data store and a feeder to realize the interaction with the underlying vehicle subsystem

Ulf Bjorkengren 

Title: Streaming/data sharing impact on the SW & HW architectures

ABSTRACT: Is there a standard to help OEM’s? For mass adoption it is important to have open standards to maximize the number of experiences and never before imagined ways we use mobility. These standards must not go to far to limit innovation and competition. What are the benefits, risks, regulations and possibilities to the providers and end consumers?

  • Michael Blicher (MODERATOR from Innovation Works)
  • Tuxera (YES - Confirmed Bernd Niedermeier)
  • Cinemo (YES - Confirmed)
  • xperi  possible new member (they are checking for who will speak)
  • SONY  (Seeking approvals for travel - Joseph Perry)
  • NXP (Ragan Dunham - Application Engr. Manager at NXP

8/15 now recruit panelists 

8/23 Tuxera sent bio & headshot

Cinemo is confirming travel and who will be on the panel (reminder sent 8/25)

8/24 Xperi is getting approvals next week and also working on membership

8/25 sent reminder to Sony

8/25 sent reminder to NXP.  NXP confirmed (Karin can you add Ragan Dunham?) need Bio

11:45 - 12:15

Architecture and Infrastructure Working Session

Stephen Lawrence 

Easy Prototyping with ProtoPie and VSS

Show how designers can get access to real vehicle data when prototyping - by using VSS it becomes easy to connect and reuse between OEMs 

Emil Dautovic


Title: Design Tooling - A New Designers Frontier 

ABSTRACT: The acceleration of new technology like AI, Connectivity, Augmented Reality, Computer Vision, Blockchain, Real-time 3D, and more, also means the acceleration of consumer expectations. How does COVESA add value to members, not only keeping up with trends, but leading the way? Member input is key to providing that all get the maximum benefit.

  • Unity / Epic Games (possible new member?)
  • Innovation Works (Confirmed)
  • Siili USA (determing who will be speaker right now)
  • Rightware (back from vacation end of August)
  • Parrish Hanna (Capgemini)? new member likely?

8/15 recruiting panelists

12:15 - 13:00Lunch

13:00 - 13:15

Vehicle Common Interfaces 


uServices – A Step towards a standardized vehicle Interfaces for SDV


The automotive industry is undergoing a rapid transformation with increased connectivity and digitalization, necessitating the development of standardized interfaces to ensure seamless integration and interoperability across diverse systems. uServices, a platform-independent solution, offers a comprehensive catalog of vehicle interfaces that provide a standardized approach for accessing vehicle data and sending commands and requests to vehicles from in-vehicle software, cloud, or mobile applications. By establishing these interfaces, uServices facilitate seamless communication and data exchange between different components, promoting efficient collaboration within the automotive ecosystem.

 uServices interfaces support a variety of interaction patterns, including Publish/Subscribe and Client/Server, enabling flexible and efficient data exchange. These interfaces are defined using protobuf, a widely adopted technology, ensuring compatibility and interoperability. uServices are also compatible with eclipse-uProtocol and are largely compatible with COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) further enhancing their integration capabilities..

This session will introduce uServices and explain how the standardized vehicle interfaces are fostering seamless integration, interoperability, and streamlined data exchange across diverse systems within automotive industry.f

Halim Ragab 


(reserved for a 15 minute presentation from one of our members)

13:15 - 14:00

Vehicle Common Interfaces

Vehicle API Synch w/ AUTOSAR

Neil Puthuff 

Erik Jaegervall 

Tim Welsch 

Adnan Bekan 

(Adnan as lead)

Title: Vehicle Experience Explore All Collaboration Workshop

ABSTRACT - OEM’s continue to evolve user experiences. New vehicle capabilities, streaming services and emerging applications all are impacting the ecosystem, along with a plethora of additional information to be communicated to the occupants. The Vehicle Experience BoF is all about the Journey. Driver & passengers interact with the vehicle and content throughout the journey. The
proliferation of ADAS, Connectivity, Electrification, Autonomous, and Shared all bring nuance &
expectations in the interaction, display of information and non-distracted controls. The power of community will benefit those who desire to take advantage of it.   

No one company or person will own, shape or define this. The greater connected vehicle ecosystem will.  Join us at this collaborative IVE workshop and discover how your organization can get engaged and help define drive future IVE project initiatives.

  • Stellantis (Brad Gieske and Dan Cashen group leads)
  • Michael Blicher (Innovation Works)

14:00 - 14:45

Vehicle Common Interfaces

Title:  Impacting the Future of In-Vehicle Experiences

ABSTRACT: As automakers move from micro-experiences, like parking assist to macro-experiences like a “good” morning commute we need to look beyond just technology that provides features and functions. We will be explore how tech such can enhancement location-based experiences both in and out of the vehicle. The concept of Experience Based Design will aid in brand loyalty, new opportunities for monetization and change the world of mobility.

  • Aiden
  • TomTom ??? or Here ??? 
  • Qt Group ??? (what they are doing with EV & TomTom?)
  • Sheeva AI (Evgeny Klochikhin CEO)
  • Parkopedia   possible new member
  • Stellantis or Ford (TBD)

8/15 now recruiting for panelists


14:45 - 15:00

Vehicle Common Interfaces


15:00 - 15:30

Vehicle Common Interfaces


(reserved for a 25-30 minute presentation from one of our members)

15:30 - 16:00

VSS Evolvement Workshop

The VSS catalog has grown organically over many years, but we still do not have a clear definition on what the catalog shall cover. This workshop intend to discuss a few topics related to the VSS catalog

  • Content
    • What areas shall the VSS catalog cover
    • Are there any prioritized areas to add?
    • Are there any areas that possibly shall be removed? OBD?
  • Format
    • Source format as of today is *.vspec (Yaml plus extension for include)
    • Would any other source format be better, for example to support API generation?
    • Important aspects for source format (Validation, Reuse, Backward-compatibility...)

Erik Jaegervall 

This session can be adapted in size from 45 minutes to 2 hours


(reserved for a 25-30 minute presentation from one of our members)

16:00 - 16:15

See above?

16:15 - 16:45

Data Expert Group wrap up

17:00 - 18:00Brews & Brainstorming
