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Comment: 17th July minutes


Historical note: the minutes for the previous project, the CVII Tech Stack, can be found here: CVII Technology Stack meeting notes

17th July 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • Fall  AMM: We need to firm up plans as the end of month is approaching. This is in part also a discussion of the group roadmap towards the AMM.
  • AoB
    • Christian: Simulators


  • Playground Kanban 
    • Christian expects to make greater progress on Knowledge connector next week
    • Steve is working on an example for the IoTDB data processing PR. He's got ok from RemotiveLabs to use some of their data.
    • Steve has been contacted by Halim from GM. He is checking the uProtocol Simulator status
    • Knowledge Layer Connector
      • Christian asks about connecting to IoTDB in the Playground
        • During development phase can simply connect to the iotdb-service container running the IoTDB server either from host or another containers as you wish.
        • For deployment we will need to discuss how to integrate the connector, but for example it could be a knowledge-layer image that becomes a service in the playground compose.
  • Fall AMM
    • BMW internal meeting was pushed back. Christian should have news next week.
    • Steve: Chicken and egg on workshops. Holding workshop on playground internals will depend on participation else it might make more sense to join the verticals (commerical, safety, insurance) and discuss use-cases and playground use.
  • Simulator
    • Christian: we have been thinking internally about connecting simulators to the Playground, including the information layer and I wanted to discuss this publically.
    • Discussion:
      • Various simulators will be needed.
      • It's agreed its helpful if only minor glue code is needed to make connections. For that to be possible appropriate documentation is needed for interface integration.
      • Some 'playback' will be as simple as ETL style operations of loading data sets into the DB
      • Standalone collection of data sets reusable across examples is a need.

10th July 2024



  • Kanban meeting:
    • Waiting on GM to return from break for uProtocol simulator update
    • IoTDB Data Processing functions: Steve has updated the PR to add online documentation for the changes.
      • Next is Grafana, plus an example
    • Knowledge Connector: Christian explained updates to the PR, e.g. DB router changes.
      • Discussion in the DB Schema section about challenges of maintaining a single source of truth when relating data models as is typically needed with knowledge layer.
      • For the connector itself it seems ok if it uses a particular approach to communicate the wider idea of using Rules based reasoning. That is internal to the blackbox and other approaches could be used in implementation.
  • DB Schema:
  • Fall AMM
  • Summer holidays:
    • Ulf: off next week and 1 after. Probably some further break later in summer.
    • Sven: 3 week break coming up.
    • Christian: Long break from 8th Aug.
    • Steve: will take 1-2 week break, probably in Aug, to match when others are off.

3rd July 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • Docker: Brief summary of my PR above.
  • DB Schema generation: I had some discussion with Gunnar in CVI about this. Basically keeping the meta-data for it with VSS as a layer, rather than dislocated in for example a template language config file. I think ultimately I need to write a fuller proposal that can be discussed, but it perhaps warrants a short discussion if people have input to help form the ideas.
  • Fall AMM: deadline for talks is end of the month. We need to discuss what we want to do, including the possible extra technical day.
  • AoB
